At the critical moment, Kou Zhong stepped forward and said.

  These remarks gave Yang Guang a step, and Yang Guang appreciated it very much.

  "Okay, then let me pay more attention to the demeanor of the owner of Tianji."

  Yang Guang borrowed the donkey and followed Kou Zhong all the way up to the third floor.


  Time passed without knowing it, and it was almost noon.

  On the white jade platform, Feng Chen sensed it and said immediately;

  "The three-day period has come, and the [Behind the Scenes Black Hand List] will be updated."

  As soon as these words came out, they instantly attracted everyone's attention.

  [Behind the scenes list] Update, this is a major event today.

  Especially after the owner of Tsing Yi Building was on the list, everyone became more and more curious about the people behind the [Black Hand List].

  They really can't figure out what kind of characters the remaining six people on the [Behind the Scenes List] should be.

  He even suppressed the landlords of the Tsing Yi Building, the first killer organization of the Ming Dynasty.

  "[Backstage Black Hand List] No. [-], the owner of Ghost Villa, Daoist Mu."

  After a while, Feng Chen slowly opened his mouth to reveal the mystery.

  "Ghost Villa?"

  Many people's originally calm faces changed suddenly after hearing this name, and even a layer of sweat appeared on their foreheads.

  But more people are blank-eyed.

  "Ghost Villa? How come I've never heard of this place?"

  "I've been darts in Daming, and I have never heard of this villa."

  "The name of this villa is so weird. It's called Ghost Villa. Could it be that there are ghosts in it?"

  "Does anyone know about this ghost villa?"


  Countless discussions rang out, all discussing the sacredness of Ghost Villa.

  Only after this question did I realize that most people didn't know about Ghost Villa.

  The reason why I say most people is because a small number of people fell silent, and their expressions were obviously knowing.

  Private room on the third floor.

  Shangguan Haitang stood up abruptly and said in shock, "Master Tianji, is there really a ghost villa in this world?"

  This sentence suddenly woke up those who fell into fear, and they all told the inside story they knew.

  It is different from the killer organization that commits crimes all over the world and has a lot of notoriety in Tsing Yi Building.

  Ghost Villa is very mysterious.

  So mysterious that almost no one knows.

  Even if someone bumps into it occasionally, it will only be regarded as a nightmare.

  The reason is that those who claim to be from Ghost Villa are all people who should have died.

  "It's terrible, I thought Ghost Villa was just a legend."

  "It was also a chance for me to hear my father mention the Ghost Villa. It is said that all the people in there are from the underworld."

  "Could it be that the Tianji Building can penetrate the three realms, and even the ghost villa in the underworld cannot escape?"

  "Ghost Villa is located in the underworld, so how do we find it?"

  "The ranking is so outrageous. The Ghost Villa can only be ranked sixth. Is the first place not the king of hell?"


  As those who knew the inside story opened their mouths, Ghost Villa finally revealed its mystery.

  Only then did most of the big players in Tianji Building know that there is such a terrifying existence in Daming Jianghu.

  If only it was a horror legend.

  But this Ghost Villa has committed countless major cases in the past few decades, and each case is enough to shake the rivers and lakes.

  For example, Shi Yan, the former head of the Wudang sect, known as the Big Dipper of Mount Tai in Wulin, has an unfathomable cultivation base.

  But he died suddenly overnight.

  Rumors in the rivers and lakes that Shi Yan accidentally cultivated his internal skills and died of a demon.

  But in fact, he died at the hands of Ghost Villa.

  And this kind of inside story, only very few people know about 833.

  The other masters, such as the iron-shouldered monk of the Shaolin faction, Wang Muzhi, the elder of the Ten Sacks of the Beggar Gang, and so on, lost their lives in the Ghost Villa.

  It can be said that the major changes of many sects have the shadow of the ghost villa behind.

  The reason why Ghost Villa has always been infamous is because of the word 'ghost'.

  In the murders committed by the Ghost Villa, the murderers involved are all people who have died on the rivers and lakes.

  Because of this, even if Hulong Villa and Dongchang wanted to investigate, they would not be able to start.

  The murderer is already dead, what can you do?

  Even the families of the murder victims have no way to tell the truth.

  Because even if they say who the murderer is, no one will believe it.

  until today!

  The owner of the secret revealed the name of the ghost villa in public.

  This ghost-like force really surfaced and was revealed in front of everyone.

  Before Feng Chen announced the [Behind-the-Scenes Black Hand List], many high rollers in Jianghu had a skeptical attitude.

  They didn't believe that someone else's intrigues could surpass Shangguan Jin, the landlord of the Tsing Yi Building.

  But after hearing all kinds of terrifying rumors about Ghost Villa, these people immediately changed their attitude.

  What the Tsing Yi Building, what the No. [-] Killer Organization, is simply a side dish in front of Ghost Villa!

  In this ghost villa, there are a group of ghost killers from the underworld!


  Absolutely low!

  Countless high-profile guests in the rivers and lakes spoke up one after another, saying that the ranking of the owner of the Ghost Villa was too low.

  The leader of such a terrifying force only ranks sixth in the [Black Hand List]?

  How scary is the top five? .

Chapter 73

  "Master Tianji, whether this ranking is still to be considered, the Ghost Villa is a force in the underworld."

  In the hall, there were high-ranking players in the rivers and lakes asking loudly, winning many people's nods for reconsideration.

  It's not that they don't believe in the dust.

  But Ghost Villa is really too mysterious and terrifying.

  It can be said that Ghost Villa and Tsing Yi Building are two completely different levels.

  With the level of Ghost Villa, at least it should be ranked in the top three of the [Behind the Scenes List].

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen couldn't help being a little speechless as he listened to the discussions of the people in the hall.

  The more these people discuss, the more outrageous they are.

  Some people even say that the Ghost Villa is a ghost army under the command of the King of Hell, and it comes to the world to enforce the law on the order of the King of Hell.

  Even cross-border law enforcement has been sorted out, and he even called him outrageous.

  Feng Chen can only say that these people really have great ideas.

  "First of all, this building mainly corrects one point. The Ghost Villa is not from the underworld, but was created by living people."

  On the white jade platform, Feng Chen's light words instantly made the hall quiet.

  Ghost Villa was created by living people?

  All the big players in the rivers and lakes showed shock.

  "The owner of Tianji is wise."

  "My Hulong Villa has handled many major cases committed by Ghost Villa over the years."

  "It is certain that those so-called 'ghosts' are not real spirits, and they will also be killed."

  "That's why Lord Shenhou once boldly speculated that the Ghost Villa did not come from the Yin Si, but someone manipulated it behind the scenes to make things mysterious."

  "Unfortunately, this ghost villa is very secretive, and every time it commits a crime, it will not leave any traces. So far, it has not been able to find its stronghold."

  In the private room on the third floor, Shangguan Haitang said slowly.

  Only then did everyone know that Hulong Villa has been secretly investigating Ghost Villa for a long time.

  After all, every time this Ghost Villa takes action, it is a shocking case, which has seriously threatened the stability of the rivers and lakes.

  "That's right, Ghost Villa does have a lot of mysteries."

  "This palace lord killed two ghosts with his own hands."

  An indifferent voice came from another private room, and it was the Palace Master of Yihua Palace, Yaoyue.

  The crowd was taken aback again.

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