Such a scene suddenly caused a lot of discussions among the gangsters.

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen didn't want to listen to their gossip anymore, so he raised his hand and made a move.

  "This, this is..."

  Everyone looked at the void, the Jade Pond Jade Terrace, which looked like a jade palace in the Immortal Palace, and their eyes were rounded.

  Even if I saw more of the magical methods of Tianjilou, I couldn't help but exclaimed a fairy tale at this time.

  "The stage has been set up, invite the two fairies to come on stage."

  The dust said slowly.

  At the same time, a wing room on the sixth floor was also opened at the right time, walked out of Yang Yuhuan and other dancers, danced gracefully, and went straight to Yutai.

  Shi Qingxuan and Shang Xiufang's eyes lit up, the soul of music in his body burned, and he also ran to the Jade Terrace in Yaochi.

  The three stunning list-level beauties stood on the jade platform in Yaochi just like that.

  Under the shadow of the immortal air on the jade platform, it seems like a real nine-day fairy.

  Even without the slightest dance music, the three of them just looked at each other, and the rhythm had already intoxicated the audience.


  "Complete the mission: Overture to the Brilliant Ranking."

  "Rewards are being distributed..."

  "You got 3000 Sky Points."

  "You got a copy of "Transcending the Tribulation Immortal Song"."

  The cold system prompt sounded in Feng Chen's mind.

  At the same time, the artistic conception of the lyrics and music of "Crossing the Tribulation Immortal Song" was also firmly imprinted in Feng Chen's mind.

  In just this moment, Feng Chen changed from a novice who knew nothing about music to an exiled immortal with a great rhythm.

  The subtlety of "Song of the Tribulation Immortal" reverberated in my mind, as if it had been performed a thousand times.

  "Master Tianji, what song are we going to play this time?"

  Yang Yuhuan asked in confusion.

  Because two new members were added, she had to communicate in advance.

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen smiled calmly and said:

  "I'm fortunate enough to invite three fairies to play on the same stage today. The landlord has nothing to give, so I'll give you a fairy song, and let's talk about it."

  After speaking, Feng Chen raised his hand and turned into three auras, heading straight for the three girls.

  In this spiritual light is the score of "The Song of Crossing the Tribulation Immortal", which was turned into spiritual consciousness by Feng Chen and directly submerged into the sea of ​​consciousness of the three girls.

  Yang Yuhuan, Shi Qingxuan, and Shi Feixuan were originally curious, but at the moment when the score entered their souls, they all quieted down and closed their eyes to comprehend.

  I don't know how long it took, Shang Xiufang opened her eyes first, with a look of shock on her face, and said softly:

  "This song should only be found in the sky...".

Chapter 93

  The Great Sui Dynasty, Jiangdu City.

  In an elegant courtyard, Fu Cailin sat cross-legged under a peach tree, quietly adjusting his breath.

  He has an unusually narrow face, and the facial features on it are all flaws that no one wants to have.

  But these shortcomings are all squeezed into his face, but it is very peaceful, giving people a natural feeling.

  Put him among the handsome men and beauties, and no one will think he is ugly.

  Put him in the crowd of ugly ugly monsters with crooked eyes, and no one will think he is handsome.

  This is the magic of "Nine Profound Dafa" created by Fu Cailin, which can integrate itself into nature.

  No matter what environment you are in, it can be perfectly integrated without any abrupt feeling.


  At this moment, the peach blossoms fell, and the wooden door of the courtyard slowly opened.

  A woman in a snow-white samurai uniform walked in and said, "Sect Master, the time for the 'Battle of the Peak' has come, it's time for us to set off."

  Her expression was very cold, but there was a scorching heat in her eyes looking at Fu Cailin.

  This kind of heat has nothing to do with affection, just pure worship and admiration.

  In Goguryeo, Fu Cailin is a god-like existence. Whether he is a disciple of Yijianmen or not, when he sees him, he will be like a god.

  "Let's go."

  Fu Cailin stood up and said plainly.

  But if you look closely, you can see that the palm of Fu Cailin's sword is shaking slightly.

  It's not nervousness, it's not fear, it's excitement and excitement.

  He has been invincible for too long, and he has been rampant in the Great Sui Rivers and Lakes [-] years ago, and only one Ning Daoqi can fight.

  In terms of kendo, he is even more invincible in the world, looking around, all lonely.

  But today, he might be able to meet an opponent worthy of a serious fight.


  Great Qin Dynasty, Xianyang City, Imperial Palace.

  In the side hall on the left side of the Yangju Palace, Genie, who was in retreat, slowly opened his eyes.


  A mouthful of turbid air spit out from his mouth, but like a sharp sword, it directly cut through the void, slammed into the wall fiercely, and made a 'bang' sound.

  Gai Nie frowned slightly, not expecting a deviation in his control.

  "Does it make me feel anxious because I haven't used the sword for too long?"

  Gai Nie muttered to himself.

  He thought that what he wanted was a life of indifference.

  But at this moment, he realized that he was a swordsman, and he was a swordsman all his life.

  As a swordsman, you must use the sword, fight against heroes from all walks of life, and defeat all heroes in the world.

  "Your Excellency Sword Saint, what happened?"

  The two soldiers were alarmed by the sound and hurried in to ask.


  "You came in just in time, help me bring a word to Your Majesty."

  "Let's just say that the time for the 'Battle of the Peak' has come, and Genie will go back when he goes."

  Gai Niefeng said calmly, holding the Yuanhong sword, and slowly stepped out of the side hall.

  "As ordered."

  The two armored soldiers clasped their fists.

  The moment they looked up, the corner of their eyes could not help but glance at the wall beside them.

  On the wall made of red iron steel, there was an extra sword mark, two inches deep, shocking.


  At the same time, Tianji Building.

  The entire hall was silent, and all the heroes of the rivers and lakes were attracted by the beautiful scenery in front of them.

  The Jade Terrace in the Jade Pond is full of immortal energy, and three beautiful women with immortal appearances can be seen in it.

  Such a beautiful scene makes people feel like they are in a fairyland.

  "The enjoyment of immortals is probably nothing more than that."

  Someone sighed with emotion in a low voice, which immediately attracted the approval of the crowd.

  Yaochi Yutai, three beauties playing together, this is really their lucky day, I am afraid they will never forget it in their lifetime.

  But what they don't know is.

  At this time, Yang Yuhuan, Shang Xiufang, and Shi Qingxuan, who were on the jade platform in Yaochi, felt that they were the luckiest people.

  If you don't get to the Heavenly Secret Tower, how can you get this peerless heavenly sound?

  Transcend Tribulation Immortal Song.

  This is definitely a movement written by an immortal.

  The three girls firmly believed in this.

  The artistic conception in this fairy song made them mesmerized, and before they played it, they were already immersed in it.

  The music suddenly started.

  All the heroes of the arena don't even know when the performance started.

  All they know is that when they regained their senses, there was already singing and dancing on the jade platform of Yaochi.

  Yang Yuhuan's dance, Shi Qingxuan's Xiao, Shang Xiufang's song.

  The three stunning and perfect interpretations made "Song of Crossing the Tribulation" reverberate in the entire hall, introducing everyone into a strange realm of music.

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen closed his eyes slightly, and was also listening, sometimes nodding slightly.

  It has to be said that Yang Yuhuan, Shi Qingxuan, and Shi Feixuan are indeed strange women that are rarely seen in the world.

  Such a difficult "Transcending Tribulation Immortal Song" was actually played by them.

  Although Feng Chen didn't think it was complete, the mood was enough to attract people's attention.

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