On top of the light, a crowd of people assembled here.

Shaolin Emei Wudang Quanzhen and many other sects have gathered here, surrounding the way out of the Bright Top.

The disciples of all factions were guarding the main entrances and exits, and they came this time to succeed in encircling and destroying the Ming Sect.

Master Xuanku chanted the Buddha trumpet with a sad face, he had long ignored the outside world, and he did not have the heart to pay attention to these grievances, but the abbot did not know why he had to lead the team out, although he did not understand, but he could not refuse to come out.

The Kongwen Master on the side was inferior, originally only to assist in leading the team, but Master Xuanku ignored things, and he became the actual leader of this Shaolin.

Now he was greeting a group of disciples and setting up a battle again.

The Seven Sons of Quanzhen were also standing in a circle, followed by a group of disciples, but the leader of the disciples was no longer Zhao Zhijing, he was already imprisoned.

“Brother in Charge, the innate skills that Mr. Li has annotated, I have only been practicing for ten days before I feel that my internal strength is very pure and has made great gains, and this time I also need to let the people of the world know that I am such a prestige.”

“Sir wants me to do many good deeds, not to be a threat, so wouldn’t it be against his teachings?” Brother Qiu, don’t be reckless! ”

“….. Be. ”

In a place where Huashan sent people to gather, Junzi Jianyue Buqun looked forward with a righteous and awe-inspiring attitude.

Ling Hu Chong hesitated a little at the side, “Master, I don’t think these people are necessarily all evil, so why should I be so aggressive?” ”

“Chong’er, needless to say, I am a decent person who naturally wants to set an example for the world.”

Emei Exterminator Tai looked at the large number of people on his side and thought to himself, “The people in the Demon Sect are finally coming to an end now, brother and master brother, I can also avenge you, but unfortunately that Xie Xun is not here, and he can’t kill such evil people.” ”

On the side stood some female disciples of the sect, among which one of the Miaoling women behind her was the most outstanding, Xiuruo Zhilan, pure and lovely, and with some chuchu and pitiful, let people have a desire to protect, it was the extermination disciple Zhou Zhiruo.

Song Qingshu, who was a little farther away, looked at her with fascination, and followed behind a group of masters and uncles.

Song Yuanqiao was talking to several disciples, looked back at Song Qingshu with some frowns, and then patted him to make him return to God, such as today’s heroes are all here, but they can’t be so light and thin, so that the heroes of the world look down on Wudang.

Thinking of that handsome fairy-like figure, and then looking at his own son, he sighed helplessly, and some hated iron not steel.

Song Qingshu saw that the fathers and uncles looked at him with some irritation and warning, and their hearts were also shocked, and they did not dare to be like just now.

Duan Zhengchun, who was far away, came out to look for his son, but such a big event also brought a group of courtiers here to see the liveliness.

Murong Fu was quite handsome, standing with a dashing face, surrounded by several people waiting for him.

Between his thoughts, his heart turned slightly, and he secretly said, “The Ming Sect people are very powerful, and I heard that they have not elected a new Sect Leader since the previous Sect Leader Yang Dingtian, I don’t know if I can subdue these great masters and let the Ming Sect belong to me.” ”

Thinking of the Ming Sect’s model that is abnormal in the world’s rivers and lakes, the sect is at least a million, all over the world, and the Five Elements Banner Team within the door, all kinds of teams are already a militarized sect, and my heart can’t help but get hot, if I can subdue this sect, the desire to restore the country is only afraid that I can succeed in my hands, and Da Yan can once again stand tall in the world.

I couldn’t help but feel a little turbulent in my heart, I only felt that the restoration of the country was hopeful, but after looking at the crowd of disciples nearby, I frowned again, how should I operate?

If one is not very good, I am afraid that both sides are not pleased, then his great cause can only live in dreams.

When his thoughts were chaotic, Bao Wei suddenly came to the front and said, “Gongzi, I heard that Miss seems to have come here too, do we want to look for it, in case she accidentally hurts her.” ”

Murong Fu was stunned, and then remembered his cousin, the extremely beautiful figure, and his heart was complicated and inexplicable, and he said, “Well, call some people to look for it, but you can’t let others hurt her.” ”

“Yes, son, hehe, if the young lady knows that you care so much about her, I am afraid that she will be very moved.” Bao said differently hurriedly.

“Haha, I hope so!” Murong Fu turned and looked ahead, remembering in his mind the painful experience of being taught a lesson in his youth, and his eyes were a little gloomy.

Secretly said, “You are stronger than me in martial arts, and I must also get you, Yu Yan, Yu Yan, you are mine.” ”


Many of the players were also among them, some excited to watch this scene, now that most of the martial arts sects are gathered here, everyone’s eyes are attracted.

In addition, the authenticity of martial arts has recently been exploded, and the country has begun to advocate physical fitness and martial arts, which has added a lot of heat to the second world.

“Great scuffle, excitement!”

“The sects under heaven are encircling and suppressing, and this Ming Sect is afraid of the cold.”

“Lao Tzu risked death to come here, and he couldn’t help stealing chickens and fish, and getting some martial arts cheats and the like.”

There were many people and different thoughts, and a moment later, the Emei Sect Extinction came out and shouted, “Hum, Demon Sect people, my extinction today is to overthrow you and other Demon Sects together with all the heroes in the world.” ”

“Destroy the Demon Sect!” Destroy the Demon Sect! ”

The people around them also echoed their words, and the momentum grew to the extreme.

In the center was a group of Ming Sect people, Yang Xiao and Wei Yixiao and others were sitting on the ground here, looking at each other with a bit of a bitter smile.

I didn’t expect that I had to wait for someone to help me, and I didn’t die at the hands of Cheng Kun, but now that Gu Du was seriously injured, it was impossible to resist these top figures gathered by various sects.

Zhang Wuji was also among them, and he was a little shocked to see this.

I wanted to go forward and confess to Wu Dang, but I felt that the timing was not right, and some did not know what to do.

Yang Xiao sighed and then laughed loudly, “Hahaha, I didn’t expect that my Ming Sect had such a mighty power that it could cause the Heavenly Sect to rise up and attack it, so that even if my Ming Sect is defeated, after it is circulated, future generations will need to cheer when they hear it!” ”

Wei Yixiao and the others laughed when they heard it, and they were angry, only to feel that even if they died, in this case, it was not an insult to their own prestige.

All the Haojie around them looked sideways, and they all felt that although these people might be some evil demons and crooked ways, they also lost their heroic arrogance.

Extinction saw Yang Xiao open his mouth with a look of anger, and shouted angrily:

“Demon Sect Yang Xiao, rest on the benefit of your tongue, you Demon Sect people do things evil and unprovoked, wanton behavior, the people of the world have long been angry and hateful, I am waiting for the Heavenly Way today, that is, to destroy your Demon Sect, the people of the world will only be happy when they know it.”

Yang Xiao laughed and said, “Master Tai, Master Tai, I am victorious over your Master Brother, and I may not have such a big crime, saying that I am evil and unprovoked, do all of you here really have not done anything wrong at all, haha, I don’t believe it!” ”

“That is, these famous and upright people are usually the most grandiose, and who knows what has happened behind their backs.” Wei smiled and agreed.

Extinction rage, pulling up the Heavenly Sword and about to rush over, was stopped by the Void Whispering Master on the side.

Master Kongwen said with a dignified face, “The people of the Demon Sect are cursed by everyone.” However, I and other well-known and upright people naturally do not do more to deceive less, and the poor monks personally come to meet the strength of the Ming Sect for a while. ”

“Empty smell, don’t kill!” Master Xuanku frowned and sighed, knowing that it was because Mr. Fang had broken the three major Shaolin formations, and now that Shaolin’s power had decreased, he had taken the initiative to deter the crowd.

Of course, there is also the feud between Shaolin and the Golden Retriever King Xie Xun.

Empty Wen hurriedly responded, and then directly stepped out of the line: “Er, who else can dare to come forward and fight with the poor monks!” ”

Yang Xiao looked at each other with some helplessness, all the high-level people on his side were seriously injured, and the strength of the Master of Empty Smell was also a first-class good hand, and he could naturally not be afraid when he was usual, but now…

“How! I just said it so atmospherically, but now I am a shrunken turtle! ”

The taunts were everywhere, and the faces of the Ming Sect people were ugly, and Yang Xiao and the others were about to force themselves into the scene.

A thick voice remembered.

“I have come to teach Shaolin martial arts!”

A strong, white-haired old man crossed directly into the middle of the square.

Causing a crowd of people to exclaim, Master Kongwen saw the situation and said, “White Brow Eagle King, this matter has nothing to do with your Heavenly Eagle Sect, why should you mix this muddy water.” ”

“Haha, although I stand on my own, but the general teacher has difficulties, I naturally will not stand idly by.”

“Since this is the case, then the poor monk will try the Eagle Claw Skill of the Eagle King’s mighty Shock to the world, and see if your Eagle Claw Gong is strong or my Dragon Claw Hand is strong.”

After saying that, the two people fought, flying with vigor, one used the eagle claw skill, sharp and unstoppable, and the other used the dragon claw hand, the strength was thick, for a moment it was even comparable, and the people around them saw it and applauded.

After all, the videos about Fang Qin have been watched hundreds of times, and they don’t think how powerful these scenes are, but they just watch carefully and want to learn some experience.

However, after half a quarter of an hour, the victory and defeat had already been divided, and the empty smell sighed and said, “Elder Yin’s predecessors have achieved martial arts, so I might as well do it.” ”

Somewhat ashamed, he retreated back to the Shaolin crowd.

Subsequently, some people stood up and wanted to learn from them.

The White Brow Eagle King’s martial arts high-strength connection defeated Shaolin Kongwen, the Kunlun faction, and the Kunlun faction He Taichong.

However, several people took turns to come down, but they were also seriously injured, and they were powerless and could not support it.

The extermination master pulled out the Heavenly Sword and was about to stab it directly, and Zhang Wuji, who was in a hurry in the Ming Sect Center, could not bear it any longer, and directly and quickly ran over, repelling the extermination, startling the crowd, and the nameless young man who appeared out of nowhere was so powerful.

“Shi Tai is also a sect master, how can he still go forward to bully an old man who has been seriously injured!” And you people, taking turns to fight with wheels, are you not afraid of the shame of the people of the world? ”

Zhang Wuji temporarily repelled the extermination master Tai and said with an angry face.

“Ahem! The wild boy who took it, and the people in the Demon Sect naturally don’t need to say any rules, it is best to kill directly, let go quickly, otherwise even you will kill it together. ”

“I won’t! You say that they are people in the Demon Sect, but I think these people are heroes and good men, but it is you people, who are shameful in such acts! ”

As soon as these words were uttered, let alone extinct, the people of other sects were ugly, and many people directly scolded them.

Extinction directly stepped forward, stabbing at Zhang Wuji’s body with a fatal move, and the two figures flashed and exchanged hands.

On the Ming Sect’s side, Yang Xiao sighed and said, “This little brother’s internal strength is extremely pure, and I am not as good as that, but the fighting aspect is much worse, I am afraid it is dangerous.” ”

“….. I Ming Sect may really be in danger of being destroyed this time! It’s just a pity for this little brother, my fault! The monk also sighed.

Yang Xiao was silent for a while, “Haha! If it wasn’t for the mysterious tall man before, I was afraid that I would have died of suffocation, and now I am dying here in front of the heroes of the world, which is not bad. ”

The white-browed eagle king Yin Tianzheng was being helped over, and just when he heard it, he said, “Hum! You Yang Xiao also has today! ”

“Alas, the Eagle King’s righteousness has come to the rescue, and I have waited to thank you!” Yang Xiao was not angry and sincerely thanked him.

Others are thankful.

“I’m not here to save you, the old man just can’t bear to see the Ming Sect destroyed.” He sat down and watched the changes in the field.

He always felt that the face of the little brother who helped him was somewhat familiar with him, plus the people who fought for him righteously, so he also looked at it carefully, as long as there was danger, he would save him from the old life.

Just thinking like this, the next moment his face changed slightly, and he shouted, “Be careful! ”

The rest of the people shouted out in reminding and shouting!

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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