During this period of time, the encirclement and suppression of the Ming Sect’s Guangming Peak by the Tianxia Sect could be said to have attracted the attention of the forces in the world, and they all thought that if the two sides competed with each other, one of them would suffer heavy losses, and even if it ended with the overthrow of the Ming Sect, it was not necessarily over.

As a result, it surprised all the people who were paying attention, although the two sides fought a lot of ordinary disciples and lost a lot of disciples in the door, but in the final decisive battle, suddenly the two sides gave up and retreated without fighting, which made a lot of people extremely confused.

Someone was curious to ask about the matter, and those who were present were quite silent, only saying some words that the immortals had stopped the fight and calmed down.

Let a lot of people who don’t know the truth look confused, huh? Immortals? Didn’t these people go up to the top of the light to kill the red eye, and they were not even conscious.

Until a well-known warrior answered the doubts of a large number of people, roughly said what happened on the top of the light, and finally concluded: “That Mr. Fang, with the power of the Immortal God, stopped this dispute.” ”

With the news coming out step by step, gradually Fang Qin’s deeds at the top of the light were known to most people, of course, in the dissemination, the deeds inevitably slowly exaggerated a lot.

Casually using his hand as a knife to split, it was hundreds of zhang of sword light, and the center of the square on the top of the light was almost split in half, just like the power of the immortal gods.

Hearing such a statement, everyone’s first reaction is disbelief, these things sound like myths, how is this possible?

However, as many of the sect leaders who went to the top of the light came forward to tell the truth of this matter, they respected Mr. Fang as a god.

Others have to believe that a person’s language can be said to be false, so many people are well-spoken and all are well-known, naturally it is impossible for them to lie regardless of their feathers, or that this possibility is extremely low.

The authenticity of the matter is basically determined, and the spread of this deed is like a terrifying wave sweeping the world.

Everyone was shocked, there was a divine appearance on the Kunlun Mountain, and in a fit of rage, a monstrous flame descended, splitting the peak of the light in half, and this kind of mythical event spread throughout the martial forest, the people, and even the imperial courts of the various countries.

Countless people heard such deeds, and they were all sensational, and everywhere they discussed this matter, and between the words, their faces were red and their ears were extremely fierce.

The whole land of Shenzhou seemed to be caught in some kind of fanaticism, and the legend of the immortals and gods had been rooted in the blood of a lot of Yan Huang Ziming since ancient times, or the most primitive yearning in the hearts of all human beings.

Immortality, moving mountains and reclaiming the sea, and earth-shaking magical abilities have made people imaginary and addictive.

In the past, the groundless theories of ghosts and gods could make a crowd of people awe-struck, not to mention the scenes that thousands of people had seen with their own eyes, and even the deeds that could be verified, were even more fanatical.


In the Great Song Palace, the red-robed Heavenly Son was also unable to maintain his own majesty, and some looked at the information written in the secret report in disbelief.

“…… Moving at will has the power to open the mountain, and the flame shines above the entire top of the light. ”

A flush rose on the emperor’s face and he muttered, “There is really a divine being in the world, and the theory of the immortals and gods is not false.” ”

He couldn’t suppress some inexplicable, excited mood could not help but stand up and pace around.

Immortals! It’s a real god! It is not the kind of immortal gods recorded in ancient books that are ethereal, and throughout history, there are many emperors who have sent people to find immortals.

Qin Shi Huang asked Xu Fu to explore the overseas immortal mountains, so did Emperor Wu of Han, and so did Emperor Taizong of Tang, but without exception, they all returned without success.

There is no accurate record of who has actually seen the immortals, and if there is, it is a one-sided statement of a few people, and some of the credibility of which is still unknown.

But this time is different, there are thousands of people at the scene who have seen it with their own eyes, and there are also many secret agents who have seen it with their own eyes at the scene, which is most likely true.

It is impossible for thousands of people to deceive people together, and the secret agents of the Great Song Dynasty do not dare to be so deceitful.

Thinking of this, the emperor with the highest human rights could not help but breathe quickly and think about it one after another.

If there are really immortals, then can I let the immortals teach the law of immortality, and truly achieve the wish that all emperors in history have dreamed of but failed—immortality!

“Come…” I couldn’t bear to tell the people to look for the immortal.


Mongolian Ruyang King’s Mansion, above the banquet.

“Haha! I haven’t been here in a long time, come on! Drink and drink! ”

At the banquet, the Mongolian Great Khan Temujin came here directly, and the King of Ruyang naturally did not dare to be sluggish, and directly accompanied him to drink wine and eat meat.

After three rounds of drinking, Temujin suddenly said, “Ah, hey ~ recently there is a saying in the Central Plains that there are some gods and immortals, haha is really interesting, I heard that Min Min has some understanding of this matter, and some curiosity also wants to ask her about this matter.” ”

“Oh, I’ve heard about this too, so I’m going to call Min Min over.” The King of Ruyang knew the purpose of the Great Khan’s coming here and hurriedly said.

“Haha, you really have a good daughter, if it weren’t for the fact that all my princes had marriage contracts, I was afraid that I would also want to please such a clever and clever daughter-in-law.”

“The big sweat said laughing, Min Min, she is very naughty, there is no girl’s reserved appearance at all, and I have always had a headache.”

After a while, Zhao Min’s goose-yellow brocade dress looked delicate and matchless, and her face was gorgeous and invincible, and as soon as she arrived, she saw Temujin and immediately saluted.

“Haha, no need to be polite, good boy!”

Temujin also had great admiration for this little girl who had been extremely smart since childhood, but because of this, he would never let his son marry such a woman who was too smart to go back, afraid that they would not be able to hold back.

“Min Min, I have heard some interesting things recently, that is, what kind of immortal sayings, spread quite strangely, you have any accurate information, I don’t know…”

Zhao Min was silent for a while, thinking of the figure that he often remembered, and said: “Min Min does not dare to hide the Great Khan, there is indeed such a thing.” ”

Temujin’s face froze with a smile of indifference, a trace of ecstasy flashed in his eyes, and then he disappeared, and he said with a smile: “Hahaha, is this true?” I don’t know the immortal…”

Similar things are happening in Western Xia, Jinguo, Liao and other countries.


Not only were the various Gate Sects horrified, but even the imperial courts of these countries were actively confirming the news, and the rulers of these countries were extremely hot, and their eyes were red with the art of immortality.

They are all the pinnacle of power, only time is their greatest enemy, but there is nothing in the world that can beat time, only the most illusory gods can ignore the power of time.

Now that the rumored Divine Power had reached this point, there must be no doubt that he was a god, and they were naturally extremely concerned about this matter.

After the people everywhere heard these rumors, many people even directly packed up their gifts and rushed to the Kunlun area, hoping to see the immortals.

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