But Wu Wuzhi is in the 20th realm. There are always some old monsters in this world. Martial arts have been cultivated to the legendary realm, which is terrible and unimaginable.

  But the existence of this level has basically been hidden for a long time, and it is no longer in the arena.

  Because for a powerhouse at this level, fame and fortune in the arena is meaningless.

  Their pursuit is only one, and that is the ultimate state of martial arts.

  Another private room.

  Shaking her fair jade feet, she said with a smile, "Master, the mastermind behind the scenes this time is interesting. It turned out to be someone from our Demon Sect."

  "The Sun Moon God Sect has expanded very strongly in the past few decades, and its momentum is no longer under our Yingui Sect."

  "Although it uses such an inferior method as the Three Corpse Brain Pill to control the congregation."

  "But it's enough to show that Dongfang Invincible is a hero."

  Zhu Yuyan said slowly, implying appreciation.

  "Then Master, do you want to take this opportunity to turn the Sun Moon Divine Sect into a force of my Yin Gui sect?"

  "By the way, you can also get the heavenly reward."

  She said playfully.

  "Even if I have this idea, Fan Qinghui will not let me do it."

  "What we need to do now is to integrate the two six factions of the Demon Sect, and completely condense the Da Sui Demon Dao into one."

  "I think this great Sui Jiangshan is already in a state of precariousness, and I am afraid there will be a big change in the world."

  "Cihang Jingzhai should have made preparations, and we can't fall behind."

  Zhu Yuyan said very seriously.

  Yan Yan pondered: "I seem to have seen Shi Fei Xuan walking very close to a young man named Li Shimin recently. The words of the conversation seem to be compared with each other. Could it be preparing for the big changes in the future?"

  "Yang Guang has lost his virtue, and the whole world hopes for a bright master."

  "With the reputation of Cihang Jingzhai, if one person is recommended..."

  "This matter can't be ignored. Find someone to keep an eye on that Li Shimin."

  "As soon as there is trouble, report it to me immediately."

  Zhu Yuyan also clearly realized the seriousness of the matter.

  "My God!"

  Just when the various conversations in the hall were mixed, there was a sudden burst of exclamations near the Da Sui portal.

  A group of high-ranking players in the rivers and lakes looked around, and couldn't help but round their eyes.

  I saw a beautiful woman wearing a plain yellow robe and a light green shawl appearing in the portal and walking towards the Baiyutai step by step.

  She is like a fairy who came to the mortal world from a deep valley in a dream.

  No matter who, as long as they look at it, they are immediately attracted to their eyes, and they cannot move away for a long time.

  Those who were standing in front of her were caught a glimpse of her eyes that were as beautiful as the rising sun, and immediately gave way involuntarily.

  The hall on the first floor was obviously crowded, but there was no one within two meters around her.

  This is different from the coercion emanating from those unparalleled powerhouses.

  But everyone consciously retreated, just like the stars consciously guarding the bright moon, willing to be covered by the brilliance of the bright moon.

  "Shang Xiufang, I have seen the owner of Tianji."

  Fairy Jumei walked unimpeded all the way to the white jade stage, and said softly with her perfect voice without any impurities.

  "Shang Xiufang? Why do I seem to have heard this name before?"

  "Yes, yes, this name is a bit familiar, I seem to have heard it in Tianjilou."

  "I remembered that the owner of Tianji mentioned it before."

  "I also remembered that the owner of Tianji once said that if Shang Xiufang and Shi Qingxuan came, they could directly live in the wing on the sixth floor."

  "Is it what the landlord of Tianji said to the girl? I thought the landlord of Tianji was joking."

  "The owner of Tianji's eyes is too poisonous, this Shang Xiufang is simply not as beautiful as a person in the world."

  "Shang Xiufang, everyone Shang, this is a famous musician in our Da Sui Dynasty!"

  "But there is a good show to watch now. I'm afraid the owner of Tianji didn't expect Shang Xiufang and everyone to really come over."


  A group of high-ranking guests in the rivers and lakes talked a lot, and they all remembered Feng Chen's jokes before.

  At that time, everyone asked who was qualified to live on the sixth floor of Tianji Building. The owner of Tianji once said that if Shang Xiufang and Shi Qingxuan arrived, they could stay.

  Because no one outside the Da Sui Rivers and Lakes has heard of these two names, everyone passed it as a joke.

  But who would have thought that after so many days, Shang Xiufang actually appeared in Tianjilou.

  There are even more good people in the rivers and lakes, who directly tipped off the news and said loudly: "Shang everyone, you are finally here, the owner of Tianji has admired you for a long time."

  Shang Xiufang blinked, and turned her head to look inexplicably.

  Just a glance back, all the heroes of the rivers and lakes have a feeling of trembling in their hearts.

  In the next moment, everyone was more enthusiastic about tipping off.

  "Shang everyone, the owner of Tianji said before that if you and Shi Qingxuan come here, you will be allowed to stay on the sixth floor of Tianji Building for free."

  "Haha, I can testify that the owner of Tianji did say this."

  "Shang everyone, the wing room on the sixth floor of the Tianji Building has the miraculous effect of maintaining beauty and health. You must stay here for a few more days."

  "The owner of Tianji is worthy of being the owner of Tianji. His vision is too high. Only the gods like Shang everyone can get into his eyes."

  "I don't know what kind of beauty Shi Qingxuan is?"

  "I still need to think about it? It must be at the level of a fairy, otherwise, how can it be matched with monks and everyone."

  "The owner of Tianji matches my aesthetics too much, and I look forward to the birth of the [Stunning List]."

  "It's still based on aesthetics? Who can't see everyone's beauty except the blind?"


  Although the discussions of these gangsters were very mixed, Shang Xiufang still understood what they meant, and two clouds could not help but emerge from the jade surface.

  "Does the owner of Tianji really mean this?"

  Shang Xiufang said in a soft tone, her eyes filled with Mid-Autumn Festival water, as if she could speak.

  Feng Chen had never met Shang Xiufang before, and he just wanted to make fun of her when he said that, but he didn't expect it to be a foreshadowing.

  But he has to admit that Shang Xiufang does have an indescribable and unique beauty that makes people unable to take their eyes off of her.

  "Although it's a joke, the landlord always does what he says."

  "The wing room on the sixth floor will always be reserved for everyone. You can come and live at any time."

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen said without losing his demeanor.

  The following are all corners of the world's high-rollers suddenly more lively, and the discussion is loud and loud.

  Shang Xiufang smiled slightly and said softly; "Since the owner of Tianji really said this, then Xiufang would like to congratulate the owner of Tianji."


  Although Shang Xiufang's voice was very soft, it had a unique charm that everyone could hear clearly.

  But everyone didn't understand what she meant.

  "Before coming to the master of Tianji, Xiufang met Fairy Shi Qingxuan by chance."

  "If nothing else, she should come over later."

  Shang Xiufang continued.


  As if to confirm what Shang Xiufang said.

  Just when her voice fell, another wave of waves erupted at the portal of Da Sui.

  I saw a woman as beautiful as walking out of a picture scroll, appearing in the portal.

  Although her temperament is slightly cold, her peerless beauty is not inferior to Shang Xiufang and everyone.

  Private room on the third floor.

  Hou Xibai's eyes almost popped out.

  As a direct disciple of Shi Zhixuan, he could see at a glance that this peerless beauty was clearly Shi Qingxuan.

  He knows very well that Shi Qingxuan is not only a generation of musicians, but also the daughter of the famous evil king Shi Zhixuan!

  "It turned out to be Fairy Shi Qingxuan Shi!"

  "Oh my god! Fairy Shi is here too. It's a worthwhile trip, a worthwhile trip."

  "Everyone present today is blessed, Fairy Shi's Xiao Yin is the best in the Sui Dynasty."

  "Shang Xiufang, Shi Qingxuan, my two famous musicians from the Great Sui Rivers and Lakes are all present."

  "Haha, the owner of Tianji is the happiest. The two beauties he admires are all here now."


  In the midst of this noisy discussion, Shi Qingxuan walked briskly, walked straight to the Baiyu stage, and bowed to Yingying:

  "Little girl Shi Qingxuan, I have seen the owner of Tianji."

  Shang Xiufang, Shi Qingxuan, two fairies who had been exiled from the Nine Heavens, stood side by side like this.

  "Shang everyone, see you again."

  After the ceremony, Shi Qingxuan looked at Shang Xiufang again and said hello.

  Shang Xiufang smiled and said, "I have heard the name of Fairy Shi for a long time, and I will be able to sing on the same stage today, and I will have no regrets in this life."


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