
A roar resounded all around, and Fang Qinduan sat in the middle of the cave entrance, the qi and blood running one after another, and the mist steamed.

The skin, fascia, flesh and blood, internal organs, bones, all the strength of the body are converging, with the vast qi and blood as the guide being condensed into a strand, constantly flowing throughout the body.


With a hint of energy blowing, Fang Qin seemed to have a wind around him, and then it turned into a strong wind, whistling, getting stronger and stronger, and the air flow of the entire cave was driven.


As soon as his heart moved, the wind was converged, getting smaller and smaller, and his whole body seemed to be concentrated in Fang Qin’s body, and the qi and blood around him were running and roaring at the same time to reach the highest peak.

With a loud bang, all the forces converged into a strange force, which came out through the body, as if it were a reddish and transparent Qi that surrounded Fang Qin’s body without showing a sound.

Fang Qin ran the [Dragon Elephant Town Prison Classic] to gather the Qi condensed from the body, gathered in the Central Dantian, as the source point and the end point, the Gang Qi continued to flow around the body, driving the Qi and blood, and the refining speed of the body also increased a lot.

For a long time, Fang Qin stopped, the momentum dissipated, and opened his eyes.

Raising his hand, with a light touch in his hand, a stream of reddish Qi condensed into a stream, directly hitting the stone wall in front of him, without making a sound, leaving only a black dot that did not know how deep.

Every movement of the body is a mighty power, and a body of Qi is hidden in the body, flowing between the flows, and merging into the middle dantian.

“Now, this [Dragon Elephant Town Prison Classic] can be regarded as truly breaking away from the internal forces and opening up a new path.”

Fang Qin’s face had a happy color, so it was to make up for the lack of angles along the way to the training body. In the past, although the qi and blood were strong, the refining chaos was like a King Kong, and every move had the power of the dragon elephant.

However, the physical strength of the body can not be used well, and it needs to be driven by the internal force to fully exert that power.

Now, with the method of stimulating potential of Qiankun Great Shift, this gap has been directly deduced, so that the physical strength of the body has condensed into one, giving birth to qi and blood, and completely controlling the strength of the body.

He exhaled lightly, and seeing that there was no one around, he knew that he had just been too strong, and the little dragon girl and the others were afraid to retreat.

I stood up and went straight outside.

“Brother Qin, have you cultivated well?” Huang Rong said happily when he saw him come out.

Xiaolongnü also looked at Fang Qin with concern on the side, and Xiao Zhao was a little frightened, looking at this man who was like a concubine, his heart was beating and he was overwhelmed.

Before she could still keep calm, but seeing Fang Qin’s practice momentum had already scared her.

That’s not something that mortals can do.

“Hmm! Some gains. Fang Qin smiled, not to mention some of the receipts, now it is really opening up the way to the training.

Then he looked at Xiao Zhao who was cautious and smiled, “Since you brought us here, then I will also keep my promise and unchain you.” ”

Saying that, he reached out and grabbed the chain wrapped around Xiao Zhao’s hand.

Xiao Zhao was originally in a daze, coldly hearing this, and replied to the god with some panic: “Ah, Fang Gongzi, this iron chain is made of meteoric iron, indestructible, and can only be beaten by the supporting key…”

Before she could finish speaking, she heard a crackling sound, and the iron chain in front of her, which could not be broken no matter what weapon method she used, had already shattered into a piece, and there was nothing strange in her hand.

“What do you say?” Fang Qin looked at her with some doubt.

Xiao Zhao: “… No, nothing, thank you dude. ”

His face was hot, his heart was beating slightly, and the secret passage was yes, and others naturally couldn’t do such things no matter what, but if it was this one, it wouldn’t be difficult.

Fang Qin picked up those broken iron blocks in his hand, and there was also some surprise in his heart, although this thing was nothing to him, but for some people, it was the use of tools, and it was impossible to interrupt.

I don’t know what kind of iron block this is, but I don’t need such mortal weapons because of my martial arts.

For example, the previous Xuan Iron Heavy Sword, he rarely used it, all because at his level, no one could stop him from striking a blow, and there was no difference between using or not using weapons.

Second, these mortal weapons could not withstand the devastation of his terrifying energy, and if they were used, they might be directly destroyed.

His mind turned, his hands did not stop, and he directly hit the chain at Xiao Zhao’s feet, and when he struck, it also shattered.

Xiao Zhao moved her body with some surprises, without these two weight-bearing chains, she was much more relaxed, but then she could not go back again, otherwise Yang would not regret seeing it, she would feel better.

Fang Qin handed the parchment roll to Xiao Zhao and said, “Qiankun Great Shift, as I said before for you.” ”

“Gongzi I don’t dare to ask for, Gongzi himself to keep practicing, this is the Ming Sect Zhen Sect of learning, if it is refined, maybe the skill will increase greatly.” Xiao Zhao shook his hand in some confusion.

Although she saw that Fang Qin had just practiced this Fa, she didn’t think that he had really finished practicing, after all, these kinds of divine skills had to be practiced, and it wasn’t only after years and years that he had achieved something.

Let’s just say that Yang Xiao, talent is not bad in the world, and practicing Qiankun Great Shift is also more than ten years of training to the second level. Such strength can also be regarded as a lot of enhancement, overpowering a number of Dharma Kings and the Five Scattered People.

Besides, although her purpose was to get this mental method, she didn’t dare to take it away, so she could only refuse in a hurry.

Fang Qin smiled and said, “Okay, I gave it to you as I said before, and this thing is like this, I have already refined it.”

However, it should be mentioned that the last layer of mental methods in it should not be practiced blindly, even the creator of this skill has not been cultivated, it is the result of his imagination, if you forcibly practice, you are afraid that you will go into the fire and fall into the magic, and you will die violently, remember. ”

What the!

Practice it out!

Xiao Zhao looked at Fang Qin in disbelief, just like that? Just practice? Ordinary people need martial arts that they may not be able to refine in tens or even hundreds of years, how long has it been? Less than two hours, have you practiced as much as you can?

If she knew that Fang Qin had not even arrived for half a quarter of an hour in practicing this exercise, I was afraid that she would be even more shocked.

Hearing the words behind him was also a little speechless, and the last layer was afraid that ordinary people could not reach that level with all their efforts, and there was no need to consider what he said.

Xiao Zhao was a little stunned when he held the parchment roll, and he didn’t know what to say.

The two little dragon girls on the side had long been strange, and if there was a martial art that even Fang Qin had to practice for a long time, it would be strange.

Fang Qin said, “Now that the matter has been accomplished and my purpose has been achieved, let’s go out.” ”

Huang Rong and Xiaolongnü both responded.

Xiao Zhao was also in a hurry to keep up with this, and now she couldn’t go back, but the Qiankun Great Shift Method had been obtained, and naturally her task was complete.

There is no need to think about going back.

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