Fang Qin saw that they were almost discussing it and said:

“In the case of Cheng Kun, this is the case, and you all know how much you complain, but the Ming Sect people do have extreme behavior. I have already made them make an oath, and their agreement with me is also known, and they should not dare to make it again.

Er and so on can no longer be taken care of, the matter is closed. ”

A crowd of people looked at each other, and they all bowed down and said, “Just according to what Mr. Li said.” ”

The Ming Sect side also said, “Sir, rest assured, I will abide by the oath.” ”

Fang Qin shook his head, “I’m just afraid that there are still many people who feel dissatisfied.” If there is any disobedience, speak out now, and I will not leave my hand on this matter. ”

Saying that Fang Qin’s mighty internal strength surged and momentum together, the people around him were inexplicably frightened, and a sense of great crisis arose.

Just as he was about to shout, he saw a flash of flame rising around Mr. Fang, and the burning sensation struck, but he did not react yet.

Fang Qin had already used his hand as a knife to slash at the open space ahead, and a sword light burning with a reddish flame flew by.



There was a terrible loud noise, with an extremely hot sensation, and a hot steam in the air around it was steaming and burning.

A crowd of people were so frightened that they stood as stiff as wood and did not dare to move, and when they reached the center, the smoke and dust cleared, revealing the situation inside.


When he boarded, a cold breath filled the Heavenly Spirit Cover, his pupils shrank violently, and his body trembled.

Many people directly knelt down on their knees and went out of their way, but no one laughed at him, and no one still had the heart to pay attention to him.

Gu Du stared dead at the huge crack in the middle of the field, a scorched black mark that was more than ten inches long and several feet wide, and there were still burning flames on the top, burning the air above and twisting it, as if it were the reappearance of the flames of the underworld.

Wang Yuyan was shocked, stunned to watch, a blank face, did she just say that she wanted to compete with him? How does this compare? Is this still martial arts? Is he a god?

The few Murong Fu courtiers who were still alive and dying were also faceless, and they no longer had the heart to avenge the prince.

The Buddha beads of the Xuanku Master in the Shaolin sect were directly torn off, scattered on the ground and did not care, looking at it with a sluggish face, muttering to himself: “The incarnation of the gods and Buddhas is not successful…”

The empty smell on the side was also a wooden face, covered in cold sweat, as if it had not yet reacted.

Several of the Seven Heroes of Wudang had a frightened look on their faces, their scalps tingled, this could not be the reincarnation of the heavenly immortals, and now the mystery in the womb had been lifted, so it was impossible to restore mana.

Those Quanzhen Seven Sons, who had already regarded Fang Qin as a god, were short of breath, and they only felt that they had finally seen the Immortal Family Spell, and they had no regrets in this life.

Ming Sect members, Yang Xiao narrowed his eyes, and muttered to himself, “My Dao is such a situation, how can the Ming Sect survive, it turns out that there are immortals to help….”

A crowd of people only felt shocked, such a terrifying scene, this is no longer a mortal force, this Mr. Fang is…

Fang Qin saw that the traces of the flame knife were burning and did not dissipate for a long time, and with a wave of his hand, the warm flame was directly extinguished, but the heat was still rising and not dissipating.

Looking at the stunned and difficult eyes of the people, the secret passage in their hearts, this is just the beginning, so I can’t stand it, and then I am afraid it will be even more terrible.

Yes, he was no longer ready to hide, just now, naturally he didn’t have the strength to wave around, so his qi luck point basically relied on collecting weapons.

With the collection of martial arts, coupled with the help of treasure medicine, he was able to grow his strength rapidly, and with the later comprehension of his own martial arts [Taiyin and Yang True Scriptures], in fact, he could grow into his current strength in less than a year.

Now that he was already an invincible being in this world, naturally he didn’t have the initial jealousy, and he didn’t need to hide.

And hiding it is not good for him, as long as he still needs qi luck points, then he needs to constantly improve his influence, or do some qi luck blessing things.

Now if he wants to realize God’s Fa and even the way to go, he needs a huge amount of qi luck points.

Hiding it will only reduce the growth rate of their strength, and it will not be necessary to gain more than they lose.

He had several purposes for doing so, one was to warn these sects, and of course the Ming Sect, so that they would not dare to disobey what he said, and the other was to use this incident as a guide to shock the world and enhance their influence.

Of course, there are also plans to pave the way for the future.

This matter already involved millions of people in the Ming Sect and most of the sects in the world, and under such a premise, his luck point alone was already soaring.


“Hiss! My Mom!!! ”

“Oh ~ this Nyima is outrageous, is this the true strength of the Fang God Gangster?” That is to say, the front has always been playing monkeys? ”

“Grass, I must learn martial arts, I am particularly explosive, I am satisfied with one percent of the strength of the Fang God Gangster.”

The players present are a bit incoherent, if they have not revealed the authenticity of the internal power before, they may only feel happy, but it is only the pleasure of playing the game.

However, if the internal skills really existed, they could really cultivate, then it would be said that in theory they also had the hope of being the same as Fang Qin, and they did not have the luxury of being able to achieve a level like Fang Qin, but one percent of them was also extremely frightening.

The crowd of people in the field was sluggish for a long time before they slowly returned to their senses, and it was quiet, and no one dared to speak, for fear of disturbing this side of the sacred.

For a long time, a chivalrous warrior directly knelt down and prostrated his head and shouted, “Immortal, the little man has kowtowed to the immortal.” ”

As if causing a chain reaction, the other people also woke up and immediately fell to their knees to worship, before saying that this Mr. Fang was a martial artist, very human, but he never thought that this was a hidden divine in the world.

No wonder he was so mighty as hell, doing everything that people could achieve.

Even the most arrogant and fierce exterminator had directly bowed down, without any disrespect.

If she is a person with high martial arts, she can still stubbornly not bow her head, but such a great power is absolutely immortal, she is iron, and she does not dare to be disrespectful.

Zhou Zhiruo, who was beside him, looked dazed and knelt down, only to feel dizzy.

Mei Mu looked at him nervously and immediately looked down and did not dare to look, secretly saying that he really looked like a god, it would be strange.

The rest of the Shaolin, Wudang, Duan and other people also fell down directly.

Also in the Ming Sect, the people were the most afraid, Yang Xiao and others could not care less about the injury and directly fell to their knees, the immortals sent down their divine power to redeem them, naturally did not dare to have the slightest respect, they were all full of gratitude.

Then there was another burst of excitement, and even the immortals came to save them, did not they recognize their deeds?

“Get up. I’m not a fairy, maybe later….. But not now. Fang Qin shook his head and directly supported a crowd of people with internal strength.

The people in front of them only felt that their bodies were supported by a vast force, and the irresistible ones directly rose, and the people who were far away behind them also heard a voice ringing in their ears, with an irresistible tone, and their subconscious obedience also stood up.

Such power made them more certain in their hearts that this was the Divine Immortal Power, and after listening to Fang Qin’s words, their hearts turned and they were all thoughtful.

What do the immortals mean by this? Not at this time, later? Could it be that he has not yet completed his merit and ascended to the Immortal Realm later? Yes! It must be so! ’

Although Fang Qin refuted their immortal theory, many people had different thoughts, but they were all sure that Fang Qin was heavenly sacred.

In his heart, he was both revered and in awe, and Gu Du looked at Fang Qin respectfully, waiting for his words.

When Fang Qin saw this, he didn’t think in his heart that this matter would have such an effect, and shook his head: “Since there is nothing to do, then disperse.” ”

“Yes, yes! I’ll wait to back off! ”

“Yes, I would like to obey the words of Mr. Fang and Sir!”

A crowd of people were disappointed, the holiness of the world was in front of them, but they and others wanted to leave, but they did not dare not follow, and they hurriedly bowed down and respectfully fell.

The afterglow swept toward the rift in the center, the heart fluttered and jumped, and all kinds of emotions arose, wanting to look up, wanting to bow down, and the most primitive yearning. _

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