Outside the ancient tomb, Fang Qin looked at Li Moxuan, whose eyes were red, shook his head, and said in his mouth:

“Li Moxuan, since Long Er doesn’t pursue the matter, then I also let you go for her sake, but I want you not to do evil things after you go out, otherwise I will certainly not go around you.”

“Ah! I have not done anything evil in this. Li Mo was stunned and immediately said that although she was fierce in the jianghu, the people she killed must be some evil people.

Of course, she will also encounter some so-called righteous sects who are not accustomed to her means, and she will not pay attention to them, only if she is really offended and provoked, she will shoot, but she also asks herself if she has not hurt any innocent people.

Therefore, it is also more difficult for people in the martial arts to evaluate her, saying that she is a good person, acting fiercely, saying that she is a bad person, but they have never heard of hurting innocent people. On the contrary, because of its extreme beauty, it is called ‘Red Practice Fairy’, and many people love and are fascinated.

“Huh?” Fang Qin looked at her strangely, how dare this woman say such a thing.

“Yes, it is all some evil demons who covet beauty and want to have bad intentions, and there are those hypocrites who are false benevolence and false righteousness, and I only shot it…” Fang Qin did not believe Li Moyu and explained to himself.

“Oh, this doesn’t count, then what about your killing of Lu Zhanyuan’s family and the killing of some innocent people, these things can be regarded as harming the innocent.”

“….. Lu Zhanyuan? Li Mo was a little dazed, and then he thought of something:

“Ah, I remember, I just came out of the tomb when I met a man who tried to do something wrong with me, but I found out and killed him early…. I only know that he seems to be this name, a person from Lujiazhuang in Jiaxing, you, are you talking about him…”

He looked at Fang Qin with some trepidation: “He may be related to you as a relative and friend, I don’t know, and he wants to do harm to me, so I killed him in anger.” ”

“….. Oh, no, nothing, in short, don’t hurt people for no reason. ”

Fang Qin was a little embarrassed, but he also knew that this was a real world, and it was normal for him to be different.

“Yes, I see, I won’t…”

“Then you go.”

A breeze blew through, and after a while.

“….. Why are you still standing here? Fang Qin looked at this stupid and beautiful Daoist aunt who didn’t speak but only looked at him.

“Ah! You, what is your name, I, I am the sister of the little sister, you have to know who her crush is…”

“Now that I know that I am Long Er’s sister, didn’t I always want to harm her before?”

“….. I have lived with her since I was a child, I never really wanted to harm her, I just wanted the Jade Girl Heart Sutra, this time to attract those people over, they can’t enter the ancient tomb organs, I just want to distract my sister, I have a good chance… ”

When Fang Qin Xindao first saw you, he had an aggressive look, but now he said that he would not harm her. But she had also injured Xiaolongnü before, although she did keep her hand and leave the antidote behind.

But since the little dragon girl didn’t want to hurt her, it was okay, shook her head, and said, “Okay, I’m going back, so let’s leave it at that.” “Say turn around and go.”

“You haven’t told me my name yet…”

“Fang Qin.”

The sound was far away, and the figure was gone.

Li Moxuan stood in front of the door of the ancient tomb with some silence.


Fang Qin spent the next two days with Xiaolongnü and Huang Rongti, and told her a lot of experiences outside.

Although the three are somewhat delicate, they get along very well.

Huang Rong was extremely intelligent, knowing that Xiaolongnü’s relationship with Fang Qin was very unusual, so he also communicated well with her, and after two days, the relationship between the two was much closer, and it was really that both of them were interested in having a good relationship with each other, and did not want Fang Qin to be difficult.

“Fang Lang, are you already so powerful?” I can’t keep up with you. Xiaolongnü was a little disappointed, she originally thought that she had been practicing martial arts diligently for a period of time, and she could close the gap between her and Fang Qin, but she didn’t think about it but it was getting farther and farther away.

“Yes, Brother Qin is very powerful…” Huang Rong immediately told Xiaolongnü some of the deeds outside, and then told her about the things outside the ancient tomb.

Even if Xiaolongnü didn’t see how it was at that time, her usual bland mentality was also a burst of surprise, and Mei looked at Fang Qin and said softly, “Fang Lang has always been very powerful…”


In the Chongyang Palace, all the seven sons of Quanzhen were here, once again discussing what had happened in the past two days.

“What’s up, that monk…”

“It’s been two days since I moved, and I see that his scars are terrible.”

“Ice and fire, so terrible, could it really be that there are immortals born?”

Wang Chuyi listened to the discussion of the Immortal God by the Shi brothers, did not speak, and somehow suddenly remembered Mr. Fang, who had met once in Zhongzhong, and thought of his ethereal posture like an immortal at that time.

My heart fluttered, these days I heard that Fang Qin had visited the Shaolin Temple and the Wudang Sect, and now in this area, that… Could it be him?

If there really is such a god-like person in the world, I am afraid that he is the only one.

Thinking of this, he also said: “So sacred, this incident made me think of a person, maybe he?” ”

Ma Yu and the others looked at Wang Chuyi with some surprise and quickly asked, “Brother Master, don’t sell Guanzi, who is it?” Have you ever seen it. ”

“Do you brothers and masters remember Mr. Fang Qinfang that I said before?”

Qiu Chuji’s pupils shrank a little hesitantly, thinking of the death of his disciple Yang Kang, his heart was not a taste, but it was only a sigh.

Ma Yu and the others looked at each other and hesitated:

“Mr. Fang is indeed a martial artist, and there is no one in the world who is more powerful than him, but this time it is not an extraordinary person’s doing.”

You have also seen the scene before, how can a mortal do it, no matter how strong his martial arts are, he can’t be called an immortal. ”

When Wang Chu heard it, he also felt that there was some truth, to achieve these miracles was no longer a realm that mortals could achieve, but I was afraid that even Mr. Fang could not do it.

Just remembering the terrible power he had when he was practicing martial arts, he was a little confused.

“The monk went back and forth for two days, and I also found some clues among my disciples, and they were all spreading the news, but we didn’t allow the disciples in the sect to go to the back mountains, so most of them were suspicious. Are we going to say something? ”

“No, let him go, how this thing is blocked, it is all seen by the disciples with their own eyes, besides, if we don’t let me say, what if someone is curious to go up and accidentally encounters that sacred?”

“Alas, the great monk was too, and when he asked him, he would only say something like the reincarnation of the Buddha, and nothing would come out.”

“Maybe it was really the birth of a Buddha?” But why is it in the Taoist land of my Zhongnan Mountain..”

“Alas, such scenes are truly awe-inspiring, and I have never seen the sacred, and I regret it in my heart.”

“Well, this kind of thing is not something we can meddle in, and if one accidentally provokes that person, I’m afraid that the Chongyang Palace will no longer exist.”

The crowd said for a while that they could not discuss anything, and then they could only give up. _

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