The Great Sui Dynasty, on the outskirts of Jiangdu.

  In the abandoned manor overgrown with weeds, Fu Junxi, Fu Junyu, and Fu Junxi sat next to each other and ate the dry food they brought.

  "This food is so unpalatable, it has no taste at all, I want a warm meal."

  Fu Junyu threw away the dry steamed bun in his hand and said angrily.

  "Just be patient. Tomorrow, let's sneak into the city while the market is open in the morning. I have already made arrangements for the mission."

  Fu Junzheng said in an orderly manner.

  "The masters of the rivers and lakes in the Central Plains are all wine sacks, but their cities are more prosperous than ours."

  "After we assassinate Yang Guang, can we go back to Goguryeo after spending a few days in Jiangdu?"

  "I want to buy some jewelry and rouge gouache to take home."

  Fu Junqiang made his own suggestion.

  "I agree."

  "There are more restaurants in the Central Plains than ours, and the dishes are also very rich."

  "After the assassination of Yang Guang, I must visit the restaurants one by one and eat all the major cuisines."

  Fu Junyu put on the expression of a cook and said.

  Fu Junzheng looked at the pair of living treasures, and couldn't help but begin to doubt life.

  This is to be assassinated in the palace of the Emperor of the Great Sui Dynasty, and these two people don't take the masters of the Central Plains seriously.

  Just as Fu Junxiu was about to reprimand them, her expression suddenly changed.


  At the moment when Fu Junzheng's voice came out, there was a piercing sound.





  Between the lightning and flint, this small stone house has been pierced by thousands of arrows.

  There is not a single spot in the entire stone house.


  The three Fu Junxiu did not break through the door, but pierced through the roof with their sword energy and jumped up directly.





  What the three of them didn't expect was that the moment they broke open the roof, thousands of arrows rushed towards them.

  Apparently, this escape location had already been discovered.


  "How could Da Sui Gouguan know that we are hiding here?"

  "Could it be that someone in the mission betrayed?"

  "No, there must be something else in this matter."

  The three of them volleyed into the air, and they kept using their sword energy to swing the arrows away.

  But this kind of air-breaking arrow is specially used to deal with the masters of the rivers and lakes, and it is extremely difficult to shake off.

  In no time, all three were bruised.

  "Bold Goguryeo assassin.¨!"

  "Your scheming has been exposed by the owner of the secret!"

  "If you are acquainted, surrender immediately, otherwise, you will be killed."

  Yu Wenhua took the lead, running Xuanbing's energy, and said coldly.

  "What? Tianjilou? It turned out that the owner of Tianji exposed us."

  Only then did the three understand what was going on, and they couldn't help being shocked and angry.

  "Let's go! Kill it first and then go out."

  Fu Junxu calmly commanded, the sword light was like electricity, instantly splitting a dozen arrows on the face, towards the southeast, and ran away.

  Fu Junyu and Fu Junqiang followed closely behind.

  The swordsmanship of the two was more severe than that of Fu Junxi, and with just one swing, all arrows could not get close.

  "This swordsmanship..."

  Yu Wenhua and as a martial arts master, although he is not proficient in kendo, he can see that the sword moves of these three assassins are extremely subtle, far superior to his "Xuan Bing Jin".

  What shocked him even more was that the movements of these three people were like ghosts, and they ran several kilometers in the blink of an eye, making him unable to catch up.

  That is to say, the three of them are equipped with top-level sword techniques and top-level movement techniques at the same time.

  No wonder it was able to successfully assassinate in public.

  A small Goguryeo can cultivate such a superb master, I am afraid that only the famous master Yijian of the Sui Dynasty can pick up the forest.

  Thinking of those legends about Fu Cailin, Yu Wenhua couldn't help but shudder for a while, and said solemnly, "Come back, don't chase after him."

  The Yijian Sect created by the master Yijian Cailin was the top sect that Cihang Jingzhai and the Yingui Sect also feared.

  If these three assassins were masters of Yijianmen, his officers and soldiers would definitely not be able to catch up.


  Time flies, another day goes by in a blink of an eye.

  The Ming Dynasty, Yangquan City.

  This inconspicuous southwestern town was surging on this day.

  The World Association, Yihua Palace, Wuyue Sword Sect, Fengyu Alliance, Lingyun Pavilion, Wufeng Swordsmen, Wujiquan Sect and other sects gathered together.

  And their eyes are only one, and that is the Jewelry Pavilion located on Dongshi Street.




  The sound of breaking the air is endless, and all directions of the Jewelry Treasure Pavilion are occupied by major forces.

  Many forces are distinct, and there is a hint of confrontation with each other.

  So many forces, naturally will not come at the same time.

  It's just that those forces that come one step ahead, no one dares to enter, and can only guard outside.

  After all, what Lu Xiaofeng said in Tianjilou was very clear.

  The Jeweled Treasure Pavilion was built by Huo Xiu or Shangguan Jin, who spent a lot of money and asked Zhu Ting, the great disciple of Luban's Axe Sect.

  The mechanism inside is so complicated that even Zhu Ting, who was in charge of the construction, couldn't explain it for a while.

  But only one thing is certain.

  That is, the Jewelry Treasure Pavilion is very dangerous, and people below the Grandmaster Realm will die if they enter!

  Not to mention, there may also be a large number of Tsing Yi Lou killers hidden inside.

  "The people from Hulong Villa are here!"

  I don't know who shouted, and all the forces in the arena who were confronting the scene immediately looked at them.

  In the southeast direction, a streak of energy broke through the air, and a handsome young man in white appeared.

  It was the No. [-] spy, Shangguan Haitang, who had appeared in the Tianji Building.

  Beside Shangguan Haitang, there was a burly man.

  But seeing his cold face and a long sword pinned to his waist gave him an unfathomable feeling.

  "Tianzi No. [-] Secret Agent Duan Tianya!"

  Someone called out the identity of the sword-wielding man, which immediately attracted a burst of exclamation.

  The Hulong Villa has a great reputation, and half of its reputation was made by four secret agents.

  And Duan Tianya, the No. [-] spy of Tianzi, was the strongest spy, with an illusory sword killing many evil demon owls.

  Different from the other Jianghu sects present, Hulong Villa was affiliated to the Ming Dynasty and was the most hated eagle claw by all Jianghu people.

  Therefore, the people who saw Hulong Villa, the major sects all tacitly united, and at the same time aimed at Hulong Villa.

  Facing this kind of hostility, Shangguan Haitang smiled slightly and said:

  "¨'Please rest assured, fellow rivers and lakes."

  "The main purpose of our Hulong Villa here is to eradicate the evil organization Tsing Yi Lou, and we have no intention of competing with you for the heavenly reward."

  "And we have already found Zhu Ting at Hulong Villa, and we got the drawings of the Jewelry Pavilion from him."

  "This jeweled and precious pavilion, which looks like a building on the surface, has actually been hollowed out underground, which is very vast."

  "There are thirteen secret passages leading to the underground, but only one of them can enter the main secret room."

  "As for which one can go through, even Zhu Ting doesn't know."

  "My Hulong Villa has engraved the sketches of these thirteen secret passages separately, and now I will give them to everyone."

  "Everyone (Qian Haohao) grabbed the sketch of the secret passage, and entered from which secret passage."

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