Hiss! This man…

A lot of people are a little incredible, this Mr. Fang may not be too dismissive of them, although he knows that his strength is terrible, but we ourselves are so many people, if we go together, I am afraid that no matter how deep the martial arts are, we will have to die.

However, most of the people here are well-known, and naturally they dare not and do not want to really besiege a person, and they can’t afford to lose this face.

However, it is impossible to go all together, a small number of people can, after all, the strength of this Mr. Fang is also difficult for them to speculate, asking themselves whether a person is qualified to come forward to ask for advice.

The five elders of Kun Tong looked at each other and immediately came out: “Well, I will wait to meet Mr. Fang, Mr. Fang, Mr. Wugong, is known to the world, benevolence and chivalry are also respected by the world, how about I wait until the point is reached?” ”

“Please.” Fang Qin smiled and did not comment, these people are also human spirits, as soon as they came up, they said that they were just competing with each other, they could not give a heavy hand, if they lost, it didn’t matter, if they won the Kun Gong Wei Wei was afraid of Dasheng.

Only because Fang Qin had already defeated the Shaolin monks and monks, if even Shaolin could not win, they Kun Gong won, doesn’t it mean that they are more powerful than Shaolin?

Master Xuanbi sighed and shook his head, he was so old, naturally he could see the purpose of these people at a glance, nothing more than fame and fortune, but it was too lucky, and he did not speak, let them go, anyway, he could not influence the opinion of this Mr. Fang.

The fifth elder of Kun Tong walked out directly, hugged Fang Qin, and then swung his position and said, “Sir, I am about to strike.” ”

The surroundings were also quiet, eagerly watching.

Although he was extremely powerful, no one saw Fang Qin’s movements, but now he had to take a good look at it.

“Oh~” Fang Qin smiled and raised his hand, indicating that he could start.

The five elders took a deep breath, the internal force surged, and immediately and quickly attacked, and the five people used the stunt [Seven Wounded Fists] in a row.

A few people were mighty and fierce, one was quite feminine, and the remaining three seemed to be different.

General boxing techniques such as Voldemort’s palm are extremely fierce, and the use of it is amazing, both thick palm strength and momentum, but these seven wounded fists are quite strange to use, and the five people use attacks separately, but they are all different.

“This is the Seven Wounded Fist Techniques of the Kun Gong Sect, which is extremely mysterious and is said to have seven different kinds of strength.”

“However, I heard that this martial art is extremely difficult to practice, and the five masters of Kun Tong have practiced several of these strengths, so the cooperation between them is also extremely powerful.”

“It depends on how this Mr. Fang resolves.”

On the side, the crowd began to talk and whisper.

Fang Qin saw this punch technique but his eyes lit up, he was interested, and he did not need internal force to resist the body, and directly raised his hand to easily dissolve all the moves that attacked.

Seeing the crowd around them shaking their heads and sighing, the secret passage did not need to be compared, so relaxed and satisfactory, obviously this Mr. Fang did not pay attention to it.

Kun Tong Wulao’s face was pale, no matter how hard he tried, the thick palm strength seemed to dissipate into invisibility, and he could not hurt others, but his use of the Seven Wounded Fists was a bit excessive, and his internal organs were in pain.

After a while,

“Ding, comprehend the [Seven Wounded Fists], increase the qi luck points…”

Fang Qin looked at it for a while, and then he understood in his heart that this Seven Wounds Fist Technique was actually a fist technique containing seven strengths, both fierce and feminine, as well as soft and rigid, not the same

If you can practice to the depths, within one move, there are seven power phases, to block, it is not easy to block the front a few times, not to mention the back, under one punch, I am afraid that all the internal organs are seriously injured.

However, this palm method wants to be practiced, to hurt others, to hurt themselves first, not people with deep internal strength cannot withstand this terrible palm force, damage their internal organs, if it is a good, they will directly die violently.

Xie Xun was often delirious after practicing this palm technique, and occasionally when he suddenly went berserk, the internal strength of these five elders was no better than Xie Xun’s, but fortunately, the practice was not deep, although he had already suffered internal injuries again, but he was not as serious as Xie Xun.

“Er’s seven wounded fists are still strong, but unfortunately the practice is forked, and the internal injuries are accumulated in the body, and with luck in the dantian…”

After Fang Qin comprehended it, he naturally didn’t care about them, and after mentioning a few words of feedback, he surged with a wave of his strength at will, and the five people had already flown out directly backwards, and they fell to two or three feet away in a hurry.

The five elders of Kun Tong looked at each other, and they were all shocked, not knowing how he knew his internal injuries, and also knew the subtlety of the Seven Wounded Fists of the Kun Tong Sect.

However, after Fang Qin mentioned a little, several people felt that they had gained a lot, and if they could go back and carefully ponder, they might be able to eliminate the internal injuries, and the martial arts might also be possible to go to a higher level.

“This, sir, how does it know… Ah, I wait to thank Mr. Fang for mentioning the point? One of them had wanted to ask him how he knew about the Seven Wounded Fists, but the other stopped him and immediately changed his mind.

“Sir, I will wait for the obedience, and the Kun Gong Sect will no longer participate in this matter!” The fifth elder of Kun Tong prayed and was convinced with pleasure, and then turned around and went back.

“….. Admit it, who else is going to come up? Fang Qin looked around and saw a crowd of people.

The rest of the people were both shocked by the high level of Fang Qin’s martial arts, and the ease of casual swinging, but also some red-eyed, they had already heard the exquisite Seven Wounded Fists that Fang Qin had just pointed out.

It’s just that after all, they don’t have the Seven Wounded Fist Fist Spectrum, and they feel very exquisite after listening to it, but they haven’t gained much.

Many people are a little moved, if they come forward to ask for advice so respectfully, will he also point out to me?

As soon as this thought came out, Dengshi’s heart was moved.

Many people were listed for challenges, and then it completely became a teaching competition, but no matter who went up, how many people came forward, Fang Qin was standing in the same place, or point or wave easily and casually defeated a group of people, occasionally interested in pointing out a few words, those people felt that they had gained a great surprise.

“Ding, comprehend [Plum Blossom Palm], get qi luck points…”

“Ding, comprehend [Soft Cloud Sword Technique]…”

A series of comprehension reminders sounded in Fang Qin’s ears, and there was some joy in his heart.

The people in the world here looked at it, and the people who came forward to challenge naturally would not hide their clumsiness and use their own proud martial arts, so that Fang Qin was also quite gained.

Other outsiders saw it clearly, it was really impressive, and soon many people came forward to challenge the end, many people got some guidance, of course, many people did not gain, but did not dare to say anything.

Everyone present was amazed, and now many people have come forward to challenge, the result is useless, it is better to be famous than to meet, this is the real sight of the terrifying strength of this one.

Yue Buqun’s face was cloudy and uncertain, he couldn’t imagine that this person’s martial arts had reached such a situation, he didn’t dare to go forward and shame people’s eyes, just thinking of his own words, it was a bout of uneasiness.

The Ling Fox Chong on the side shook his head and sighed when he saw this, but it was not easy to say anything.

Fang Qin saw that no one had come forward to challenge him, so he didn’t pay any attention to it, and after looking at the increase in a lot of qi luck points and a series of martial arts, he didn’t feel that he was losing.

Yi Zheng said in a loud voice, “Since no one has come forward, then this matter will be put to rest, Er and others came to surround and suppress the Ming Sect, in fact, it is nothing more than the old grudges of these decades, but those things are somewhat secret…”

Saying that, he said what Cheng Kun had done back then, and the people around him were in a big uproar, and even the Ming Sect people were shocked, they didn’t expect that there was such a thing as the sudden disappearance of Yang Dingtian that year.

Master Xuanbi said with a shocked face, “Sir, do you have any evidence?” So Cheng Kun is really my Shaolin Yuanzhen master? ”

As if he realized that there was something wrong with his words, he hurriedly said, “I naturally believe what my husband said, but this matter is somewhat unbelievable…”

Fang Qin looked at Yang Xiao, and Yang Xiao immediately ordered people to go to the Bright Top Dungeon to bring out Cheng Kun who was trapped inside, and that Cheng Kun was seriously injured by Fang Qin’s random momentum, and still did not wake up.

When the people around them saw it, they all believed half of it.

Fang Qin directly woke up this person with internal force, and before he could react, he directly confused him with the Soul Transfer Dafa, causing Cheng Kun to express his plans for decades with a look of anger and madness.

“Hahaha, I made an oath to Cheng Kun that I would destroy the Ming Sect at all costs….”

“.. Alas, there is such a secret about this matter…”

“I didn’t think that one person actually provoked the whole martial forest, and if I said it, I was afraid that I would be laughed at.”

All the figures looked at each other, shook their heads and sighed. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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