No one thought that it would end up like this.

  Although Jing Wuming's sword was very sharp, Linghu Chong had clearly defended it.

  The reason why the sword would be sent flying was because Jing Wuming's internal strength was superior.


  In the private room on the third floor, Shi Fei Xuan couldn't help but praise her.

  She saw clearly.

  When Jing Wuming stabbed this sword, he had expected that this sword would be blocked by Linghu Chong, and predicted Linghu Chong's prediction in advance.

  He insisted on the horizontal thrust, relying on the fact that his internal strength was stronger than Linghu Chong, and he could forcibly break through with strength.

  This is the adaptability of the ninth sword god in the [Sword God List], which made Shi Fei Xuan very amazed.

  But this kind of deep game, ordinary warriors will definitely not be able to see it.

  "It's not fair! Linghu Chong has obviously guarded against that sword."

  "That's right, this is the Sword God List, not the Master List. Jing Wuming relies on internal strength to win, and he won't win by force."

  "If the two have the same internal strength, this sword can definitely be prevented."

  "What's not fair, internal strength is also a part of the swordsman, who said that two people must have the same internal strength than swords?"

  "It can only be said that Jing Wuming's strength is superior. If it is only about swordsmanship, I think the leader of the Linghu Alliance is stronger."

  "Joke, you only saw Jing Wuming win with internal force, maybe Jing Wuming didn't use all his swordsmanship at all."

  "That's right, if you can use your internal strength to win, why should you use your swordsmanship."


  Sure enough, Jing Wuming won in such a controversial way, immediately aroused many doubts.

  Those swordsmen who majored in swordsmanship complained about Linghu Chong, believing that Linghu Chong's swordsmanship was better.

  But ordinary Jianghu Hao Ke believes that whether it is a sword or a knife, internal strength is a part of it, and it cannot be divided into two.

  At the same time, some people said that Jing Wuming may not have done his best.

  Just as the three parties were arguing endlessly, a golden light appeared on the sword test stage.

  "[Sword God List] Challenge established."

  "Challenger: The tenth place in the [Sword God List], the wind is clear."

  "Challenged: The ninth place in the [Sword God List], Jing Wuming."

  "Both sides are ready, please start fighting."

  As the cold voice spread throughout the audience, two illusory figures also appeared on the sword test stand.

  It is Jing Wuming and Feng Qingyang!

  "Battle of the Sword God!"

  The Jianghu Hawker who was arguing in the hall immediately stopped arguing and looked at the sword test stand in surprise.

  No one expected that after Linghu Chong's defeat, Feng Qingyang actually appeared in person.

  "Wonderful, so wonderful, today is really not in vain!"

  "It should be that Senior Feng was dissatisfied when he saw Jing Wuming defeated Linghu Chong by despicable means."

  "I think this battle really has a chance. Senior Feng's internal strength will not be weaker than Jing Wuming."

  "That's right! It can be seen from the battle just now that Jing Wuming did not take advantage of swordsmanship."


  In the excitement of the crowd.

  The two people on the sword test platform were already staggered together.

  "Bang bang bang..."

  Just after the fight, the two made dozens of moves in a row, and the moves were fatal.

  The difference between Feng Qingyang and Linghu Chong was also noticed by everyone.

  Both use the same swordsmanship.

  Feng Qingyang's pre-judgment ability is not as good as Linghu Chong's, and he can't predict before the enemy makes a move.

  However, Feng Qingyang's internal strength far surpassed Linghu Chong's, his sword light was as fast as thunder, and he was more able to attack and defend than Linghu Chong.

  The two made hundreds of moves back and forth, and Feng Qingyang had already firmly gained the upper hand.

  "Look! I said it long ago, without the advantage of internal strength, Jing Wuming can't win at all."

  "Senior Feng's swordsmanship has obviously restrained Jing Wuming's quick sword. With another fifty moves, he should be able to win."

  "Oh my God! Will it not really let Senior Feng succeed in the challenge?"

  "Come, come, Jing Wuming has been completely suppressed, step back."


  In the hall, everyone shouted excitedly.

  Feng Qingyang's advantages are becoming more and more obvious, completely suppressing all the offensive routes of Jing Wuming, victory is only a matter of time.


  Seeing that Feng Qingyang stabbed Jing Wuming's heart with an unstoppable 840 sword, everyone burst into cheers.


  Bloody sky!

  A sharp sword passed through Feng Qingyang's right rib and pierced his body directly.

  "[Sword God List] Challenge failed."

  The cold voice came from the void, and Jing Wuming and Feng Qingyang on the sword test platform also dissipated.

  Everyone was stunned on the spot.

  what happened?

  Everyone's eyes were blank. They were still celebrating Feng Qingyang's victory a moment ago, but the next moment Feng Qingyang was defeated?

  And the defeat was very abrupt.

  It was so sudden that no one knew how he got hit with the sword.

  It was as if Jing Wuming's sword appeared out of thin air in Feng Qingyang's body.


  It's so weird!

  This is the battle of the Sword God, and every moment has countless changes.

  "Master Tianji, what's going on, how did Senior Feng lose?"

  "Yeah, I didn't see it clearly, shouldn't Senior Feng win?"

  "I see that Senior Feng has been occupying the top before, and Jing Wuming has no strength to fight back. How can he kill Senior Feng."


  In desperation, many gangsters could only ask Feng Chen for help, begging him to answer their doubts.

  "On the rivers and lakes, only Jing Wuming's left-handed sword is known to be as fast as lightning, so he is called the left-handed sword god."

  "But few people know that Jing Wuming's right-hand sword is faster and more divine than his left-hand sword."

  "To the point that everyone who has seen the sword in his right hand will not survive tomorrow."

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen smiled slightly and directly exposed Jing Wuming's ultimate secret.


  Everyone showed disbelief.

  Jing Wuming's biggest symbol, the left-handed sword known for its spicy and mysterious, is actually just a cover?

  A guise to hide his faster and stronger right hand sword!

  It is conceivable that how many top masters in Jianghu were accidentally killed by his right sword.

  This is undoubtedly a shocking secret!

  Because everyone who has seen Jing Wuming's right hand sword has been killed by him.

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen suddenly felt that something was wrong.

  He seemed to have exposed Jing Wuming's biggest secret. .

Chapter 83

  In the rivers and lakes, the masters compete, and the victory or defeat is only in an instant.

  Not to mention a lightning-fast swordsman like Jing Wuming, the killer move of the right-hand sword is enough for him to kill an existence stronger than him.

  Now that this secret has been exposed by Feng Chen, it won't be long before the whole world will spread the word.

  One can imagine how depressed Jing Wuming would be.

  "Since it has been exposed, let's expose it more thoroughly."

  On the white jade platform, Feng Chen thought out of nowhere, raised his hand and pointed to the sword test platform.

  I saw that the calm sword-testing platform suddenly burst into light, as if the time was reversed, and the figures of Jing Wuming and Feng Qingyang appeared again.

  Just when Feng Qingyang stabbed the sure-kill sword, the time flow of the sword test platform suddenly became extremely slow.

  The slow and breezy movements are like an old and frail old man.

  All the gangsters held their breath and widened their eyes instantly.

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