The surrounding jianghu high-rollers came forward to greet Fang Qin.

“Mr. Fang, when the true gods are in the world, I am full of admiration.”

“Yes pole is pole!”

These good martial artists most admired the strong, and the words of the other Qin were indeed sincere and sincere.

After the Duan people placed Duan Yu well, they also came forward to talk with gratitude.

Mu Wanqing watched from a distance and gritted her teeth, wanting to go up to thank her, but she was a little inexplicably flustered and did not dare to come forward.

Seeing that Fang Qin and the others were leaving, they walked in, and just when they wanted to speak, Huang Rong beside Fang Qin spat out his tongue at her and wrapped his arms around Fang Qin again.

Seeing the two of them extremely intimate, a little sour in their hearts, and today’s experience is really irritating, blurting out: “Hey, even if you save me, I won’t thank you.” ”

As soon as the words came out, she already regretted it, but her temperament has always been very hot and wants to change her mouth, but many people see it, and they can’t say it.

When the people around them heard such words, they all frowned and wanted to say something, when they saw a young woman dressed in black coming, even if she was veiled, she could feel her beauty.

Immediately looked at Fang Qin, Gu Du suddenly realized, secretly sighed that he was worthy of Mr. Fang, loved his red face confidant is more, and said goodbye to Fang Qin and did not disturb him.

Zhong Ling’s little girl also felt wrong and said, “Sister Mu, why are you like this?” Brother Fang Qin saved you, don’t be so rude. ”

Huang Rong snorted coldly, “Brother Qin didn’t ask you to thank you for saving you, is it Brother Qin?” ”

Saying that, the jade hand climbed up to Fang Qin’s waist and looked at Fang Qin with a bulge.

Fang Qin somewhat wordlessly held Huang Rong’s jade hand, the hand was soft and smooth, gently wrapped his arms around her, and was soft in his arms.

Huang Rong was so affectionate with Fang Qin, the little vinegar in his heart had long since flown without a trace, and he leaned on him with a red face.

Fang Qin turned to Mu Wanqing and said, “Cough, the girl doesn’t have to thank you, but the medicinal properties on your body have not yet passed, you need to take some medicine.” ”

Mu Wanqing saw that this was inexplicable, and gritted her teeth: “Don’t bother you.” ”

Fang Qin smiled and said to Zhong Ling, “Little Zhong Ling, I and your sister Rong are leaving, and I will come to see you later.” ”

Zhong Ling cried and said, “Wow, sister, brother, I don’t want you, is it okay for you to stay?” ”

“Hee-hee, I’ll come to see you when I have time later, don’t cry your nose, the little flower cat is not good-looking.” Huang Rong liked this cute little girl from the bottom of her heart and comforted her.

“Well, well, sure.”

Mu Wanqing stood sullen and unhappy, not knowing what she was thinking.


Zhong Ling, who bid farewell to Fang Qin and Huang Rong, was invited by Duan to Dali City.

After living in Dali City for a few more days, Fang Qin was interested in seeing Duan’s martial arts, so he compared himself with Duan Zhengchun and the four great ministers.

Duan Zhengming also divided the time to communicate with Fang Qin, there was the slightest slackness, as soon as he heard that Fang Qin had the heart to compare, he said,

“If Mr. Fang is interested, he may as well come and ask for advice!”

The people around them were a little discolored, and they wanted to persuade them, but they were suppressed by Duan Zhengming.

“Since you’re interested, then”

“Haha, Mr. Fang’s martial arts skills are much higher than mine, but you should ask for advice.”

Then came to the martial arts training field, Huang Rong stood aside, the two practiced against each other in the field for a while, of course, only Duan Zhengming was shooting, and Fang Qin blocked at will.

After a moment, Duan Zhengming sighed with some shock: “Shame and shame! I’m far worse than my husband. ”

Huang Rong smiled and squinted at the side, well, I like to see other people’s shocked brother Qin the most.

Fang Qin casually pointed at it, the pure energy wrapped around the finger, a little to the right of the blue granite, in Duan Zhengming’s shocked eyes, directly pierced into the stone, directly waved at will, the dragon snake flew on the top of the “Wu” word.

“This, this is my Dali Yiyang finger…” Duan Zhengming looked shocked, looking at Fang Qin’s eyes and really didn’t know what to say.

Then he smiled bitterly: “Mr. Fang’s original idea, just watched me use it for a while, and then learned it, and it is even better than me, when it is really a high talent, it is unique.” ”

Looking at the handwriting on the bluestone, I was amazed, even if it is a pin and a yang finger, it is not as good as this random stroke of Mr. Shang, painting with stone.

If others had learned, the Duan family would naturally not give up, but Fang Qin was different, although he still did not know how powerful this person really was, but he also knew the gap between himself and him.

The decision is not to offend, but it should be handed over.

“I just hope that Mr. Fang doesn’t spread my Duan Yiyang finger at will.”

“Oh, naturally, don’t worry.”

Suddenly, someone came and spread the news.

Duan Zhengming changed color a little, frowned and thought for a while, and the other party Qin made a serious salute: “Mr. Fang, I have something to ask for, I don’t know if I can …”

Fang Qin laughed when he heard this, and said, “Yes, but it is interesting, just to see the strength of that Kumo Zhi.” ”

“Thank you Mr. Fang!”


Tenryuji Temple

Several senior monks looked at each other and sighed, “Why is it so bad?” Natsumoto was really aggressive. ”

“What happened to Brother One Lamp?” Has there been any news? ”

“Master Brother went out three years ago, there was no news, otherwise, Hatsumochi would not dare to be so arrogant!”

Several people frowned, now that it was really a crisis in the Tianlong Temple, Master Ku Rong said to Duan Zhengming, “Learning my six-veined Excalibur requires going to the secular world, entering my Tianlong Temple, and now that the enemy is at hand, do you have any consciousness?” ”

“I would like to enter the temple and learn these six-veined Excalibur swords to block its sharp edge.”

“Great Good!”

A group of six people each chose one of the six pulses of the hanging and above the Six Pulses Excalibur Sutra and practiced it.

Three days later,

“The poor monk Hatsumochi, who came to visit your temple, has long heard of the prestige of the Heavenly Dragon and the solemn treasure, and it is really extraordinary.”

“Amitabha, when the Tubo Guoshi came, the old man never greeted him from afar, and he was disrespectful.”

A forty- or fifty-year-old monk sat in the form of a high-ranking monk, smiling, but his eyes looked to the side with some doubt.

Sitting next to a man and a woman, the man’s temperament is ethereal, handsome and extraordinary, the woman’s face is absolutely beautiful, can not be forced to see, it is really a pair of gods and immortals.

However, it is a little strange to appear in the Tianlong Temple, and even more on this more solemn occasion today.

The man looked around with interest, saw him coming, smiled and nodded.

Hatsuma frowned, feeling that things were not simple.

However, after carefully watching it for a while, I felt that there was nothing wrong with it, just an ordinary person, but the female doll’s internal strength cultivation was good.

Immediately no longer take care of it, only to say that these two people are royal status, come to increase their knowledge.

So he discussed Buddhism with several senior monks of Tianlong Temple. _

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