Yin Tianzheng disregarded the injuries on his body, and once again his luck went straight to the center, Yang Xiao and the others wanted to move, but they could not lift the internal strength at all, and could only helplessly.

Zhang Wuji was a little flustered in response to the connection attack of the extermination master, some of his brain was sweating, and he secretly said that his own strength should always be stronger than her, but she was a delicate sword technique coupled with a sharp Heavenly Sword, but he was determined not to let her hit, otherwise he would either die or be injured.

The extinction is also very surprising, this boy who does not know where to come from, a body of pure skill, the sword body that he hit, the power transmitted is extremely powerful, if it were not for his lack of combat experience, he was afraid that he would have been defeated long ago.


Extinction sneered, since you dare to stop me from killing the people in the Demon Sect, then you are also colluding with the Demon Sect, you should kill! Thinking of this, together with the killing heart, a sword light directly stabbed at Zhang Wuji.

At this time, when Zhang Wuji’s old force had omitted the new force, Zhang Wuji only felt cold, the crisis struck, and he directly forced the operation regardless of the internal force, and was shocked.


The extinct Heavenly Sword was directly inserted into Zhang Wuji’s shoulder, and just when he was about to be happy, he felt a huge force coming, and he was directly shocked back a few steps, a little surprised, but he directly recovered and rushed up again.

Yin Tianzheng had already forcibly raised his breath to come closer, but he still took a step back.

The extermination sword was aimed straight at Zhang Wuji’s heart.

Zhang Wuji’s face was miserable, he had just been injured internally, and he had been wounded by a sword on his body, and he was already somewhat weak, although he could feel the pure internal force in his body protecting his lifeblood, but he was already powerless to dodge.

I only felt a bleakness in my heart, I lost my father and mother at a young age, and the cold poison of my deep Xuan Nether Divine Palm was also in danger, and Shi Gong did his best to seek medical treatment for him everywhere, and even went to Shaolin to exchange his identity for Gong Fa, but he was also refused.

Fortunately, there was no invincible road in the back sky, and he learned a superb medical skill from Hu Qingniu, although he could not drive away the cold poison, but he also barely managed to hang a life.

Later, because he saved a strange person, he was taught the “Divine Illumination Sutra”, which was extremely pure in internal strength and had incredible healing effects, so he refined it and added his own medical skills, and slowly dispelled the cold poison and recovered.

Now, after going through twists and turns, it is hard to see his relatives, his grandfather, and several of his uncles, and before he can recognize his relatives, he is going to die again?

This life really is… If he hadn’t come out of the Ice and Fire Island, maybe there wouldn’t have been such a situation.

Seeing that the sword was already in front of him, there seemed to be a sharp breath coming, sighing, closing his eyes and waiting for death.

The next moment Peng’s voice! The surrounding crowd seemed to be shouting in disbelief!

Zhang Wuji wondered in his heart how he was not dead yet, and then he heard a word coming from his ear.

“Haha, you’re an interesting person, how come every time I see you, I look like I’m dying.”

When he opened his eyes, he saw that the exterminator Taishang had a horrified face, and looked back at a man with a long and tall body, handsome and extraordinary, standing on the side and looking at him rather inexplicably.

“I was saved by this man?” Thinking of Gang’s words, I couldn’t help but stay again, I was also saved by him in the Hall of Light Roof?

In his life, he had received the favor of unknown people, and when he was young, he was wandering outside, and everyone knew his identity and coveted the whereabouts of his righteous father, Xie Xun, the dragon slayer, and had no use for him to be close to him and to harm him.

Thinking that this person had saved his life twice, he couldn’t help but be grateful to Shu Zero, and quickly bowed respectfully: “Thank you so much for saving Gong Engong many times, in the next Zhang Wujie, I am grateful!” ”

Fang Qin stopped and signaled that he didn’t care, this Zhang Wujie was also a tragic horse in the early stage, and he saw it and saved it.

There was an uproar all around!

When everyone saw that the dust had already settled, but they did not know where an imposing man came out, they did not see what was happening, and the situation was reversed, and they were all in a bit of an uproar.

Yin Tianzheng on the side was not far away and did not see clearly, and when he returned to God, things had already become like this, and his face was stunned.

He asked himself to walk the martial forest so far, he was already seventy years old, a wonderful eagle claw martial art, and he was also a first-class master in the world, but he couldn’t see the slightest detail.

Just feel that this person’s martial arts are really rare in the world, and if you don’t see how he shoots, then extinction has already lost resistance, and this skill is really unimaginable. Moreover, the height of the light work was far inferior to that of the Bat King, and he didn’t even know how he appeared.

Where the Ming Sect was located, Yang Xiao and the others were also a little surprised and uncertain, looking at each other, they all saw the caution in their eyes, they sat in the distance, they saw the widest, but they had no idea where this person appeared from, as if Tang suddenly was already there.

Immediately he looked at Wei Yiyi with a smile, Wei Yixiao was also stunned, and when he saw that everyone looked over and twitched the corners of his mouth, he said, “Look at what I have done, I didn’t see clearly, they all said that I am the top in the world, compared with this person, alas….”

In the distance, where the various sects converge.

“Master!” The female disciples in the Emei Sect were a little panicked, and the beautiful woman in the middle looked worried.

“Sir…” Song Yuanqiao and the others looked at each other, somewhat overwhelmed.

Quanzhen Qizi was a little surprised, he didn’t want to see the immortals here.

The mysterious master Amitabha Buddha said in a loud voice, “How this matter is done depends on how this gentleman is going to do it.” ”

The empty smell on the side opened his mouth, wanting to refute it, but thinking of the invincible figure that randomly swept Shaolin that day, he could only close his mouth from his heart.

“Mr. Fang is here too!” Duan Zhengchun was a little surprised and actually saw this mysterious gentleman again.

Murong Fu’s action as he was about to step forward stopped again, his eyes darkened, and he thought, “What’s going on?” Two or three times someone stopped me! Who is this person? ”

He had just wanted to reconcile, but he was preempted by the ragged wild boy, and he could only resist first, and when he was about to die in Huangquan, he came out to reconcile the dispute.

If it is successful, then the millions of people of the Ming Sect may be under his control, and the Tianxia Sect will also worship, which is naturally excellent, and great things can be expected.

Even if it doesn’t work, we must try our best to win it over, of course, if it is really impossible, then withdraw and retreat.

Now there are people blocking his way, which is extremely evil.

However, this person’s martial arts are somewhat difficult to speculate, and it is cloudy and uncertain to think of here.


In the field.

The exterminator looked at this person who didn’t know where he came from with a shocked face, and she just felt the sky spinning and falling to the ground in an instant.

Thinking of that force that could not resist, I was terrified in my heart, thinking that if he tried his best, he would only be afraid that he would die. But she had a fierce temperament and rarely bowed to people, let alone a young man who did not know the details.

He took a deep breath and said, “I don’t know which sect Junjie you are, why do you want to stop me from doing the Heavenly Path!” ”


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