In the secret passage of the ancient tomb, the three people in the group were somewhat silent, Huang Rong was still immersed in the shock of Fang Cai, and some did not return to God, Li Mo was almost worried, but there was more panic in his heart.

Since she had broken into the ancient tomb before and encountered Fang Qin’s failure, she had also come back once, and it turned out that Xiao Shimei’s martial arts were much better than before, and her skills were much deeper, and some exquisite martial arts made her breathtaking.

He was not an opponent at all, and it didn’t take long for a while to directly fall behind.

In my heart, I only said that this was the wonder of the ancient tomb mastery of the Jade Girl Heart Sutra, and my heart was a burst of envy, but also some mental imbalance.

After escaping from Xiaolongnü, she knew that it would be difficult to seize the Jade Girl Heart Sutra later.

So he thought of a way, that is, let other people also come here to make trouble, when there are many people, the tomb mechanism will be triggered, although it is decided not to hurt the little dragon girl who has the help of the land, but it can also make her tired to deal with, she will have the opportunity to seize the Jade Girl Heart Sutra.

Until the day when everything began, he directly hid in the distance to observe and look for opportunities, and everything was going well, but Fang Qin suddenly appeared.

As soon as she saw it, she found that this person was the lover of her former sister, and when she went to the ancient tomb later, she did not see Fang Qin, and she also used this to satirize the little dragon girl, and when the enemy was not able to fight behind, she also took advantage of this to escape when the little dragon girl was confused.

But I didn’t expect him to come back, just about to watch a good play, as a result, the next series of things, she was terrified, trembling and weak, Fang Qin’s eyes swept over, and she couldn’t escape if she wanted to escape.

However, in a few moments, the convenience crossed the distance of two hundred zhang, and she was directly caught by the other party, of course, she did not dare to resist when she saw that scene.

Li Moxuan followed behind with some restraint, looking at the long figure of Xin in front of him, both frightened and couldn’t help but wonder, what is this person? Is it a god or a monster?

However, she had also dealt with this person before, although she felt powerful, but at that time, she was only fighting equally.

How long has it been since he became a god? Did he keep his hand, and why did he keep it to himself? By the way, this time too, he directly killed that group of people, but he didn’t kill me…

My mind was confused, a mess, I only felt that things were a little fantastic and weird, I took a few steps, I felt that the clothes on my lower body were a little wet, my face was red, I twisted a few points, and I followed step by step, seeing that neither of them found out, relieved.

After a while, the group finally came to the stone chamber inside.

Fang Qin’s heart also made some waves, and there was some warmth.

“Dragon, I’m back…”

As if hearing the voice, there was a sound coming from the house, the stone door opened, and out came a plain white shadow, the figure was like a fog, and a pair of autumn watery eyes stared at Fang Qin.

A trace of water mist blinded his eyes, and the snow-white and beautiful face had a hint of weakness and pity.

“Fang Lang…”

The white figure floated directly in, and Fang Qin hugged into his arms, and there was a cold fragrance like an orchid musk between the softness.

The little dragon girl hugged this Asahi Twilight tightly, leaving tears in her eyes.

“Dragon Er…” The two of them hugged each other as if no one was around, Huang Rong’s lips, and some of them were not tasteful in their hearts.

After a while, the little dragon girl looked up and said: “For a while, where have you been?” I…… I miss you. ”

“Well, I’ve been to a lot of places, so I’ll talk to you slowly, and I miss you too.”

“Shall we not separate in the future?” Xiaolongnü was a little afraid, she was already unwell on the first day after Fang Qin left, and she was living like a year later, looking forward to Fang Qin coming back every day, and even regretting that she did not go out with him.

Often thinking wildly, I am afraid that if Fang Qin does not come back, I will die; After a while, I thought about what if he came back one day and couldn’t see her?

Since childhood, the heart has been like stopping water to nourish qi kung fu in this kind of thing to lose a clean and clean, all day long mind does not belong.

Later, she could only do some other things to distract her attention, practice martial arts, and practice internal skills diligently, so that although there was no effect, she should still think, but she had already greatly increased her strength, and once again increased her strength.

Fang Qin looked at her eyes full of water mist, and his heart was also painful, this girl was afraid that she had not been sad in the past few months.

“Well, after that, I’ll always take you with me and won’t let you leave.”

“Uh-huh, uh-huh…”

Fang Qin leaned over and kissed her, and the little dragon girl also closed her eyes.

Huang Rong looked at the side with a straight trembling, a wave of vinegar rising, but he couldn’t bear to disturb the joy of their meeting, and could only stand on the side with some air and a complicated face, followed by Li Moxuan.

The eyes are envious and sad, why is the master sister always so likable, the master is the grandmother-in-law, even this fairy-like figure also likes her.

And she had never cared so much, if there was a man who treated her so well…

Thinking of this, Li Moxuan’s mood was a little low.

For a long time, this pair of kissing Bi people separated.

“Sister Master, and she is…” A red halo rose on the snow-white jade face of the little dragon girl, but she finally noticed that there was someone else, looked at the two people behind, was a little surprised, and looked back at Fang Qin.

“Cough, this Li Moxuan has been in turmoil during this time, the group of people who came to make trouble outside the ancient tomb before have been killed by me, Li Moxuan’s words, she is your sister, I arrested her back and let you dispose of it.”

This is Rong’er, Huang Rong, younger than you, you just call her Rong’er. ”

Huang Rong took a deep breath and said in a soft voice, “Rong Er has seen Sister Long, Sister Dragon was born really beautiful, Rong Er has never seen such a beautiful as you, beautiful like a fairy in the sky.” ”

The little dragon girl was a little stunned, and then as if she understood something, she glanced at Fang Qin with disgust, her heart was slightly sour, and the jade hand gently squeezed Fang Qin’s waist.

He ignored him and walked over to Huang Rong and said, “Well, Sister Rong Er is good.” ”

When the two of them looked closely, they both had a kind of beautiful person in their hearts, and then they both looked at Fang Qin, and they both had some taste.

Fang Qin’s face was expressionless, and he said with a serious face: “Long Er, your sister has spread rumors and wants to come here to take advantage, what are we going to do with her?” ”

Huang Rong’s eyes widened, and he thought that Brother Qin would really change the subject.

Xiaolongnü was also attracted by his words and looked at Li Moxuan, with a somewhat cold look.

“Sister Master, do you want the Jade Girl Heart Sutra so much, and you don’t care about the righteousness of the door?”

Li Mo was a little flustered when he saw the topic lead to himself, and said, “Master, Master Sister, I didn’t want to harm you, but I just wanted Master’s Jade Girl Heart Sutra, she only gave you anything, I…”

“Sister Master, Master she… Alas, you don’t have to say it again, Fang Lang, let’s let her go, okay? The little dragon girl sighed, somewhat lost.

“Okay.” Fang Qin nodded, since the little dragon girl had said so, he naturally had no problem.

Li Mo was worried about seeing that the little master sister let go of himself so simply, wanting to talk and stopping, his heart was inexplicably sad, thinking of some past events, he couldn’t help but blush and shed tears. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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