A group of high-ranking players in the rivers and lakes talked about it again.


  Following the Emei faction, the Wuyuejian faction also walked in.

· · 0 flowers · ·

  In addition to Linghu Chong, the leader was an old man with white hair and beard holding a sword.

  "Could it be that this person is Feng Qingyang?"

  For a time, many people turned their attention to the Wuyue Sword Sect.

  Compared with Linghu Chong of the young hero, Feng Qingyang, the older generation strongman, is obviously more concerned by the public.

  No one asked about the dry cliff for half a lifetime, once the sword came out of the world!

  The legendary story of Feng Qingyang has made many swordsmen moved and yearned for it.

  "Senior Feng is here, so is Ximen Chuixue coming soon?"

  With this kind of thought in mind, many swordsmen looked towards the Daming teleportation formation.

  In the end, instead of waiting for Ximen Chuixue, another force came.


  Seeing Mingjiao and his party, all the gangsters showed shock.

  Everyone's eyes involuntarily focused on the handsome young man walking in the front.


  "Could this person be Zhang Wuji?"

  "It should be, the owner of Tianji once said that Zhang Wuji is only nineteen years old."

  "The nineteen-year-old Ming Cult leader should be the youngest Ming Cult leader in history, right?"

  "Why do I think he looks ordinary? Mingjiao's leader is not so easy to be."

  "Brother, are you questioning the owner of Tianji?"

  "This Zhang Wuji was called the strongest leader of Ming Sect in history by the owner of Tianji."

  "The words of the owner of Tianji will definitely not be false."

  "Look, Mingjiao will rise soon!"


  Private room on the third floor.

  Hou Xibai, Lu Xiaofeng, Hua Manlou, etc. sat opposite each other, also chatting.

  "I didn't expect that even the Ming Sect and the Emei faction would come. This Tianjilou is really getting more and more lively."

  Looking at the lively scene on the first floor, Hou Xibai couldn't help shaking his head and said.

  "There are fine wines, beautiful women, and liveliness to watch. I, Lu Xiaofeng, really want to live here for the rest of my life."

  Lu XiaoFeng said with a smile, and then took a sip of wine.

  Hua Manlou shook his head, this guy spent all his money.

  Fortunately, he lacks everything except money.

  Sikong Zhaixing glanced at Lu Xiaofeng, "I think Feng Qingyang's strength is very strong, don't you worry that Ximen Chuixue will lose?"

  Lu XiaoFeng put down the wine and said with a laugh, "Ximen Chuixue and I have known each other for more than ten years, and we have never seen him lose. If possible, I would really like to see."


  At this moment, the white jade platform in the center of the hall suddenly flickered.

  "The owner of the secret has appeared!"

  I don't know who shouted first, and everyone in the audience immediately looked towards Baiyutai in unison.

  I saw that the brilliance on the white jade platform gradually disappeared, revealing a man with sword eyebrows and star eyes, Feng Shen Ruyu.

  It is dust.Ding.

Chapter 71

  "Is this person the owner of Tianji?"

  In the private room on the third floor, Zhang Wuji looked at Feng Chen on the white jade platform, and couldn't help showing surprise.

  At this time, his "Nine Yang Divine Art" has been completed, and he can feel the 'qi' that ordinary people cannot detect.

  Under his feelings, Feng Chen was like an infinite ocean, completely unable to spy on the depths.

  Compared with him, the rest are like a drop in the ocean, too small to be worth mentioning.

  "So powerful..."

  Zhang Wuji secretly said in his heart that the doubts that originally existed were completely dissipated at this time.

  In another private room, Leaning against the railing, she said with a smile, "I heard that Tianjilou will announce a new ranking list today, is it true?"

  Her voice was melodious, and with her feminine inner strength, everyone present could hear it clearly.

  New leaderboards!

  It is true that many people have heard rumors about this, but the source of the rumors is nowhere to be found.

  At this time, seeing Yan Yan brought it up, everyone looked at Feng Chen one after another.

  A [behind-the-scenes black hand list] has already caused chaos in the world. If there is another ranking list, wouldn't it really turn the world upside down?

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen met the eyes of everyone and said plainly:

  "The landlord has recently sorted out and really intends to launch a new ranking."

  As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar.

  The rumor turned out to be true!

  Following the [Behind the Scenes Black Hands List], Tianjilou will launch a new ranking list!

  This is an absolutely earth-shattering event.

  Now the reputation of Tianjilou is at its peak.

  In the world, no one would question the authority of Tianjilou.

  That is to say, no matter what rankings Tianjilou launches, it will be recognized by the public.

  Most people in the world are fighting for fame and fortune, and the ranking list of Tianjilou can meet these two points.

  No matter who you are, as long as you get on the Tianjilou rankings, you can instantly become famous all over the world.

  At the same time, being on the leaderboard also means getting rich rewards.

  It can be described as a real gain of fame and fortune.

  But before that, there was only one focus that everyone paid attention to, and that was the top ten rankings that the owner of Tianji planned to announce.

  Private room on the third floor.

  Hou Xibai was the most excited, and said loudly: "Master Tianji, is the ranking list to be announced this time the [Stunning List]?"

  These words caught the interest of many high rollers in Jianghu, and they immediately started booing.

  In the rivers and lakes, all kinds of disputes are endless.

  But to say that the most controversial is definitely the beauty of various beauties.

  Like the disciples of the Emei faction who walked in before, the outstanding faces of Sun Xiuqing and Zhou Zhiruo immediately caught the attention of Jiucheng martial artists.

  This is a common disease of men and cannot be cured.

  Therefore, if Tianjilou is to be ranked in the [Stunning List], they will definitely support it.

  "This list is not the [Stunning List], but the [Sword God List]."

  Feng Chen spoke lightly, instantly breaking the hearts of a group of high-ranking guests.

  In fact, Feng Chen's original plan was indeed to launch the [Stunning List] after the [Black Hand List].

  But he changed his mind after seeing the grand occasion caused by the 'Sword Trial Conference'.

  In his opinion, this is the best time to launch the [Sword God List].

  Although he couldn't exchange the complete [Sword God Ranking], if he only exchanged for one country's [Sword God Ranking], it would be no problem.

  As for the [Stunning List].

  As long as he successfully completes the 'Sword Trial Conference', he also has enough Heavenly Secret Points to exchange.

  The most important thing is that Feng Chen intends to launch a prelude to pave the way before the official announcement of the [Sword Show].

  "Sword God List?"

  One is happy and one is sad.

  When they heard the words "Sword God List", the eyes of the swordsmen in the audience lit up, and then they burst into earth-shattering cheers.

  There are [-] million swordsmen in the world, who can board the Sword God Pavilion?

  As the most common weapon in the rivers and lakes, the sword is the undisputed leader of the hundred soldiers.

  Which sword can be regarded as a famous sword and who can be called a sword god has always been the focus of debate among many swordsmen.

  For thousands of years, no one could come up with a convincing result.

  Because not every famous sword will be stained with blood, and not every swordsman is willing to be famous.

  There is also a lonely swordsman like Feng Qingyang, who only makes one sword in his life.

  But as soon as the [Sword God Ranking] comes out, all the disputes will disappear.

  Whoever ranks first in the [Sword God Ranking] is the one who stands at the top of Kendo.

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