“Amitabha, the Dharma of the Great Wheel Ming King is profound, and the poor monks are not as good as the same.”

“False praise and false praise.” Hatsuma smiled as if he were self-satisfied, and then said,

“The little monk came this time to ask for something besides exchanging the Dharma.

I believe that all the senior monks have long known that they have already stated it in the previous prayers.

I wanted to borrow the Six Pulses Excalibur Sutra from your temple, and of course the poor monk was not a rude person, so I exchanged it for several martial arts in this Shaolin Seventy-Two Skills. ”

Saying that, the person took out a brocade box, opened it and put a few books inside, and wrote “No Phase Robbery Finger”, “Flower Picking Finger”, “Doro Leaf Finger” on it…

Huang Rong’s eyes lit up when he saw this, knowing that Fang Qin had the heart to collect martial arts in the world, and Fang Qin said, “Brother Qin, do we want to take a look at it?” ”

Fang Qin smiled and said, “There is no hurry, it will be the same later.” ”


Ben Yin saw several Heavenly Dragon High Monks look at each other, and they were all a little moved, and the Shaolin Seventy-Two Extraordinary Skills could be described as mighty and famous.

If you can read through the cultivation, maybe it will be of great benefit, and these are all fingerings, and the stone of his mountain can attack jade, which may have a good inspiration for his Dali Duan Yi Yang Finger, and even learn the Six-Pulse Excalibur on this basis in the future.

And the Six-Pulse Excalibur Sutra has been placed so far, and no one has ever been able to fully cultivate successfully, and it seems that it is not impossible to exchange for Shaolin stunts.

However, several people did not say anything, and all set their sights on Master Kuei, who was the most respected person in the Heavenly Dragon Temple, and this matter was very important, only he could grasp the idea.

“Amitabha, the Ming King said with a smile, the Six-Pulse Excalibur is the treasure of my Tianlong Town Temple, forgive me that the temple cannot agree.” Master Kuei Rong coldly refused with an expressionless face.

Hatsumomo Chi tried to persuade him again and again, but he still couldn’t convince him with emotion, and then he sighed regretfully, “Since this is the case, the little monk has offended.” ”

Standing up, his internal strength surged, his face showed a proud color, and his mouth shouted: “Little monk come to try the martial arts of Tianlong Temple, can you let the little monk have fun?” ”

The Heavenly Dragon High Monk was shocked and angry, and they all stood up and confronted each other.

As soon as the two sides were about to erupt, Hatsuma Zhi directly cast the flame sword, and the air convulsed, and a scorching heat swept towards several monks, several Tianlong monks, along with Duan Zhengming, who had just been shaved, directly struck one of the six-veined divine swords.


A muffled sound sounded, and this time some did not want to go up and down, and the Heavenly Dragon High Monk changed color somewhat.

Hatsuma is one against six, and even has more than enough, and a martial art can also be described as terrible.

The two sides moved their hands, and without reservation, the six people directly surrounded Hatsuma Zhi in the middle, and the six people shifted their shapes to avoid Hatsuma Zhi’s flame sword, and constantly used each pulse of qi swords.

Peng Peng Peng!

Under the momentum of the collision, some of the aftershocks scattered in front of Fang Qin and the two of them, and disappeared within a mile.

Fang Qin stood by and watched carefully, his right hand was slightly raised, and there was a trace of internal force surging, which then turned into a trace of searing, and then turned into a trace of changing sharpness.

After seeing the ten moves, Fang Qin probably had an understanding.

After seeing the thirty moves, Fang Qin had already realized most of it.

After seeing the fifty or so moves, both sides had already learned to show it, and Fang Qin had already fully realized it.

“Ding, comprehend the Six-Pulse Excalibur and the Flame Sword, and get …”

He sighed in his heart, ‘These six pulses of the Excalibur are wonderful, if the six qi swords are unleashed at will, they can be described as powerful; However, that flame sword was not bad, if this Hatsuma Zhi could settle down and study seriously, why should he covet the martial arts of others. ’

The flame sword and the six-veined Excalibur are similar to the mastery, one is transformed into an air sword with internal force, and the other is transformed into a flame sword with internal force, it is difficult to say which of the two is stronger, the key depends on the caster.

However, these two disciplines were now also learned by Fang Qin, and their strength had also increased.

With great energy, the people on both sides exchanged a hundred moves in an instant, and took a few steps back from each other.

Hatsumomo said with a surprised face, “This is the Six-Pulse Excalibur?” Good, good martial arts, worthy of Mr. Murong has always been admired, really mysterious. ”

“Amitabha!” Kui Rong and the others had some ugly faces, and they didn’t think that this Tubo Guoshi’s strength was so great, and he was afraid that he would be slightly better than the One Lamp Master, one of the five best.

“Alas, why should the masters do this, the poor monks just want to end Mr. Murong’s last wish and fulfill the promises made by the little monks, if you decide so…

I have heard that the lord of the Tibetan kingdom has the intention of raising a sword and a soldier, so he persuades every year to stop killing, so as not to destroy the life, if it is… Alas, Amitabha. ”

Several people are ugly, this person actually wants to threaten this, Duan Zhengming’s face as the emperor of Dali is a bit blue, if it is for a book of scriptures to provoke war between the two countries, life is ruined, it is not worth it, but handing over under such persecution is not to discredit Dali’s prestige.

Duan Zhengming was a little uncertain, and then they all turned into prudence, and they came out of the crowd and said to Fang Qin on the side: “Mr. Wang, pity, help me Tianlong’s strength, Ben Chen did not dare to forget, and afterwards greeted Mr. Dali with a courtesy.” ”

Say goodbye and pray a salute, with a serious and respectful face.

Several people around him were taken aback, and Hatsuma Zhi looked at Fang Qin, both shocked and confused, this person was so young, he could actually let the Tianlong Temple ask for help from him, and also gave him the position of a national teacher, could it be that he himself looked away, what great ability did this person have?

Ben Yin was also a little shocked, and just when he wanted to say something, he was stopped by the Ku Rong Master above, and Master Ku Rong performed a ritual on the other side: “I don’t know how the benefactor has learned?” ”

Master Ku Rong had already been informed of Fang Qin by Duan Zhengming, and also of his terrible martial arts talents, and he was a little unbelieving in his heart.

However, as long as he didn’t rob the Heavenly Dragon Six-Pulse Excalibur Sutra, he would also agree, after all, such a powerful person really couldn’t be offended.

If he can really learn just by watching others perform, then it is useless to hide it on his side, it is better to let him look at it generously, and he can also make friends with this character.

“Oh, the Heavenly Dragon Temple’s Six-Pulse Excalibur is indeed extraordinary, eye-opening.” Fang Qin smiled, using his fingers as a sword in his hand, and there was a trace of sharp qi to lead it, reaching out and stabbing forward.


An invisible sword qi gushed out, and several people around them felt a sharp breath, and there was some pain on their faces, and when they looked at the ground, a small circular hole was stuck in the underground bluestone, I don’t know how deep.

They all took a breath of cool air, how could this person be my Dali Duan Family’s Six-Pulse Excalibur, remembering the words just asked by Master Kuei, suddenly realized that this person was directly observing the casting of his own party, and directly realized the Six-Pulse Excalibur.

They all looked at Fang Qin with shocked eyes, what a terrifying talent it had to be.

Duan Zhengming sighed and said, “Mr. Shenwei, please help me!” And then another salute.

Master Ku Rong was also shocked, he originally thought that this person could learn at most one achievement was already shocking to the world, he did not think…

Looking at the round holes in the bluestone on the ground, he sighed that he was far inferior.

Looking at Fang Qin’s youthful appearance, he sighed and said, “Mr. Fang’s martial arts realm is unimaginably high, and the poor monk also begs you to help me with the help of the Tianlong Temple.” ”

Saying that he also wanted Fang Qin to perform a ritual, several people around him also reacted, and they all performed a ritual to Fang Qin.

“Mr. Wangfang helped me wait!” I can’t wait to be grateful! ”

When Huang Rong saw this, he looked at Fang Qin with a look of adoration, only to feel that his lover brother was the most powerful person in the world.

Fang Qin smiled, stretched out his hand, and the internal force surged, lifting these people up, and said, “No need for this.” ”

Several of them only felt that an irresistible internal force directly lifted themselves up, and the internal force of this hand was really unfathomable and unimaginable.

Hatsumomo took a few steps back, a little uncertain, before this person did not show his face, he could not feel anything at all, and now a slight show of his hand made him have a sense of irresistible crisis.

Moreover, thinking that the person who had just cast the Six-Pulse Excalibur was obviously the Six-Pulse Excalibur, and was much smarter than the Heavenly Dragon Monk, Hatsuma Zhi was naturally an extremely intelligent person, and when he heard the words of several people, he already had a guess, but this was really unbelievable.

He immediately fixed his mind on the god and said, “I don’t know who this benefactor is?” ”

Duan Zhengming replied with a respectful face: “Mr. Fang’s surname is Qin, and those who know him in the martial forest are like gods.” ”

Hatsumochi was stunned, remembering the incident that the Tubo lord had mentioned to him before, and there were some rumors, his pupils narrowed, and he said, “You are Mr. Fang Qin, the little monk is polite.” ”

Fang Qin smiled and nodded, “Well, I’ll try it with you, you lose, and then how about stopping?” ”

Hatsuma thought for a moment, try his true strength to see if it was really as powerful as the rumors, just thinking of the power just now, so he said,

“Ah, since Mr. Fang is interested, the little monk naturally accompanies me, so I won’t hurt the harmony until the point is reached, and then no matter what, I will stop talking and make peace.”

If he is really so powerful, he will stop making peace, and if he has no real name, then don’t care. _

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