Martial arts world, in Chongyang Palace

“Sir, I may have to leave for a while in a while, and then I will take a group of disciples out the house, leaving only some of them.” But the gentleman is assured that nothing will disturb the gentleman’s. ”

“No, I’ve almost finished watching it in two days, what is the matter with you fighting so much?”

“All because the Heavenly Gate Sect has made an agreement to go to the top of the Light, I and the Quanzhen Sect are not good enough to stay out of it.”

Fang Qin narrowed his eyes, thinking of the Ming Sect’s Qiankun Great Shift Method on the top of the light, which could tap the potential of the body and make the human body exert great power, thinking that it could invoke the method of full body potential, or it could help him, and he had a plan in his heart.

A day later, the Chongyang Palace Library Cabinet.

Fang Qin put down the last Daoist scripture, breathed a sigh of relief, and finally finished reading all these books and classics, which did have a lot of benefits for him to realize himself.

When I stood up, I came to the main hall and saw Ma Yu above.

“Ah! What’s the matter with the gentleman coming? Ma Yu immediately stood up and asked when he saw Fang Qin.

“Well, it’s not a big deal, now that you’ve finished reading the books in the library, you won’t bother you later.”

“This… Sir can come at any time in the future, and I will wait for the sweeping bed to greet you. ”

Ma Yu was amazed in his heart, although there may not be as many books in the sect as some ancient sects, but they are also quite impressive, how to read it so quickly.

Immediately disappointed, this Mr. Fang left, afraid that he did not know when he would be able to see him, but he did not dare to say anything.

After Fang Qin greeted several Quanzhen Seven Sons, he left directly.

Back in the ancient tomb, directly find Xiaolongnü and Huang Rong.

“Dragon Er, Rong Er, let’s go out together in a few days.”

The little dragon girl was a little surprised, but this time she would be with him no matter what, and naturally she would not refuse. Huang Rong had more thoughts, in addition to being more curious about the ancient tomb at the beginning, now she also felt a little bored for a while.

If it weren’t for Fang Qin and Xiaolongnü doing this, I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to stay, and now when I heard that I was going out, I was most happy.

After a few people packed up for the next two days, they set off.

Along the way, Qin will also visit some temples and Taoist temples, consult some Buddhist scriptures and Taoist classics, and also buy some classic books in the bookstore and throw them into the space, and then have time to check them and watch.

A month later, the Ming Sect was at its peak.

Many sectarian disciples fought this again, and the elite of the sect had already gone up to the top of the light. The leaders of the various sects who came here were:

Emei extermination division too!

Shaolin Temple Master Xuanku!

Gusu Murong Fu!

Dali Duan Duan Zhengchun!

Quanzhen Sect Quanzhen Seven Sons!

Mount Hua is not in charge!

Except for Yu Daiyan, who had already passed away and was crippled, the rest of the Seven Heroes of Wudang did not come.

The Kunlun Sect of Kunlun Sect, as well as various small sects and one-man high-rollers.

Almost half of the people in the rivers and lakes gathered to destroy the Demon Sect, and the sword pointed to the top of the light.

Several figures of Fang Qin flashed past these chaotic soldiers and went directly to the top of the light.


However, in a quarter of an hour, Fang Qin had already taken the two little dragon girls directly up to the top of the light and came to the front of the central hall.

Then I saw the people inside talking and arguing.

In the hall of conversation, Yang Xiao and the others sat on the ground with miserable faces, looking at the gray-robed monk in front of them with some gloom.

Cheng Kun said with a happy face: “Hahaha, I didn’t expect it, all this is my credit, if today’s famous and upright people are on the top of the light, Er and other will also die here, and the Ming Sect will finally be destroyed.” The decades-long plan is finally coming to fruition, hahaha! ”

Yang Xiao and Wei Yixiao and the others looked at each other, they all saw the bitterness in each other’s eyes, and they were fighting on their side, and the result was that they were served by others, which was really humiliating, and even their lives were not guaranteed.

At this moment, no one had ever seen a huge bag bulging in the corner, and suddenly he was shocked and rushed directly to Cheng Kun.

All the people were startled by such an incident, and only the monk was surprised.

Cheng Kun immediately carried a phantom yin finger with a high and strong qi to be defended.

Peng Peng Peng!

The two collided with each other a few times, and with the last blow to Peng, the cloth bag shattered into a strip of cloth, revealing the figure of the person inside.

This was a young man dressed in rags, with a confused look on his face, and he only felt that he was full of internal strength, much more powerful than usual.

Cheng Kun was both shocked and angry, and when the great revenge was about to be repaid, the wild boy who appeared out of nowhere, seeing that he was in a dazed state, directly ran over, beckoning a fatal blow to the youth.

The young man also reacted and fought back directly.

Peng Peng Peng!

The shadows were intertwined, and Cheng Kun was more and more shocked the more he fought, only to feel that this person was full of terrible strength, shaking his body and hurting, not very old, but his strength was very pure, fortunately, he did not have any exquisite external skills, and he would not exert his own strength.

Yang Xiao and the others were all surprised, and the already desperate mentality had hope again.

Fang Qin was very interested in seeing it outside, this young man thought that it was Zhang Wujie, he did not think that the Nine Yang True Classics were still in the Shaolin Temple, but he still learned a profound internal skill.

He glanced at it casually and saw the characteristics of this martial art, and he was surprised in his heart.

After looking at it for a while, he shook his head again, this unscrupulous internal skill was very pure compared to ordinary people, but the kung fu in his hands was very shallow, and his strength could not even be exerted by fifty or sixty percent.

Seeing the crisis, Zhang Wuji was about to be hit by Cheng Kun’s phantom yin finger, and Fang Qin casually waved a wave of energy from a distance, so he ignored it and left with the two little dragon girls.


Zhang Wuji was a little busy with Cheng Kun’s fatal move, making all the Ming Sect people sweat for him.

“Be careful!” Yang Xiaowei laughed and the others suddenly shouted.

“Haha, night!” Cheng Kun laughed triumphantly, although he didn’t know where this boy came from and where he learned a strange kung fu, but it didn’t matter, it was to kill him.

Zhang Wujie was extremely critical, it was already difficult to resist, he was covered in cold sweat, and there was only one sentence in his heart: “My life is over!” ”

The Ming Sect also sighed secretly, but it was a pity that a young hero was a young hero.



Suddenly Cheng Kun only felt an irresistible force coming from behind, and dared to make a move, and the whole person directly flew up, spanning a distance of six or seven inches and crashing into the wall in front of him.

The body was in severe pain, the breath was retrograde, and the serious injury fell to the ground, but fortunately, the internal force protected the heart pulse and did not die, and he was directly unconscious.

“Oh, this…” Everything happened only in an instant, a crowd of people were stunned, and after thinking about it for a while, they were all drenched in cold sweat, and they all looked out of the hall door, but the breeze floating over there was long gone.

Zhang Wuji froze for a moment, only to feel that Cheng Kun’s sudden figure flashed and he had already fallen a few feet behind him, and when he looked back, he also looked outside the hall.

Yang Xiao wanted to stand up, but he was seriously injured, and it was difficult to exert his strength, so he could only say in a loud voice: “I don’t know which senior person is here again, and Yang Xiao is the left envoy of the Lower Ming Sect, can he see it.” ”

Wei Yixiao and the others did not dare to speak and waited for a reply.

For a long time, without any echo, Zhang Wuji rushed out to check it out, but he couldn’t see anyone.

Back in the hall, the crowd also sighed when they saw this: “It seems that the high people do not want to see me and wait, do they think that I am waiting for people in the cult…”_

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