After Fang Qin and the two left the Shaolin Temple, they came to the town under the mountain and found an inn to stay.


“Brother Qin doesn’t need to say, I know, don’t worry, you can cultivate with peace of mind, Rong Er will not disturb you, this time I will take care of it from the side.”

“Well, you’ve worked hard.”

Saying that, Fang Qin sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and began to digest the Shaolin martial arts before.

However, in half an hour, those external skill cheats and some internal skills had already been clearly understood.

Fang Qin sunk his heart and began to cultivate the Yi Jian Jing and the Pulp Washing Sutra, and half a moment later, the meaning of the two martial arts scriptures was already clear.

No longer hesitate, open the system, directly open the [comprehension deduction].


A mysterious sense of clarity arose, and the mysteries in the Yi Jian Sutra and the Pulp Washing Sutra rose in the mind, turned into nutrients, and were continuously melted by Fang Qin into the Taiyin and Yang True Scriptures and the Dragon Elephant Town Prison Classic.

After the completion of the process, and then began to comb continuously, and then on this basis continue to deduce, every part of the body needs to be involved to form a systematic method.

The deduction time was even longer, and a whole day passed, and there was no trace of it around between the exercises.

For a long time, Fang Qin was shocked.

“Ding, [Tai Yin Yang True Classic] characteristics [I Ching forging bones] enhanced to [I Ching washing pulp].

【Dragon Elephant Town Prison Classic】Added the characteristics of [Qi Blood Furnace]. ”

[I Ching Pulp Washing]: The yin and yang qi is like water and fire, constantly refining the whole body, qi, blood, muscles and flesh, meridian knots, internal organs and bone essence, washing away the filth of the body, and enhancing the essence of life.

【Qi and Blood Furnace】: The mighty qi and blood run, turning the body into a furnace and smelting a body.

Fang Qin’s mind moved, and the two more mysterious exercises than before were running at the same time.

The vast internal force of yin and yang flows, and the yin and yang qi are constantly refining and enhancing the flesh and blood meridians around the body, the internal organs and the essence of the bones.

The boiling qi and blood were also induced, the body was scalding, and the breath was roaring, turning the human body into a furnace, and between the smelting, constantly strengthening the body.

The two help each other and benefit each other, and it turns out that it is a kind of double effect with half the effort.


Qi and blood are like rivers and seas rushing, there is a surprising momentum between the flows, and the bones around the body are constantly washed away like steel under such divine powers, and gradually become as crystal clear as jade, but hard as steel.

As a result, the momentum of the body was shocked, and the breath was inadvertently leaked, and an inexplicably huge pressure was emitted.

The ordinary people in the vicinity of the whole inn had an inexplicable sense of panic, only to feel that their hearts were pounding, and a sense of crisis struck, and they were extremely flustered.

Huang Rong, who was closest to Fang Qin, was also a little uncomfortable, looking at Fang Qin in surprise, now he was full of hot air steaming, a trace of blood covered his body, between one breath and one inhalation, the blood light seemed to be flowing endlessly, and the sound of the rushing of the river and the sea seemed to faintly come from his body.

If anyone saw it, they would only think that they had encountered a god-like figure swallowing the essence of heaven and earth.

Huang Rong was both shocked and worried when he saw this, but the sense of pressure was getting stronger and stronger, and he was uncomfortable, so he had to retreat to the side and sit with all his strength, and the Nine Yin Internal Force was slightly better.

With such a sigh of relief, I found that under this kind of oppression, the cultivation seemed to have an inexplicable blessing, and the internal skills of the practice were much faster than usual.

After thinking about it, I knew that under such coercion, the speed of internal power unconsciously operated to resist, and I looked at Fang Qin’s side and felt that it should be okay before I began to practice Gong Gong.

For three consecutive days, the momentum became more and more powerful, the qi and blood were boiling, and a black impurity appeared under Fang Qinhun’s body, which was the deepest hidden impurity in the body, and now that it had been accomplished, Fang Qin was already clear all around, mixed as one, and it was really a leak-free body.

The body and physique are now mixed together, skin, flesh and blood, meridians, acupuncture points, internal organs, bones, bone marrow, the whole body is mixed as one, and the tools have been strengthened by unprecedented refinement.

At this point, the internal qi affected by this is also like a refinement, refining several times, and there is a vague feeling of turning qi into liquid, and it is still constantly refining and purifying.

Nowadays, the strength of a body is already difficult to speculate, and for the mortals in this world, it is not too much to say that he is a god.

It’s just that……

Fang Qin’s brow frowned slightly, he had thought that after this cultivation, his body would be completely transformed, but he knew that it was still a little worse, like a thin film, it was difficult to break through.

No matter how much he stirred up the Qi and Blood Furnace and the internal Qi quenching, he could not complete the last step and complete the real Great Transformation.

There was nothing he hadn’t thought about, but time had passed so long that he could only give up first.

Anyway, now the internal force after the body has just been quenched will continue to be purified, and this time the body is refined, and the meridian points are all quenched, and it will be able to accommodate more internal forces than before.

After a long time, my thoughts gradually cleared up.

Fang Qin opened his eyes, exhaled, exhaled into the wind, and the air in the room shook, and a gust of air surged.

I saw that there were a lot of impurities on the skin, and some frowned.

Huang Rong felt the breath converge and disappear, and immediately opened his eyes, somewhat surprised: “Brother Qin, have you finally cultivated well?” ”

She was also a little worried in her heart now, she already knew that Fang Qin didn’t seem to be a mortal, but the momentum of this cultivation still shocked her.

Such a power seemed to her to be close to the flow of the Immortals.

“Rong’er, well, I’ve already cultivated well, you help me ask Xiao Er to get some water to come over, and I’ll wash it.”

“Mm-hmm, I’ll go.” Huang Rong saw that Fang Qin’s body was somewhat filthy, and immediately nodded.

After a while, after Fang Qin finished cleaning, he changed into a robe and returned to the room with ease.

Huang Rong looked at him with some shock, and his face was a little red.

“Rong’er, what’s wrong with you?”

“Ah, nothing, Brother Qin, how have you been cultivating in the past three days, so, so powerful…”

Huang Rong was startled by Fang Qin’s voice, and turned his head somewhat unnaturally, secretly wondering how Brother Qin was getting better and better.

Really, how many girls will it attract in this way. Seeing him look over and immediately change the topic, in fact, she was also curious in her heart.

“Hahaha, that Shaolin “Yi Jian Jing” and “Pulp Baptism” are indeed extraordinary, gave me great inspiration, and my strength now can be regarded as a great increase.”

Fang Qin was also overjoyed, this cultivation was indeed a big breakthrough, these two scriptures naturally did not have such a terrible effect, that is, some people had cultivated both of the two masterpieces to achieve great integration, and it was also at most juxtaposed with the sweeping monks.

However, after Fang Qin absorbed the essence and continued to improve and advance with the “Comprehension and Deduction”, the method of washing the marrow of this I Ching was already much more advanced, so after smelting into the “Taiyin and Yang True Scripture” and the “Dragon Elephant Town Prison Classic”, he combined the two disciplines to refine and only then did he have such a harvest.

Huang Rong secretly stammered, Brother Qin’s strength was already as strong as that of the land immortals, and now he said that his strength had increased greatly, so what a posture.

“Brother Qin, are you already a god?” Also, will you still like Rong’er? Remembering some rumors along the way, and the inexplicable reverence of the people around him since this time, he couldn’t help but ask with a little trepidation.

Fang Qin rubbed Huang Rong’s small head and said, “No matter what, it should always be your brother Qin.” ”

Huang Rong was overjoyed to hear this, showed a beautiful smile, and nodded his head heavily.

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