In the jianghu martial forest, because of the reappearance of Xie Xun, the golden lion king who had disappeared for many years, many sects with grievances were alarmed.

Ten days after the news spread, the Emei Sect began to unite with all the gate sects in the world to go straight to the top of the Ming Sect’s light a month later, and the news spread that caused a lot of noise in the whole jianghu.

Even in the real world, there is a quarrel and a lot of discussion.

“Wow! Big plot, there is going to be a big plot. ”

“The Heavenly Gate Sect has come together to the top of the Ming Sect’s light, and this Ming Sect is also too good, offending so many people!”

“I also want to join in the fun of such a big scene.”

“Have you learned martial arts?” Also go to join in the fun, don’t wait to hang up directly. ”

“Alas, don’t mention it, I will memorize the meridian chart, and the internal power mind method is also very skilled, but I don’t feel the sense of qi, and I am autistic.”

“Oh, I’m still learning, this pen internal skill should be given up early!”

“That’s it! This broken game, early deleted it. ”

The matter was only discussed for a while, and then it turned to the matter of internal strength.

Ever since the unrivalled power of martial arts in the Second World, a large number of players have been extremely enthusiastic and want to practice these martial arts.

However, after a few months, very few people can feel the sense of qi, and even fewer have practiced internal strength.

Gradually, many people gave up and did not pursue martial arts, after all, the process was too boring.

And the behavior of months with no reward makes it difficult for these players who are accustomed to fast-paced days to stick to it.

Turning to digging up other wonderful aspects of the game, some extreme people even turned around and laughed at these players who rushed to the teacher, laughing at the fact that they were playing the game and going crazy, rather than wasting time learning this broken martial art, it was better to do something else interesting.

“A bunch of fools, martial arts have something to learn, since the game started, the characters that have appeared in it are only Fang Shen, but it is only him.”

Others, do you think the so-called martial arts masters in the second world are powerful? I think it’s not bad, but that’s it.

But people have also practiced for decades to achieve success, and those of you who will not learn anything from the new can compare with others? ”

“That’s it! It took time to learn, and there was no achievement at all, did anyone learn anything in half a year? No, how much time will it take to learn, ten years? Decades? Just one game as for? ”

“Lao Tzu likes, shut up your ass.”

“It’s okay to mess with whatever, how we love it.”

Those mocking remarks are naturally refuted by many people.

However, the people who refute it have no confidence, because the truth is true, is it necessary to spend time learning a martial art that I don’t know how long it will take? Most people have retreated.

Just when the morale of martial arts enthusiasts was in a slump and most of them were ready to give up, a video explained it.

[After much deliberation, or decided not to shrink the head of the bird, I want to talk about the secrets of the second world.] The publisher is Zhao Xiao, the UP master of L station.

“The recent discussion of martial arts has been the focus of everyone’s attention, and I will not dwell on it.

I’ll share some of the game secrets I know within.

People who have seen my video should remember it, before my Wang Jia master gave me a snake gall, I felt refreshed and energetic, I also think this is not a prop with attribute points in the game.

But something terrible happened to me, and my body in reality started to improve a lot, the kind of enhancement visible to the naked eye, notice that I’m talking about the real world.

At that time, I felt that this game was definitely not simple, the drugs in it could actually affect reality, and I couldn’t help but ask myself if this was really a game? I’ve always been inclined to be a real world about this.

When the later martial arts appeared, I can say that I was very excited, if the things in it can work on reality, then the martial arts, is it also true.

After that, I also worked hard to practice martial arts, I don’t know if I had eaten that snake bile problem, I actually refined the internal strength in only one month.

Notice that I am talking about the reality that the feeling of internal forces wandering in the body is really magical, and the wonderful feeling is difficult to describe. I’m still in a good mood.

After a few more months, the strength continued to increase, although it was certainly no better than the people in the game, but it was also a bit of an achievement.

Seeing the current statement on the Internet, I just want to say that this thing I don’t know if it is really so powerful after practicing it,

But I can tell you about my changes now, the physical examination is very healthy, some of the previous minor problems are gone, and there are fewer illnesses.

Everybody! I’ve said it here, if you still don’t think it’s worth learning, then when I didn’t say it. Whether it’s worth the time to learn, you judge.

I am a little ashamed, things until now I said it, one is to consider whether it is an illusion, the other is whether it will have any bad impact when I say it, and some of my own selfish desires, very homely, and now I say it, I hope it will be helpful to everyone. ”

This video can be described as a depth charge that exploded into a large splash, and the official forum in the comment area exploded.

“Sleeper! Is what you say really true! I’m hot! ”

“Haha, Lao Tzu knows!” I practiced meditation day and night, and I already had a sense of qi. ”

“In the game, you can eat the snake gall with added attributes, and the reality also increases? Can martial arts reality really be learned? Get one’s dander up! Is the country hiding something that doesn’t say, this game should not really be a world? ”

“I couldn’t sleep most of the night, and I was shaking with excitement.”

“This is so unscientific! …… It can’t really be a real world! ”

“That is, we learned martial arts in the game, and reality is just as useful?? Grass, I’m going to be a monk and go up the mountain. ”

“Is that really the case? It won’t just be the landlord’s imagination, after all, it’s just your side of the story. I couldn’t believe it. ”

“What about the god Li Hua?” Didn’t it say before that several of them were pointed out by the Fang God? How are they doing? Come out and say a word. ”

The news continued to spread, and under the heat, Li Hua also quickly received the news.

Sighing, he immediately took several videos of his own martial arts training, and sent them up, which admitted that the internal force was indeed real and effective in reality, and apologized.

The acknowledgment of another network god has led many people to stand up and prove it, making this strange news more authentic.

“Get! Now who dares to say that martial arts are useless, Lao Tzu cut him. ”

“Hahaha, I originally wanted to give up, but now Lao Tzu’s blood is boiling, and he doesn’t say that he is practicing martial arts.”

“Those people punched in the face before didn’t they?” There is a kind of don’t learn. ”

“Speaking of this situation, the official must give an explanation.”

“Yeah, go to the official website and ask together, go.”

A crowd of people poured into the official website to inquire about the situation, before it could be said that it was technical, and now this magical situation, fools can see that there is a big problem, and the curiosity of a group of people has also been aroused.


【Second World Study Group】

Minister Zheng looked at the news silently, and Leader Xiao was talking on the side.

“Minister, now that we have begun to experiment with the internal strength, the preliminary data have been released, of which the first internal power is the most universal, and five percent of the people have refined the internal force after half a year, and some of them have better talents and have refined the internal force in one month.”

“Five percent… The ratio is too low for us to improve? ”

“Oh, the dean said, this new force is the first time anyone has begun to contact, and now the understanding of it is still very shallow, and it is not good to change it hastily, for fear that something will happen.”

“Hmm… What happened on the Internet. ”

“Someone has already started to say it, and a lot of people have come out to prove it. Minister, don’t we go to the ban? ”

“No, how long can this thing be hidden?” No need to hide it. ”

“Now the above means that we can start to promote it.”

“Isn’t this too fast…”

“What’s fast, now there are also a lot of martial arts cheats published on the Internet, the official just selects the most suitable one and pushes it.”

“Will it cause bad effects?”

“In our country, there will be no big problem in cultivating and cultivating Taoguang for nearly a hundred years, and there will be no big problem in Guotai Min’an, and at present, this is just a way to strengthen the body, it doesn’t matter.”


“What happened to that Fang Qin?”

“Oh, I didn’t find a situation like his, we had scenes of collecting other people fighting, he seemed to be an outlier, and the force value exceeded ordinary people too much.”

“….. Well, keep following and send the message out. ”

The heat on the Internet is getting better and better, and under such heat, after a day of official silence, one or two messages were released.

First, the official will release the basic internal power heart method, which is selected by the concentrated research results of experts across the country and is the most universal internal power heart method.

As well as vigorously advocating the theory of strengthening the country and strengthening the body, advocating that the broad masses of people strengthen their bodies and improve their living standards.

The second is to deliberately start implementing internal meditation classes and martial arts classes in schools.

As soon as these news came out, public opinion directly exploded, and everyone was stunned and incredulous.

Officially this is a stone hammer?

Originally, although many people on the Internet came out to prove this kind of thing, after all, only a very small number of people were really contacted, so most of the melon-eating masses were still very skeptical in their hearts, and it was not clear whether it was true or not.

But nowadays, although the official does not directly explain it on the surface, in terms of the amount of information, it can be said that it directly acknowledges the authenticity of the internal power, which does not make everyone frightened.

“Even… The officials were all stone hammered and shocked. ”

“That means I can really go off the wall like in the game and explode!”


“Wait! Can Fang Shen’s situation really be realized? If this appeared in modern times, could it be taken without using heavy weapons? ”

“Hiss! Terrible, if there really is such a powerful society is not chaos. ”

“Oh, think about it a lot, not to mention how many people we can train our internal strength now, how much time it takes to reach the level of the more powerful characters in the martial arts world, let alone Fang Shen.”

It’s been half a year now, have you ever seen someone with the same strength as Fang Shen? No, I’m afraid it’s even one percent of the strength. ”

“I think that although Fang Shen is powerful, he should not be able to stop the heat weapon.” No matter how high the martial arts are, you have to fall down. ”

“No one has tried to see if they can block the thermal weapon, but just the speed and strength that have been shown are really difficult to fight and even aim, and there is no way for people to hide from you.”

“Some light weapons may not work, but they can be suppressed with heavy firepower.”

“What is there to discuss here, no matter how hard a nuclear bomb goes down, it will not become slag.”

“Upstairs sand coins, not to say that nuclear weapons are so easy to use?” And the use should also consider the surrounding and impact, now the global global village, the use of nuclear weapons in case of accidental global nuclear explosion. ”

“You are really talking more and more biased, martial arts are powerful, but it is not worth being so careful.” Fang Shen was invincible in ancient times, but not in modern times, and there are many means to deal with it. ”

“When I went to practice martial arts, I didn’t want to be so powerful, I could just improve my body, but as for Fang Shen’s strength, I don’t dare to think about it.”

“Are you going to start practicing martial arts when you go to school?” It’s good to have long felt that the current student curriculum is too discipline-oriented, and students are basically neglected. ”

“Indeed, at a glance a large number of myopic students in the past….. Don’t talk about practicing martial arts! “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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