After Fang Qin left the hall, he went directly to the courtyard a little farther away to search. Then I found a courtyard with some noise, and my body moved, leading two beautiful people directly into it.

But he did not restrain the sound, and deliberately made some noise.

“Who?” Hearing the sound, the people inside immediately woke up and said in a soft voice.

The man immediately came out to see a handsome man like a concubine, how could there be such a good-looking person in the secret passage, he couldn’t help but blush.

Behind him were two young women who were the most beautiful people in the world, and when they thought of what they looked like now, they couldn’t help but feel a little ashamed.

“Oh, there are many disturbances, in the lower Qin.”

This was a man dressed as a beard, but with an ugly face, young but hunched over, a somewhat frightening look, strangely chained on her feet and hands, and jingling every move.

“Fang! Mr. Fang! You, why did you break into our lady’s room…” Xiao Zhao was shocked in his heart, thinking of the name that he had heard all this time, and he didn’t know how to be good.

Huang Rong frowned when he saw her, and then whispered next to Fang Qin, “Brother Qin, this person has made a disguise…”

Fang Qin gently said that he knew that seeing Xiao Zhao’s appearance was really a little sighing, and the camouflage technique in this martial arts was indeed somewhat powerful.

If he hadn’t known the original work, he really wouldn’t have noticed that this ugly-looking lady was actually a beautiful woman, and when he saw her asking, he smiled and said:

“So, how about I make a deal with you?” You take me into the forbidden land of the Ming Sect, and I will help you open the chain, and the martial arts mind method of Qiankun Great Shift can also be given to you. ”

Xiao Zhao’s face changed drastically, he was ordered by his mother to sneak into the Ming Sect and wait for an opportunity to steal the Qiankun Great Transfer, not knowing how this person could know his purpose, and knowing so clearly, he was extremely stunned for a while.

“You, you…”


Xiao Zhao wanted to pretend to be stupid, but her heart turned but she did not dare to refuse, but she had heard many deeds of this gentleman who broke into the Shaolin Temple alone, but she did not know how he was a person.

I could only say, “Well, I’ll take you down, and I don’t want any mental means, I just hope you can keep me alive.” ”

“Well, yes.” Fang Qin smiled when he saw her cautious words and deeds, and agreed to come down.

Xiao Zhao directly led the three people into the room, opened the mechanism in a secret place, and opened a tunnel directly on the bed.

“Fang Gongzi, that’s inside.”

“Girl, I’m not familiar with the road, you come and lead the way.”

“…… Good. Xiao Zhao thought to himself that I didn’t know the way, and he couldn’t say it when he opened his mouth, so he had no choice but to agree.

A group of four people directly entered the inside, put down the mechanism by the way, and walked all the way in the dark secret passage inside, Xiao Zhao let go after entering, and directly went to open some secret passage organs, and several people walked for a long time and finally came to the central place.

A corpse sat in it, clothed.

Fang Qin stepped forward and took out a letter and a parchment scroll directly from his clothes.

The letter did not look at it, but directly opened the parchment scroll, which contained dense handwriting and several meridian exercise diagrams.

“Ding, whether to include the martial arts “Qiankun Great Shift”…”

“Successful inclusion, get luck points…”

Fang Qin said to Xiaolongnü and Huang Rong, “Dragon Er, Rong’er, I want to try this martial art and cultivate it, you are waiting on the side, if you can’t stand it, then retreat a little.” ”

Thinking of the momentum of his own cultivation, he gave some advice.

“Well, Brother Qin, rest assured, we will protect the Fa well.”

“Fang Lang is assured.” The two men said and then retreated to the side, and Xiao Zhao also retreated to the side cautiously.

Fang Qin sat up directly, his mind immersed, this Qiankun Great Shift, which was very different from the world’s internal power and mind method, was aimed at tapping into the hidden potential of the human body, and after refining, it could mobilize all the strength and strength of the whole body to gather together.

The whole martial arts is practiced to the depths, and there are many powers, such as borrowing force to fight, accumulating traction strength, and converting yin and yang…

It can be said that it is a Qimen martial art, and if ordinary people want to practice, they are only afraid of the number of people who can be defeated in the world.

Of course, this skill is so powerful, the difficulty of learning is also extremely difficult, the first layer of the high understanding will take seven years, and then each deep layer will need to double the time, more and more difficult, few people in the world can understand the fourth layer or more.

However, it was easy for Fang Qin, thinking about this practice in his heart, and after a while, the whole mental method had already passed and he exhaled.

The only thing that is useful to me here is the subtlety of tapping into the potential, and the rest are chicken ribs. ’

Fang Qin’s Taiyin and Yang True Scripture had been melted to this point, and it already contained almost all the martial arts in the world, and what could be achieved in this Qiankun Great Shift could be achieved by the Taiyin and Yang True Scripture, even much more profound.

Only the mysteries that stimulated the potential made Fang Qin somewhat enlightened, but it could inspire and complete Fang Qin’s martial arts, which was also a good loss.

Fang Qin directly began to practice.

The internal force of the body is running, and the mighty internal force is running endlessly.


A stream of mysterious qi penetrated the body, turning into two dark qi, one yin and one yang, red and blue, and a mighty force shrouded out.

Huang Rong and Xiaolongnü were not surprised, and pulled Xiao Zhao farther away.

Xiao Zhao was pulled by Huang Rong in a daze, his eyes looked straight at Fang Qin, his eyes were stunned, and his heart was shocked.

When she had seen such a miraculous phenomenon in practicing exercises, she immediately felt a mighty force coming, her heart was pounding, her body was uncomfortable, and she was able to get better by running the internal skills in a hurry.

Huang Rong and Xiaolongnü glanced at each other, and they both saw the surprise in their eyes, this woman with the appearance of a beard, the internal strength is not weak, and ordinary people are only afraid that they will be uncomfortable here.

Fang Qin’s face turned red and blue, and in a few moments he had already broken through to the fourth layer, and after a few minutes he was on the fifth layer, and after ten minutes he was on the sixth layer.

Only the last layer remains, but this layer is not understood by the master who created this skill, but it is just a conjecture, and naturally there is no need to practice.

Fang Qin stopped, only to feel that the operation of the internal force of his body was more handy, but unfortunately, his body was much more terrifying than ordinary people, but this practice could not fully excavate his strength.

As soon as the mind moves, it directly enters the state of “comprehension deduction”.


His mind cleared up, his thoughts flew over, and he constantly made up for the loopholes and deficiencies in it with his own martial arts knowledge, and finally continued to deduce downwards, and then continuously integrated into the “Dragon Elephant Town Prison Classic”.

Fang Qin’s internal strength could be perfectly controlled, and naturally there was no need for this martial arts guidance, but the [Dragon Elephant Town Prison Classic] had fewer references, and although the qi and blood of a body were extremely powerful, if they did not use internal forces as a guide, it would be difficult to fully exert them.

Now this method is complete, but it complements each other.

An hour passed.

“[Dragon Elephant Town Prison Classic] Increases Characteristics [Qi Blood Gang Qi]”

[Qi and Blood Gang Qi]: All the forces around the body, fascia, flesh and blood, internal organs, and bone essence can be condensed into one, mixed like Gang Qi, and exert terrible power.

Fang Qin directly operated the Dragon Elephant Town Prison Scripture up, and the terrible qi and blood in his body roared like a mighty river, and the power around him was great, and the entire cave entrance seemed to have blood rising.

Xiaolongnü and the others saw some changes in their faces, and Xiao Zhao even saw that his scalp was tingling, and he was horrified that this person was not a ghost god.

Feeling that momentum coming, the body was even more uncomfortable and could only retreat one after another, not daring to stay inside.


A terrible sound resounded directly throughout the cave, and the qi and blood roared.

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