In the distance, the people of the Ruyang Palace were a little panicked, feeling that it was not appropriate to stay here, and there was a sense of crisis.

There was some stiffness and fear on the face of Kutouto, but in his heart he was relieved that there was one who saved the Ming Sect, and after this time, the Ming Sect should be reborn in Nirvana.

“Lord, won’t I leave yet?” The people of the other sects have left, and this time we are pushing, you say that one will not blame, this…” Crane Bi Weng also couldn’t hold his breath and said.

The others also had a look of approval, and those who had not seen such a mighty Ah Da were even more unbearable, directly sitting on the ground with their legs weak, covered in cold sweat.

Looking at the black crack in the middle of the side, it was extremely shocking, this kind of power was so frightening no matter how many times it looked, it was difficult to rise up to resist, and even they did not dare to look at the figure, for fear of being perceived.

Zhao Min ignored them, took a deep breath, and looked at the figure that was as invincible as the Immortal, and there was a certain inexplicable emotion in his heart that had never been there, and a red halo had risen on his face that he had never perceived.


Half an hour later,

Inside the Ming Sect Bright Roof, a courtyard of the highest standard.

Ajuabi stood to the side, staring intently at the two figures in the courtyard.

One of the fluttering shadows flashed again and again, attacking the figure in the middle.


Vigorous and unpredictable, all kinds of moves are constantly used in Wang Yuyan’s hands, which is the simplest punch, and it seems to have a very strong momentum in her hands.

Unfortunately, in front of Fang Qin, any attack seemed pale and weak, and all kinds of vigor seemed to turn invisible and disappear into his hands.

Fang Qin’s eyes lit up, and he felt that Wang Yuyan’s internal skills were quite exquisite, and secretly said that this should be Xiao Wuxianggong.

His mouth also constantly pointed out some of the other party’s martial arts flaws, how high his martial knowledge realm was, under such guidance, Wang Yuyan only felt that he was suddenly enlightened about some unclear aspects of martial arts, and the moves in his hands were becoming more and more skilled, and the power exerted was becoming more and more powerful.

It’s just that no matter how she improves, for Fang Qin, it can’t play any role at all.

For a long time, that Qianying stopped breathlessly, because not a single move had exhausted all its strength, and the internal strength had been consumed, but the harvest was also extremely amazing.

There was also a burst of joy in his heart, and Qiu Bo looked at Fang Qin, bit his lower lip, and said, “Thank you for your guidance.” ”

Fang Qin stopped and said, “It’s all right, Lady Wang’s internal strength is quite exquisite, and any martial art is not bad in your hands, even more powerful than the original version.” ”

“Ah, the internal skill I am practicing is called “Xiao Wu Xiang Gong”, which is a Taoist master.”

Immediately after seeing Fang Qin was quite interested and said, “Well, this is my family’s ultimate learning, it was taught to me by my mother, it was not included in the Langya Jade Cave, if you want to know, I, I tell you…”

Speaking with a look of face, some redness.

“Haha, I’m interested.” Fang Qin smiled and did not refuse.

Wang Yuyan seemed to be a little happy to see this, and softly muttered a little, and read out the Xiao Wuxiang Gong Heart Technique.

“Ding, collect [Xiao Wu Xiang Gong], get qi luck points…”

“Little without effort, it is really extraordinary.” There was some admiration in his heart, this martial art was no worse than other martial arts, which contained the Taoist martial arts and reason, which was also quite good for Fang Qin.

“Xiao Wu Xiang Gong” is one of the Zhen Sect of the Qiaoyao Sect, which is Li Qiushui’s Protective Body Divine Technique, the martial arts are not formable, there is no trace, and it can simulate the martial arts moves of the world, making the same effect, and even more powerful than the original version.

Of course, for others, this is a special divine skill, but for Fang Qin, it is only a little interesting, just curious about some characteristics of this practice.

After practicing this method Li Qiushui, he was still a young man in his eighties, which showed that it was a practice that could prolong his life and also had the effect of retaining his face.

Wang Yuyan snorted softly, her face was a little red, and she felt inexplicably happy.

“Since Lady Wang is so generous, I will also teach you a martial art.” Fang Qin has some good feelings for this person, people are good, well, the main thing is that she is good-looking.

He taught Wang Yuyan the contents of the Nine Yin True Scriptures.

“Thank you, I’m very rewarded…”

After some competition, Wang Yuyan felt a little reluctant in his heart, but there was no excuse to stay, and he left the Bright Top with Aju Abi.


“Sir, this is the martial arts and some scriptures that we have included in the Ming Sect, all here.”

Yang Xiao ordered someone to carry a large pile of books to the courtyard, Fang Qin said.

“Okay, there’s a heart.” Fang Qin didn’t expect this person to be fast, he had just mentioned it to him, and he had already collected it in less than half an hour.

“Yes, this is what should be done again, then Yang Xiao will retire.” He didn’t dare to disturb Fang Qin and left directly and respectfully.

Only Zhang Wuji, who had just followed along, said with a look of reverence:

“Sir, I heard you’re collecting martial arts cheats?” Although he did not have any powerful martial arts in Xiaxia, several years ago, he was taught by an old ancestor and also learned a rather strange internal skill, called the Divine Illumination Sutra.

Wu Jie has no way to repay Mr. Da’s great kindness, and can only express his heart with this internal skill. ”

Saying that, he respectfully handed over a few copies of the booklet, and said, “Grandpa He, ah, that is, the White Brow Eagle King, he is also extremely grateful to Mr. Yu, knowing this, he also called me to give you his own special skill Eagle Claw Gong and some good secret books.”

He is injured, has limited mobility, and cannot come to hand it over to you personally, hoping that Mr. Forgiveness will be made. ”

Fang Qin was a little surprised and did not refuse, and directly took over several secret books.

“Well, you have a heart, and since that’s the case, I’ll give back some martial arts to you.”

I see that your internal skills of the Divine Illumination Sutra have been learned, and the internal skills are quite profound, but there are no moves to exert this internal strength, here are a few good martial arts you can take. ”

Saying that he gave Zhang Wuji some ordinary martial arts cheats booklets that he had occasionally been interested in and improved at will, although it was only his random work, it was also more powerful than most martial arts moves in the world.

“Yes, thank you sir.” Zhang Wuji was actually not very interested in martial arts or anything, but if Fang Qin gave it, he naturally would not refuse and respectfully accept it.

After that, he did not dare to bother and directly resigned.

Fang Qin looked at the secret book in his hand, and secretly said that this unscrupulous luck path was really powerful, even if he had not studied the Nine Yang True Scriptures, he could also coincidentally learn the Divine Illumination Sutra, which was the most effective for his cold poison.

Smiling, he threw the secret book into the [space] and went back to the house and closed the courtyard door.

He was going to stay here for a few days, wait until he had digested these martial arts classics and the like, and then set out to continue collecting the Dao classics.

Back in the courtyard, inside the pavilion, several beautiful people sat here and talked, and the world seemed to be a little brighter.

“Xiao Zhao, I didn’t expect your real face to be so beautiful.”

“Ah, Sister Rong boasted, I have you who are good-looking, like a fairy in the sky, and it is a good match with Mr. Rong.”

“Hee-hee, but sweet talk, well-behaved, and good-looking, or not, I won’t be embarrassed for you.”

“…… Thank you Sister Rong. Xiao Zhao’s voice came.

When Fang Qin came here, he saw several people playing, of course, Huang Rong was more cunning and active.

The other two, although the little dragon girl was no longer as an ice cube as before, but for a long time she had developed a relatively cold nature, only laughing and not talking much.

And that Xiao Zhao now also revealed his real face, his face was gorgeous, his complexion was crystal clear as jade, his nose was higher than that of ordinary women, and there was a faint blue meaning of sea water in his eyes, and he was a person with a beautiful posture.

She was being held in Huang Rong’s arms, talking only promisedly.

Seeing Fang Qin’s arrival, several people’s eyes lit up, and Huang Rong directly released Xiao Zhao and came to the front of him to gently hug Fang Qin.

“Okay, don’t bully people, Xiao Zhao, thank you for leading the way before, if you want to go back later, you can also go back, of course, if you want to stay under the light, I can also say hello to Yang Xiao.”

“Ah, sir, I have nowhere to go now, can I follow Mr. and serve Mr. and the two girls?” I can do anything. ”

After spending a while together, Xiao Zhao had already felt the kindness and affability of these two fairy sisters, which she had never felt before, only feeling warm in her heart and not wanting to leave.


Huang Rong had just been teasing this little girl, but after listening to her experience, her heart was actually quite sorry for her experience, so she advised:

“Brother Qin, let’s promise her, she is also strange and pitiful, she was thrown here by her mother as a servant since she was a child.”

Xiaolongnü got along with this Xiao Zhao for a while, and she also liked her well-behaved kindness, and also said, “Fang Lang, I think the same way, let’s let her stay.” ”

“Well, then stay, you just have to communicate with Rong Er and Long Er, you don’t need to serve me.”

Fang Qin didn’t care when he saw this, if he refused this thing, wouldn’t it seem very fake, since both of them said so, they would also agree to it.

“Mm-hmm, I must do a good job~” Xiao Zhaohai’s blue eyes bent and squinted, revealing a beautiful smile and said happily.

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