"As for whether you can enter the main secret room, it depends on everyone's chance."

  After Shangguan Haitang finished speaking, she raised her hand and waved, and countless drawings flew out of her hands and scattered everywhere.


  Although the masters of all corners of the world are hostile to Hulong Villa, they still trust the character of Hulong Villa.

  After getting the blueprint of the secret passage, he did not suspect that he was there, so he directly killed him.

  "The ninth secret passage, Junior Brother Feng, let's go through hardships!"

  Bu Jingyun grabbed a blueprint and immediately dragged Nie Feng towards the Jewelry Treasure Pavilion.

  "The third secret passage?"

  Linghu Chong looked at the blueprint in his hand, hesitated for a moment, and went to the Jewelry Treasure Pavilion.

  Although he only has the fifth-level cultivation base of the Grandmaster Realm, he is confident to fight against the master of the Tsing Yi Building by virtue of his powerful swordsmanship.

  "Lian Xing, you and I each take a secret passage, so that you have a better chance of entering the main secret room."

  Yaoyue grabbed two blueprints and gave one to Lian Xing.

  With their strength, as long as they can find Shangguan Jin, they have absolute certainty to kill him, and there is no need to act together. .

Chapter 69

  Yangquan City, in front of the Jewelry Pavilion.

  After all the top forces had entered the Jewelry Pavilion, Fengyu League, Lingyun Pavilion, Wufeng Daomen, Wujiquan and other sects also obtained a blueprint.

  Looking at the cumbersome and weird route on the blueprint, the heads of the sects were a little hesitant.

  This is the headquarters of Tsing Yi Building!

  But in the end, these people, without exception, all gritted their teeth and killed them in the Jeweled Treasure Pavilion.

  Wealth is in danger.

  Tsing Yi Building is scary, but these sects want to fight!

  "Is this the charm of Tian Ji Dian?"

  "You can actually let these people go one after the other to die?"

  Duan Tianya couldn't help showing a look of shock when he saw that the second-rate forces such as the Wind and Rain Alliance and Lingyun Pavilion also entered the Jewelry Pavilion.

  You know, the Tsing Yi Building is the No. [-] killer organization in the Daming Rivers and Lakes, with a splendid reputation.

  In the past, if these sects heard the name of Tsing Yi Building, they would be scared to death.

  But now, they actually took the initiative to attack the headquarters of Tsing Yi Building.

  In the view of Duan Tianya, who has always been rational, this is extremely absurd.

  Because even if these people enter the main secret room and see Shangguan Jin, they will only end up dead.

  "That's because Brother Duan has never been to the Tianji Building."

  "Only you went to the Tianji Building and saw the fairy-like methods of the Tianji landlord."

  "You can truly understand the value of Tianji Point 833."

  "As long as you have the secret point, you can realize all your wishes."

  "This sentence is by no means an exaggeration."

  Shangguan Haitang couldn't help but let out a burst of emotion when she recalled her previous experience in Tianjilou.

  "Fulfill all your wishes? No matter how much time you have, you won't be able to save those who have passed away."

  Duan Tianya thought of Liusheng Xueji.

  That was the woman he met in Dongying, and the love of his life.

  However, it was because of the love between the two that Liusheng Xueji died tragically.

  If there is anything else he wants to pursue, it is to see Yuuki Yagyu again.

  "What if I said that Tianjilou can bring the dead back to life?"

  Shangguan Haitang said softly.


  "Do you mean what you said?"

  Duan Tianya raised his head abruptly, and infinite divine light shot out from his eyes.

  "Now Big Brother Duan can understand the preciousness of Tianji Point?"

  "Tianjilou, has the ability to penetrate the three realms, even if it is to let the dead return."

  "You might think it's absurd."

  "But if you have seen all kinds of miraculous performances of the landlord of Tianji with your own eyes, you will not have the slightest doubt."

  Shangguan Haitang said solemnly.

  Duan Tianya finally showed a moving expression, looking at the Jewelry Treasure Pavilion, his eyes were as deep as water.

  "Haitang, you wait here (cabc), I'll be back later."

  "Where is Brother Duan going?"

  "Jewelry Treasure Pavilion."

  Before Duan Tianya's words fell, people were already like arrows from the strings, killing them straight towards the Jeweled Treasure Pavilion.

  The two had already negotiated, and this time they would use the power of a group of experts in the rivers and lakes to eradicate the Tsing Yi Building.

  But Duan Tianya had already put all this behind him at this time.

  There was only one thought left in his mind, killing Shangguan Jin and taking the secret.

  "This is Tianjilou, omnipotent, making the world's heroes bow down."

  Shangguan Haitang whispered, and followed behind Duan Tianya.

  She is also a spy in the Hulong Villa, so she naturally won't let Duan Tianya take risks alone.

  At this time, the main secret room in the basement of the Jewelry Pavilion.

  Shangguan Jin, who was in retreat, suddenly opened his eyes, and he sensed a lot of unfamiliar aura.

  "Is it finally here?"

  Shangguan Jin showed a wry smile.

  From the day he learned that he was on the [Behind the Scenes List], he knew this day would come.

  But I didn't expect it to come so soon.

  "Lu XiaoFeng, you really betrayed this old man."

  Shangguan Jin laughed and scolded, but was not angry.

  If he wanted to hide, he could have done so two days ago.

  The reason why he stayed here was because he was ready to die.

  "Feiyan, what daddy can give you has already been given to you."

  "In the days to come, I can only rely on you to go on alone."

  Shangguan Jin thought of his daughter Shangguan Feiyan, and the corners of his eyes softened a bit.

  Back then, in order to realize his ambition, he used Shangguan Feiyan several times, and felt very guilty.

  Therefore, after learning that he was on the [Black Hand List], his first reaction was to protect Shangguan Feiyan.

  He gave Shangguan Feiyan all the 2000 Tianji Points and Torrential Rain Pear Flower Needles.

  All that's left is to stay in the Jewelry Pavilion and wait to die.

  Because he knows very well that only when he is dead, those who are jealous of the heavenly secret will let Shangguan Feiyan go.


  Just when Shangguan Jin was thinking about it, the door of the secret room was suddenly smashed by a violent force, revealing two figures.

  Although the two did not appear to be injured, their clothes were tattered, and blood stains could be vaguely seen.

  Obviously, this journey has not been smooth.

  "Who is coming?"

  Shangguan Jin asked with a solemn expression.

  Although he is ready to die, it does not mean that he will be captured.

  "The World Congress, Bu Jingyun!"

  "The world will meet, Nie Feng!"

  Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng clasped their fists at the same time and said.

  They felt the tragic aura emanating from the old man in front of them.

  "The world will meet? Good!"

  "It has been heard for a long time that the World Society is the first sect of the Han Dynasty, and the leader of the Xiongba gang is even more famous in the Central Plains."

  "Let this old man come to experience today, whether your world will really live up to its name."

  Shangguan Jin speaks very slowly, but every time he speaks a word, his aura increases by one point.

  When all the voices fell, his breath had been raised to the extreme, like a killing god.


  Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng didn't say much and went straight to Shangguan Jin.

  Fengshen legs!

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