Under this slow flow of time, they finally saw Jing Wuming's movements clearly.

  I saw Jing Wuming, who was driven to a desperate situation, switched the sword to his right hand with incomparable speed, and then stabbed it with one blow.

  There is nothing fancy about this sword, only extreme speed.

  Many swordsmen compared them and found that the speed of Jing Wuming's right-hand sword was even twice that of his left-hand sword.

  This is undoubtedly a very appalling thing.

  Private room on the third floor.

  Concubine Shixuan stood up abruptly, looking at the movements of Jing Wu's Destiny Sword and the stabbing sword, so perfect that there was no flaw.

  "What a fast sword, breaking the limit of swordsmanship, the name of the sword god is well-deserved."

  Shi Fei Xuan spoke slowly, with admiration in her eyes.

  This sentence also expressed the wishes of all the swordsmen present.

  Jing Wuming's left-handed sword was completely beyond their imagination of Kuaijian.

  It's like a god above, and there is an essential difference between them and ordinary swordsmen.

  "I admit, Jing Wuming's swordsmanship is indeed better than Feng Qingyang and Linghu Chong."

  "If Jing Wuming used this move against Linghu Chong before, I'm afraid Linghu Chong would be defeated in an instant."

  "This sword is too fast. Even if Feng Qingyang and Linghu Chong have prepared in advance, they should not be able to win."

  "Tianjilou is really terrifying, even Jing Wuming's trump card is clear."

  "I have already said that with the strength of Tianjilou, the announced [Sword God Ranking] is absolutely uncontroversial, and it is impossible to challenge successfully."

  "Yes, this is the authority of the [Sword God List]!"


  A group of gangsters started talking again.

  In addition to admiring Jing Wuming's strength for suppressing Feng Qingyang and Linghu Chong, it was more his recognition of the [Sword God Ranking].

  After this battle, no one dared to question the authority of the [Sword God List] again.

  Instead, it made everyone more curious about how powerful the eight sword gods ranked in front of the [Sword God List].

  To be able to suppress such a powerful Jing Wuming.

  "Master Tianji, can you update the [Sword God Ranking] in advance."

  "I beg the owner of Tianji to update the [Sword God List] or [The Black Hand List] in advance."

  "Now that I can't see the list update for a day, I feel uncomfortable."

  "Why don't you come up with a few more leaderboards, now there are only two leaderboards, it's not enough to watch."

  "That's right, support for a new ranking list, didn't you say you were going to launch the [Stunning List]?"

  "Lord Tianji, I would like to ask if there is a [Beautiful Boys List], for no other reason, this should be the list I have the best chance of being on.¨."

  "You're the only one on the [Beautiful Boys List]?"

  "I've never seen someone so brazen."


  In the hall, a group of high-ranking guests from all corners of the world petitioned.

  Some want Fengchen to update the list quickly, some want Fengchen to make a new list, and even think about what list to make for Fengchen.

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen couldn't help but be speechless after listening to everyone's discussion.

  He also came up with a new leaderboard.

  The problem is that the leaderboard requires a lot of peculiar points to exchange.

  Now the secret points on his body can only be exchanged for one [Stunning List].

  "If only the 'Battle of the Peak' could be won."

  "That's a full [-] points reward, enough to exchange for three small lists, or one big list."

  Feng Chen thought to himself.

  It's a pity that so far, there is only one swordsman, Genie, who is willing to fight and win the next game.

  The other two haven't been seen yet.


  At the same time, the Ming Dynasty, the Golden Summit of Wudang.

  On the open ground in front of the Golden Temple of Wudang, the two forces confronted each other.

  Song Yuanqiao took the lead one step and said loudly: "God Wuhua, you are an eminent monk, and you have always been on good terms with my Wudang faction. Why do you have to be aggressive this time?"

  "Amitabha, the poor monk has no intention of targeting the Wudang sect, and my sects also have great respect for the Wudang sect."

  "But the Wudang Sect Master Mu Daoist committed numerous crimes and was angered by the rivers and lakes, so I have to come and ask for an explanation."

  "I also hope that Song Daxia can abide by the rules of the right way, expel the insidious villain Mu Daoren from the sect, and hand it over to the entire rivers and lakes for disposal."

  Monk Wuhua said with a merciful expression.

  "My Wudang School has been the right way of martial arts since its founding."

  "I always abide by the rules, and I will never tolerate a sinister person like Mu Daoist."

  "But the wooden Taoist is as cunning as a fox. After we got the news, he has disappeared without a trace."

  Yin Liting stood up and said.

  "Humph! Who knows if this is your Wudang faction deliberately covering up!"

  He Taichong, the head of the Kunlun faction, said loudly.

  This remark immediately caused dissatisfaction among the Wudang disciples.

  But right now, they can't do anything about it. They can only blame the sect's misfortune and have a treacherous leader like Mu Daoren.

  At this moment, Zhang Wuji stood up.

  "Everyone in the rivers and lakes."

  "Under the Ming sect, I stand for Wuji, and I would like to guarantee as the leader of the Ming sect that the Mu Daoist is indeed no longer in the Wudang sect."

  "We also want to catch the wooden Taoist and remove this scourge for the martial arts."

  "If we still kill each other at this time, it will only benefit the wooden Taoist fisherman, so please think twice."

  Zhang Wuji's voice, combined with the inner strength of Dacheng Jiuyang Divine Art, reverberated on Wudang Mountain.

  Such a strong and pure internal force, suddenly changed the color of many sect leaders, never imagined that Zhang Wuji's cultivation was so powerful.

  "My Wudang faction has been based in the Daming Rivers and Lakes for nearly a hundred years, don't you even have this credibility?"

  "Master Shutai, your Emei faction has always been on good terms with me, Wudang, can't you believe it?"

  Song Yuanqiao took advantage of the situation to play the emotional card.

  Mie Shitai showed hesitation when he heard the words, and pondered: "The reputation of the Wudang faction, the character of Song Daxia, the poor nun can still trust it."

  Lu XiaoFeng also echoed: "According to my understanding of Wood Daoist, he will never let himself fall into such a dangerous situation, so I also believe that he will not stay in the Wudang faction."

  After these remarks, many sect leaders suddenly had the intention of retreating, after all, the Wudang sect's signboard was there.

  Over the years, the heroic heroism has been witnessed by all.

  But at this moment, the beggar gang leader Nangong Ling stood up.

  "You Wudang faction keep saying that the wooden Taoist is no longer in Wudang, that's all, the gang leader reluctantly believes it."

  "Now this gang leader only asks you one question."

  "Is Ye Xue, the illegitimate daughter of Daoist Wood, still in Wudang?"

  Nangong Ling's words were deafening, and instantly countless eyes were directed at Song Yuanqiao.


  The faces of everyone in Wudang became ugly.

  This was what they were most afraid of being asked, because Ye Xue was indeed still in Wudang.

  "Amitabha, please ask Daxia Song to answer the question about the Nangong gang leader."

  "As long as Master Song says 'no', I will immediately retreat down the mountain."

  The flowerless monk said seriously.


  Song Yuanqiao's face changed uncertainly, and finally he sighed: "Yes, Ye Xue is indeed still in my Wudang."

  "it is good!"

  "Song Daxia is really bright and upright."

  "Then I, Nangong Ling, don't want to be a villain."

  "As long as Song Daxia hands over Ye Xue, I will retreat down the mountain."

  The beggar gang leader Nangong Ling spoke again, and immediately attracted the support of many sect leaders.

  Their purpose is to find the wooden Daoist and kill him.

  As long as there is Ye Xue in his hand, he will definitely be able to draw out the Taoist Wood.


  "¨'Ye Xue is a disciple of my Wudang Sect, and she doesn't know anything about Daoist Mu."

  "The so-called disaster is not for the family, but the truth is reasonable, and my Wudang faction will not hand Ye Xue to you."

  Yin Liting immediately and loudly refused.

  Monk Wuhua's face was sinking, and he said calmly, "Did Song Daxia mean the same thing?"

  Song Yuanqiao said, "That's right, my Wudang sect is upright and upright, and I will never let Daoist wood go, and I will never implicate innocent Wudang sect disciples."

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