“This…” The sweeping monk was a little surprised on his face, not forgetting that it was rare in the world, and now there were two people who appeared directly, looking at their relatives or a couple, it was really a little bit of a lack of knowing what to say.

“Old man, now that I’ve finished reading the books here, will you and I go down to compete?”

The sweeping monk stood up and chanted the Buddha’s trumpet: “Lord, how about I wait to go to the venue outside the Tibetan Scripture Cabinet for a comparison?” ”


A group of three people came to the lower field, and the monks and disciples who were waiting on the side were full of shock when they saw Fang Qin come down, but they did not dare to come forward, and one of them ran away directly to report to the abbot and others in the nearby courtyard.

Fang Qin’s men didn’t care about these things and came directly to this field.

“Fang Shi Lord is already optimistic?” This…” Xuan Ci and the others hurried away and hurriedly asked.

Saying that, he glanced at the old monk beside Fang Qin, and there was some doubt in his heart, who was this somewhat strange old monk.

“Abbot, I have finished reading the scriptures, and now I want to try it out with this old gentleman of your temple.”

Xuan Ci and the others were shocked when they heard it, Fang Qin’s martial arts were so high that everyone had personally experimented with him before, knowing that his strength was unfathomable, he now said that he wanted to compete with people, indicating that this person’s martial arts would definitely not be weak.

I didn’t think that in my own Shaolin temple, there was an unborn high-ranking person hidden, and even Fang Qin felt that this person was powerful.

“Amitabha, this teacher, this…” Xuan Ci was about to say something.

The sweeping monk raised his hand to stop it, and said, “The abbot doesn’t need to talk about it more, I just randomly tried it with this benefactor and discussed the Tao with martial arts.” ”

Saying that, he came to the center and looked at Fang Qin: “Lord, I will wait for this to start?” ”

Fang Qin said a conversation to Huang Rong and also walked out,

“Old sir please!”

“Amitabha!” The sweeping monk chanted the Buddha trumpet, and the momentum around him changed, and the people around him could already feel a mighty force coming, and their faces were shocked.

As soon as the sweeping monk waved the sleeve of the monk’s robe, a thick force of qi pushed towards Fang Qin like a wall of air.

Fang Qin raised an eyebrow, this was the three-foot qi wall in the original book that he resisted the attacks of others, and it was rare for his skill to be thick to this extent, and he had only seen this Fang world in Zhang Sanfeng. It was similar to his previous internal force protector.

“The old gentleman has deep inner strength, but I am not bad.” The mouth said that it was also a wave of the hand, a strong internal force directly hit, the two air walls collided, a bang, a fierce wind pulled, the people around them hurriedly retreated and could not get close.

The monks looked a little pale, and looked at such a situation with a shocked face, feeling that both of them were powerful and could not be reached by ordinary people.

Xuan Ce said to Abbot Xuanci with some consternation, “Brother Abbot, I have such a hidden person in the temple, but I have never heard of it, but what does Master Brother know?” ”

Xuan Ci was also dazed, completely unaware that his own Shaolin Temple actually had such a high-ranking monk with such skills, but he also had some joy in his heart, if there was this person’s protection, the Shaolin Temple would have no worries.

When the two air walls collided, they directly turned into a competition of internal forces, and the air in the air was distorted and blurred, and a somewhat heavy pressure struck, making everyone present frightened.

Fang Qin narrowed his eyes and pondered in his heart, “As far as his internal strength is concerned, it seems that he has not practiced any divine skills or the like, just the most ordinary boy skills, and he does not want to practice like this for nearly a hundred years to have such a mighty power, which is indeed extraordinary.” ”

As soon as this internal force is touched, you can roughly feel the thick internal force of the other party, which is very pure and yang, but thinking about its origin is just a child’s skill.

This martial art is not so difficult to see, but it is easy to learn and difficult to master, and it is very simple to learn, but it is very accessible to practice so deeply.

Fang Qin’s side was randomly exerting his internal strength, but the sweeping monk’s side was shaking in his heart, so that fighting with Fang Qin could be regarded as having some real understanding of his strength.

I only feel that the internal strength of the person opposite is magnificent and vast, the yin and yang are chaotic, and all the subtleties in the world seem to be contained in it, facing and dealing with the threat of facing heaven and earth, and it is difficult to give birth to the heart of resistance.

The sweeping monk had never thought that martial arts could have such a powerful state together, he had been trapped in martial arts for more than thirty years, and he had never asked about the world, only feeling that everything else had no desire.

In this state of mind, his strength was becoming more and more refined, but it was only pure, and now he already felt that his limit was approaching, and he might return to the west to go to Elysium in a few years.

Now seeing Fang Qin’s vast momentum, somehow his heart was actually very moved, and there was a feeling that he could die in the morning.

Time passed, but after a pillar of incense time, the sweeping monk was already a little sweaty, the body’s thick internal strength was gradually consumed, some were not supported, and he realized in his heart that he was only afraid that he would directly exhaust his internal qi and die, looking at Fang Qin still had no tired color on his face, and he smiled bitterly in his heart, was the difference so big.

Just when I was about to speak, I felt the internal force of the other party swing, and my heart flashed, and I also directly put away the internal force.


The dullness slowly disappeared, and the people around him finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“The benefactor… Mo Fei has already stepped out of the back road. The sweeping monk asked in an inexplicable tone, as if he was a little excited and a little hesitant.

“The old gentleman saw it?” Oh, I already have an idea in my mind, but it’s not perfect. ”

“Amitabha! Great good! ”

Fang Qin said, “Old man, we may meet again in the future.” ”

After speaking, he turned back to Xuan Ci and the others and said, “Abbot, now that things are over, I will not bother more and resign.” ”

After saying that, before several people reacted, they grabbed Huang Rong and directly jumped up, and after several figures flashed, they disappeared.

Xuan Ci and the others looked at each other, all of them were secretly relieved, and then came to the sweeping monk and gave a salute: “Teacher Fu, I am waiting…”

“Alas, you don’t need to ask more, I just want to be a Shaolin sweeping monk, but I have long been a monk, and I will only spend the rest of my life in this temple.”

“This, yes.” Xuan Ci and the others did not dare to say more, this old man could be compared with Fang Qin’s existence, although it was obvious that he was definitely inferior to Fang Qin, but it was not comparable to these people.

Moreover, the old man is a Shaolin monk, that is a trustworthy existence, looking at his age, the generations are only afraid that he is higher than all people, and he does not dare not listen to what he says, and besides, knowing that there is such a martial artist in the temple is also a lot of confidence.

The sweeping monk shook his head, his face was calm and indifferent, but he looked back in the direction where Fang Qin had left and was somewhat speechless.

“There are such people in the world, is there really a reincarnation of a god, or the birth of a Buddha, and a way to go…”

Thinking in his heart, he shook his head and walked slowly to the top of his own small courtyard, although the time of the internal strength of the competition just now was not long, but the internal strength of his hundred-year-old boy skill was almost exhausted, but he had to rest and recover immediately.

Thinking of the person’s relaxed appearance, it was another inexplicable sigh.


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