“Master Xuanbi, Song Zhangmen, in a few days he may visit the Guimen Sect!” Fang Qin said to the Shaolin Wudang faction in front.

“Ah! Immortal, sir is coming, I am waiting for the honor! Master Xuanku and Song Yuanqiao were surprised to see each other.

This immortal chief wanted to come to his own mountain gate, not to mention that there was no benefit, that is, there was no benefit, and it was also gratifying to have immortals come and contaminate some immortal qi.

The rest of the people suddenly looked envious, and their hearts were even extremely jealous, this Shaolin Wudang actually had such a good thing, being able to get close to the sacred, maybe even getting the Immortal Edge.

However, Fang Qin had also spoken before, and did not dare to disturb it, and the retreat of the respectful obedience was retreated, and many people secretly looked at the middle crack, and saw that the middle was dark, and the nearby was scorched black, and a burning feeling surged from it.

Some of the frightened people looked back and did not dare to look.

The power of the Dark Dao Immortal God was truly terrifying, and the awe in his heart was even greater.

Yue Buqun was extremely flustered, but he had offended the immortals, and he was afraid that he would not…

He didn’t dare to think about it anymore and just wanted to flee from this place quickly, and take the lead first, so that Hu Chong and other disciples of the Huashan Sect could only follow directly.

Bao Feng and the others lost their souls and ran away with Murong Fu’s corpse, not daring to stay.

The other people also retreated, but they all walked a little slowly, looking back three times in one step, they all had some kind of extravagant hopes, if they could get the immortals to teach immortals, then wouldn’t they…

After walking like this, I am afraid that it will be difficult to see the ethereal immortal god again in the future.

Zhang Wuji watched with some trepidation as the people of the Wudang faction left, but he was not in a hurry, and it would be good to recognize each other later, but he could not disobey the immortals.

At the scene, Fang Qin turned back to the Ming Sect and said, “I have already helped you in this matter, and I hope that you will abide by your previous commitment.” ”

Yang Xiao and the others looked reverently and obeyed, “Yes, I am determined to obey the orders of the Immortal Chief, if I violate it, the sky will strike thunder, and it will not be a pity to die.” ”

These people were naturally sincerely obedient, not to mention that even if there was no such thing, they all had great respect for this life-saving benefactor, plus he helped the Ming Sect in his righteousness.

What’s more, this man is not a mortal, but a heavenly holy, then he does not dare to disobey, and even feels that this gentleman can command them, it is their honor, do not look at the envious eyes of others, if they do a good job, please this person, maybe there is any benefit or not.

Zhang Wuji, who was beside him, also suppressed the shock and trepidation in his heart, and came to the front and knelt down: “Thank you Immortal Chief for saving your life twice, and I don’t know how to repay Immortal Chief!” ”

Yin Tianzheng had also heard of Zhang’s name before, but at that time, a series of changes made him somewhat unresponsive, and now when he heard it again, it seemed as if he had thought of something.

Looking at the face of this little brother again, he finally woke up and was excited, but now that the immortals were in front of him, he could only hold back for the time being, and then he would recognize them again.

Fang Qin was a little helpless, these people really regarded him as a god completely, he just wanted to shock these people at first, until he didn’t expect it to be like that.

However, this is not surprising, the three-foot air wall of the sweeping monk in the original book has already made a group of Shaolin Temple monks awe and inexplicable, only thinking that the Buddha has incarnated, not to mention such a terrible power.

Compared with their martial arts, even practicing for a thousand years is completely incomparable, it is really too high a level.

Fang Qin’s internal strength swept away, turning into a soft force to help them all up, and said, “There is no need to call me Immortal Chief, I have said that I am not a Immortal Stream now.” ”

“Ah, yes, sir is what he says.”

A crowd of people looked at each other and felt that this immortal was really easy-going and atmospheric, and the secret path was the divine temperament, not to be happy with things or to be sad with themselves, and to rush down the road.

“Brother Qin~”

“Fang Lang.”

Two beautiful voices sounded, one cold and one delicate, but with a hint of affection.

Huang Rong and Xiaolongnü saw that Fang Qin had finished doing things and also came to the front with Xiao Zhao, Xiao Zhao was already frightened by the horrified scene before, and was pulled by Huang Rong in a daze, completely unresponsive.

Fang Qin looked at the two tenderly, smiled and stroked their green silk.

A crowd of people who heard the voices also looked for sounds, and suddenly they were all secretly amazed at the beauty of these two people, the absolute color of the world, seeing that they and Fang Qin seemed to be intimate, they suddenly woke up, and they did not dare to look at them again for fear of offending.

However, they are secretly amazed and envious, these two girls are really blessed, they can be with Mr. … However, the posture is indeed worthy of the immortal chief at this point, just like the fairy concubine.

After Fang Qin talked to the two beautiful people, seeing that the Ming Sect people were still standing respectfully and did not dare to move, he said, “You do what you should do, don’t pay attention to me.” ”


Yang Xiao and the others only then withdrew and began to arrange the aftermath, Zhang Wuji and Yin Tianzheng now had time to recognize each other, and this bumpy and long-displaced Zhang Wuji really felt the love of his relatives again, and the scene was once very touching.

Fang Qin looked at Wang Yuyan, who was standing still, and said, “Miss Wang, do we still need to compete?” ”

Wang Yuyan: “…”

Say yes to the competition? Who knows that you are a god, this martial art can not be compared.

“I, I…” When I was hesitating and did not know how to answer, two trembling little girls came from afar, green shirts and red clothes, one gentle and lovely, one delicate and lovely, came to Wang Yuyan, and pulled her in some panic.

It was Aju Abi, seeing Fang Qin’s gaze, his body trembled even more, and he wanted to kneel down in some panic, and said timidly: “I have seen the Immortal Chief!” ”

Fang Qin stopped them with internal support and smiled, “There is no need for this.” Then he looked at Wang Yuyan and said, “Since you have said all right, let’s try it and see how much you have improved your martial arts.” ”

“….. Well, well, thank you so much. Wang Yuyan knew that what was being tried was nonsense, and as soon as such a power came out, who in the world dared to say that he was competing with him, and he wanted to point it out, and he was a little happy in his heart.

Huang Rong hugged Fang Qin’s arm, looked at it with some jealousy, drummed his mouth, but did not say anything, and sighed darkly, Brother Qin is really getting stronger and stronger, and he is also more and more annoying to girls.

The little dragon girl on the side didn’t care about these things, just a pair of beautiful eyes quietly staring at her lover.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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