Who is the peak at the end of kendo?

  Maybe we'll find out soon.

  Thinking of this, all the swordsmen have the urge to scream wildly.

  Private room on the third floor.

  Shi Fei Xuan felt the ancient sword in her hand tremble.

  It was not the sword moving, but her heart moving.

  The heart of the sword is transparent, and the sword follows the heart.


  Concubine Shixuan let out a long sigh of relief, revealing a faint wry smile.

  After all, she still did not reach the supreme state of transcendence.

  That being the case, let's be more free and easy.

  I saw Shi Feixuan slowly stepped forward and said softly:

  "Could it be that the owner of Tianji held the 'Sword Trial Conference', the real purpose is to create momentum for the launch of the [Sword God List]?"

  Shi Fei Xuan has the appearance of a fairy, and has always been the focus of many people's attention.

  At this moment, when Fairy Shi opened her mouth, all the dignitaries in the rivers and lakes stopped the discussion for face, and looked at Feng Chen in unison.

  "It's not about building momentum, but it does have some connections."

  "This landlord will officially announce the ranking of the [Sword God Ranking] after the 'Sword Trial Conference' ends."

  "And the two swordsmen invited this time are both characters on the [Sword God List]."

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen said flatly.

  These remarks revealed a lot of important information, causing an uproar among the swordsmen.

  Ximen Chuixue and Feng Qingyang are on the Sword God List?

  This undoubtedly greatly raised the gold content of this 'Sword Trial Conference'.

  From the battle of swordsmen to the battle of sword gods!

  Private room on the third floor.. 0

  Linghu Chong's eyes lit up, and he said to Feng Qingyang, who was beside him, "Congratulations, Senior Feng, for being listed on the [Sword God List]."

  The disciples of the Five Mountains Sword Sect also sent their congratulations.

  Although Feng Qingyang became famous because of the Battle of Songshan before, but after all, he only made a sword.

  Famous is more because of his legendary experience than recognition of his strength.

  But once the [Sword God List] came out this time, no one would dare to question Feng Qingyang's strength, and he could claim himself as a sword god in an upright manner.

  Both belong to the Five Mountains Sword Sect, and everyone has a sense of pride.

  Facing the congratulations, Feng Qingyang's expression was very indifferent.

  In his mind, he still remembered Fan Qinghui's startling sword, as if it had cut through the other side and reached the end of the kendo.

  However, Fan Qinghui said that her swordsmanship was not perfect, and she even lost to Cailin, the master Yijian who had not done her best.

  This made Feng Qingyang deeply realize that the road of kendo is far and wide, and his realm is still far away.

  Therefore, even if he was listed in the [Sword God List], he did not get carried away.


  Just as everyone was talking about it, a solemn aura emerged from the Da Sui portal.

  All the big players in the rivers and lakes showed surprise.

  The Jianghu Hawker, who was located near the portal, hurriedly stepped aside.

  After this period of training, they have been able to skillfully distinguish the forces represented by various breaths.

  Like this not powerful but disciplined atmosphere, it only represents one power, that is the imperial court!

  Certainly not as expected.

  As the brilliance of the portal converged, a group of elite soldiers in armor filed in.

  Among them, the two standing in the forefront are Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling.

  The two are now captains of the Dian military, wearing sharp armor and looking very heroic.

 1.2 The next person to appear is the emperor of today's Sui Dynasty, Yang Guang!

  "Oh my god! After Emperor Qin and Emperor Tang, Emperor Sui came too."

  "This is the influence of Tianjilou, which makes all emperors rush to it."

  "What about the emperor, in the Tianji Building, the landlord of Tianji is the biggest."

  "It seems that Emperor Sui came here for what the Lord of Heaven's Secrets prophesied last time. This is the grace of saving the people."

  "As soon as you said it, I remembered it again. The owner of Tianji is really a fairy-like figure who evolves the image of the future in public."

  "I happened to be there that day! To be honest, I wouldn't believe it if I wasn't there. It's amazing."


  A group of high-profile guests in the rivers and lakes talked a lot, and they had already guessed the reason for Yang Guang's trip.

  But what they didn't expect was that Yang Guangyuan paid more attention to the owner of the secret than they thought.

  "Emperor Sui Yang Guang, see the owner of Tianji."

  "I will repay the kindness of the master of Tianji for rescuing the driver."

  "Today, with the mountains and rivers as my oath, I, Yang Guang, would like to take the master of Tianji as the teacher of the Great Sui Emperor."

  "There is a large amount of Sui's society, and I share the world with the master of Tianji.".

Chapter 72

  Inside the Tianji Building, it was quiet.

  Everyone was shocked by Yang Guang's generous statement.

  The so-called imperial teacher is the teacher of the emperor, and its status is higher than that of the national teacher. It is the only position in the world that can teach the emperor.

  But most importantly, what Yang Guang used was not 'feng', but 'bong'.

  The difference in one word is actually a world of difference.

  The former is a vassal in a arrogant body, while the latter serves the Supreme in a humble body.

  From this point alone, it can be seen that Yang Guang's sincerity is very strong, and his position is also very low.

  And the following sentence "The amount of money in Sui's society, I and the master of Tianji share the world" is even more astonishing.

  For the emperor, unique and in control of the universe!

  Throughout history, no emperor has ever been willing to divide the world equally with others.

  But Yang Guang said this, and directly ceded half of the Sui soil to the landlord of Tianji.

  "The Emperor Sui doesn't have to do this."

  "This landlord deduces the secrets and has his own laws."

  "No matter what you get, it's your chance, and you don't need to repay."

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen still said calmly.

  Such an attitude immediately made a group of high-ranking players in the rivers and lakes give birth to infinite admiration.

  This is half of the country, and there are few people in the world who can refuse it.

  When Yang Guang heard these words, he immediately showed a disappointed expression.

  His statement was indeed sincere.

  But the real purpose is to use the name of 20 Tianji Building to shock Xiaoxiao.

  Among the six dynasties in the Central Plains, the Sui Dynasty was the most declining.

  Insurgents from all over the country are emerging one after another, and the threat of various foreign races outside the customs is in danger of overthrow at any time.

  Although Yang Guang has the name of the stunned emperor, he was also a victorious general in the battlefield in his early years, and he is actually very clear about the current situation of the Sui Dynasty.

  It's just that the three expeditions of Koguryo have exhausted the background of the Great Sui Dynasty, and also exhausted his fighting spirit.

  Originally, he was already lying down and dying, but the appearance of Tianjilou gave him hope again.

  In his opinion, if there is a backer of Tianjilou, the Great Sui Dynasty will certainly continue, even more brilliant.

  So this time, he has to win over the owner of Tianji no matter what.

  "The owner of Tianji has a broad heart, and I admire it very much."

  "But the emperor's words are consistent, and there is absolutely no reason to change."

  "When I go back, I will tell the world that the master of Fengtianji will be honored with supreme honor."

  Yang Guang said sincerely again.

  "The Emperor Sui can do it himself."

  Feng Chen was too lazy to talk to Yang Guang anymore.

  The emperor of the dynasty is unattainable to others, but to him, he is no different from ordinary people.

  He took the initiative to expose the picture of [Yang Guang was killed] because he did not want the people of the Central Plains to suffer from alien slavery again.

  When all these alien races are cleaned up, he will not care who owns the world of Da Sui.

  Yang Guang was left out by Feng Chen, and he was a little embarrassed.

  "Your Majesty, Wei Chen has already reserved a private room on the third floor. Would you like to go up and sit for a while?"

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