Wu Zetian nodded slightly, and said no more, turned and left.

  The matter of the [Yangzhou Mutiny] has been made public. In order to prevent Li Jingye from knowing in advance, she must take action immediately and suppress it in Germination.

  Heaven point!

  Everything is a mystery!

  The successive questions of Ying Zheng and Wu Zetian further aroused everyone's yearning for Tian Ji Dian.

  Just as everyone was anxiously waiting, the time for the update of the [Behind the Scenes List] has finally arrived. .

Chapter 59

  Time passed slowly, and it was noon in the blink of an eye.

  Those who were chatting in the rivers and lakes finally couldn't sit still, and they all looked at Feng Chen.

  "Master Tianji, the time has come, can you update the [Black Hand List]?"

  In the private room on the third floor, Bu Jingyun said in a deep voice.

  Three times in a row, all the world will return without success.

  This made him feel very angry, and he was bound to successfully win the heavenly reward this time.

  On the white jade platform, Feng Chen raised his head slightly, as if he was observing the stars in the dark.

  "The three-day period has come, and the [Behind the Scenes Black Hand List] will be updated."

  "[Backstage Black Hand List] Seventh place, Shangguan Jin, the owner of the Qingyi Building in Daming."

  After a while, Feng Chen said slowly.

  "Tsing Yi Building?"

  As soon as these three words came out, all the big players in the audience exclaimed in surprise.

  In the past two decades, the Tsing Yi Building has gained a great reputation in the Daming Rivers and Lakes, known as the number one killer organization.

  I don't know how many heinous crimes have been committed, and even the heads of many sects have been assassinated by them.

  But on the [-]th floor of Tsing Yi, every floor is deeply hidden.

  So far, no one has been able to find the headquarters of Tsing Yi Building, and no one knows the identity of the owner of Tsing Yi Building.

  Unexpectedly, in Tianji Building today, it was exposed by the owner of Tianji.

  "Oh my God! The Tianji Building is so powerful that 827 has even exposed the mysterious Tsing Yi Building."

  "On the [-]th floor of Tsing Yi, Hulong Villa, Dongchang, and Six Gates have been traced for so many years to no avail. Today, it finally comes to the surface."

  "Shangguan Jin? I've never heard of this name before. As expected of the owner of the Tsing Yi Building, it's hidden too deep."

  "It's scary, I thought the owner of the Tsing Yi Building would definitely be among the top three in the [behind-the-scenes ranking]."

  "There won't be a problem with this [Black Hand List], why is the owner of the Tsing Yi Building only ranked seventh?"

  "Everyone gets killed by the killer organization, and the owner of Tianji has exposed it well this time!"

  "How can the owner of Tianji make a mistake? It can only be said that there are too many people behind the scenes in Daming."

  "It's hard to imagine how strong and insidious the mastermind behind the Qingyi Building should be."

  "I'm sorry for being born in Daming."


  In the hall, the sound of discussion almost broke through the roof.

  With the strength, mystery, and brutality of Tsing Yi Building, it is not surprising that it can be listed on the list.

  But what they couldn't guess was that the owner of the Tsing Yi Building, who made the Ming Dynasty bloody, was only ranked seventh on the list.

  In the private room on the third floor, Shangguan Haitang suddenly stood up and asked Bai Yutai:

  "Dare to ask the owner of the cabc machine, who is this Shangguan Jin? Where is he now?"

  She never imagined that she would come to Tianjilou this time under the order of the God of Iron Courage, and there would be such a big gain.

  The owner of Tsing Yi Building, this is the number one on the most wanted list of Hulong Villa.

  Because Tsing Yi Lou is not a Jianghu sect, but a killer organization, born for evil.

  The existence of Tsing Yi Building for one day is a shame for the forces like Hulong Villa and Dongchang.

  Therefore, Shangguan Haitang desperately wanted to destroy the Tsing Yi Building.

  "Spy, Shangguan, don't you understand the rules at all?"

  "This is Tianji Building, not Hulong Villa."

  "Tianjilou has the rules of Tianjilou, and the owner of the intelligence Tianjilou will naturally tell you."

  Before Feng Chen could answer, a cold voice came from another private room on the third floor.

  Everyone looked sideways, and saw that the person who spoke was Yaoyue, the master of Yihua Palace.

  Other Jianghu sects are afraid of Hulong Villa, but with the background of Yihua Palace, they can completely ignore it.

  Shangguan Haitang was not a tyrannical person, but when Yueyue said it, she immediately realized that she had lost her way.

  "It's Haitang being rude, and I ask the owner of Tianji to forgive me."

  "It's just that the Tsing Yi Building has done too much evil, and the owner of the Tsing Yi Building has been refusing to show up, leaving me and the factory guards helpless."

  "I suddenly heard the news from the owner of the Tsing Yi Building today, and I was a little emotional for a while."

  Shangguan Haitang bowed to Bai Yutai and said very sincerely.

  Feng Chen chuckled and said, "The Tsing Yi Building has indeed done a lot of evil, but the owner of the Tsing Yi Building is not unwilling to show up, but has a great reputation."

  "Great reputation?"

  Shangguan Haitang frowned, and said inexplicably, "Forgive Haitang's limited knowledge, I have never heard the name 'Shangguan Jin'."

  "Have the Shangguan spy ever heard of 'Huo Xiu'?" Feng Chen said.

  "Huo Xiu?"

  "Does the owner of Tianji mean Huo Xiu, a rich man in Shanxi?"

  "This person is my great wealth, and his wealth is not under the Hua family."

  "Not to mention Haitang, there are probably not many people in the Ming Dynasty who don't know him."

  "Could it be that Huo Xiu has something to do with Tsing Yi Lou?"

  Shangguan Haitang said strangely.

  "Of course there is a relationship, and the relationship is not shallow. The so-called owner of the Tsing Yi Building is the rich and bright Huo Xiu."

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen didn't sell anything, and directly told the truth.


  A group of high rollers were taken aback again.

  They are also familiar with the name of Huo Xiu, the rich man, but they did not expect the famous owner of the Tsing Yi Building to be this person.

  "No, didn't the landlord of Tiancai Tianji say that the landlord of Qingyi Building is Shangguan Jin?"

  Shangguan Haitang said sharply.

  "This matter involves a [-]-year-old secret."

  "Since it is related to the [Black Hand List], the landlord will comment in detail."

  "Fifty years ago, there was a small country called the Great Jinpeng Kingdom. It was too rich and attracted the coveted by neighboring countries."

  "In order to preserve the fire for the restoration of the country, the King of the Great Jinpeng Kingdom divided the nation's wealth into four parts and handed it over to several important officials of the Great Jinpeng Kingdom for safekeeping."

  "And let these people escort Prince Jinpeng King to Daming, change his name and surname, and develop latently."

  "Among them, King Jinpeng and his uncle Shangguan Jin hid in one place, while the other three were relying on the wealth of Jinpengguo to soar all the way."

  "One is Yan Tieshan, the head of the Jewelry Pavilion in Guanzhong."

  "One is Dugu Yihe, the former head of the Emei faction."

  "The other person is Huo Xiu, the richest man in Shanxi, who is the owner of the Tsing Yi Building."

  "Many years ago, Shangguan Jin designed and murdered Huo Xiu, disguised himself as Huo Xiu, and inherited the Tsing Yi Building."

  "So the owner of the Tsing Yi Building is both Huo Xiu and Shangguan Jin."


  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen told the old secret in one breath.

  A group of high-rollers in the rivers and lakes widened their eyes in shock. These people are all famous people.

  If it wasn't for the exposure of the owner of the secret, they would never have guessed that there was such a tactful story behind these people.

  Shangguan Haitang also showed a look of sudden realization.

  "I see."

  "It's no wonder that these people all started at the very end, but they were able to become famous in a short period of time, presumably with the help of the relics of the Great Jinpeng Kingdom."

  "Tsing Yi Building can grow and remain mysterious because of its strong wealth."

  "Listening to the owner of Tianji, Shangguan Haitang has really benefited a lot. Please let the owner of Tianji pay her respects again."

  Shangguan Haitang's face was full of admiration, and she bowed to Feng Chen again.

  This worship is completely from the bottom of my heart, and I sincerely thank Feng Chen for exposing the sinful Tsing Yi Lou.

  The rest of the high rollers were not so moved.

  It is certainly a great joy to be able to expose the evil killer organization like Tsing Yi Lou.

  But what they are more concerned about is the challenge reward for the seventh place in the [Behind the Scenes List].

  This is the biggest reason why people gather here. .

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