Fang Qin opened his eyes, somewhat brooding, this time the characteristics of [staying in the face and benefiting the life] did not change in essence, but it was indeed enhanced a lot from the original.

From the original increase of 100 years of life to an increase of 150 years of life.

With Fang Qin’s vision, he could naturally see that this was not because the results of this understanding were low, but that in the current realm, the number of years of life was limited, and even if he was working hard, Shouyuan could not have made much breakthrough.

The further you go, the more difficult it becomes for each additional year of life, and it is already remarkable to add fifty years.

However, when I was lucky, I always felt that there was some unfinished meaning in this law, and I didn’t know if some of it was missing.

Thinking of some of the descriptions of the Proms in the original book, I can’t help but have some guesses.


The next day, after practicing the method of restoration, Wu Xingyun walked to the cave wall and saw that it was the three women practicing martial arts here, but Fang Qin disappeared without a trace, frowning darkly.

As soon as Huang Rong turned around, she saw the little Tong Yao standing outside the palace, looking at them, and couldn’t help but be surprised.

He hurriedly said, “Senior, is there anything wrong?” ”

Hearing the sound, Xiaolongnü and Xiao Zhao both stopped, and when they saw Tianshan Tongyao, they also came to greet each other.

They are still very curious about this ageless man in his nineties, and they all have more respect.

“Well, he, where did he go?” Doesn’t that mean practicing martial arts? Now that I’ve only been there for the first day, do you look down on my Runaway Martial Arts? ”

Wu Xingyun thought of this person’s unfathomable strength, and said with some frowns.

“Oh, Brother Qin, he has finished reading it and has gone back to practicing.”

Wu Xingyun was shocked to hear it, the martial arts here are profound, ordinary people want to learn, and if you pick a martial art at random, you are afraid that it will be enough to learn for a lifetime.

This guy learned so quickly? What a joke, but thinking of his strength and can’t help but be silent, this person may really have this kind of ability is not necessarily true.


Just as he was about to speak, there was the sound of footsteps behind him, it was Fang Qin.

Wu Xingyun looked back and directly asked, “Have you finished reading it?” ”

“Ah, yes, the martial arts of the Runaway Sect are indeed infamous, and they are really powerful.” By the way, I’m having something to do with you. ”

Fang Qin rubbed the Huang Rong people who had run over and said to Wu Xingyun.

Wu Xingyun was both shocked and sighed, looking at Fang Qin, the talent was so terrible, it was really enviable.

“What else are you doing?” Aren’t all the martial arts here for you to see? ”

“Cough, I heard that the ancestor of the Qiaoyao Sect once got a copy of the Immortal Changchun Gong, I don’t know if you have seen it?”

Wu Xingyun looked at Fang Qin with a somewhat changed face and said straightly, “How do you know my Runaway Sect so well, who are you?” ”

“….. Fang Qin. Fang Qin looked at him wordlessly, and the old ladies finally remembered to ask his name after several days.

“Fang Qin…” Wu Xingyun felt somewhat familiar as soon as he heard this name.

After thinking about it, he remembered that earlier, the people under the door had come to report that someone from the Infinite Sword Sect in Dali had cracked his own life and death charm.

At that time, when she heard about it, she was preparing for the work, and although she was a little surprised and annoyed, she still put it aside for the time being and ignored it.

There is still a lot of news circulating back later. A man named Fang Qin was the first person in the world.

At that time, she had heard rumors circulating in the Central Plains, and she had been, but now it seems that it is not.

She had carefully asked Yu Po yesterday, and with her insight, she had come to a conclusion that this man’s martial arts must have been more powerful when she was in her heyday, and it was not clear how powerful it was.

I didn’t think that everything was the same person.

It is also that the Tianshan Mountains are located in the middle of nowhere, and there are few people, and some news is always delayed a lot before it can be returned, otherwise if she knows about Fang Qin’s bright peak, I am afraid that it will be another shock.

After a moment of silence, he said, “This practice does exist, and the master and his old man also passed it on to me, but ….. Excuse me, come with me. ”

Saying that, he walked towards the stone cave and glanced back at Fang Qin to show that he would follow.

Directly came to a corner, got a few hidden mechanisms on the side, and the stone cave wall actually opened directly.

Revealing a small mezzanine, Wu Xingyun took out a silk package from it and handed it directly to Fang Qin: “This is the scripture you want.” ”

“Thank you.”

Fang Qin handed it over, this is an ancient book with four words of immortal Changchun written on it.

“Ding, find out whether the Absolute Learning “Immortal Changchun Gong” is included…..”

Fang Qin took a cursory look at it and secretly marveled, this martial art is also quite profound for him, you must know that with his martial arts realm,

Even those extremely difficult to practice can be directly understood and understood, and now this Immortal Changchun Gong makes him have a rather profound feeling.

Gently closing the ancient book, Fang Qin looked at Wu Xingyun with some gratitude, “Thank you very much.” ”

He was really grateful, these martial arts scriptures themselves were a secret of a sect, and it was normal for Shaolin to know that he could not fight and try to stop it.

Originally, I thought that I would bother to talk and promise benefits, but I didn’t expect that this one would be so generous to him.

“Hmm, there is no one more powerful than you in this Spirit Vulture Palace, and naturally I won’t offend, and if it weren’t for my unregained skill, I wouldn’t have let you go so easily.”

In fact, this is not the case, Wu Xingyun was born extremely arrogant, and only the Master Society’s “Eight Wilds and Six Combinations of Solipsistic Respect for Myself”, only she could learn among the three descendants, and she learned it at the age of six, and the talent of martial arts could be seen.

Naturally, since childhood, no one could look up to her except respect for her master, and even the two brothers and sisters were not put in her eyes.

In this way, he developed an arrogant and lonely nature, and he had never had a heart to live with anyone today, but when he met Fang Qin in the past few days, he was furious and thunderous, and he had no choice.

However, between getting along, it was also easier than ever, and there was no ill feeling for him.

Now that she knew in her heart that Fang Qin’s martial arts were much more powerful than hers, she also admitted that this friend, she didn’t care so much about the martial arts of this door, if he liked it, then show him how.

However, when I think of the experience of these few days, there are still some itchy teeth, this, deceive her, even if it makes her ugly.

Seeing Fang Qin look over, he immediately said, “This sutra is extremely difficult to practice, only the master and the old man have become it, and I and several other disciples have not practiced it.”

At that time, he said that this may not be because I am not talented enough, it may be because of the lack of some strange springs, well, I am not very clear about this, the master has not mentioned this matter. ”

Fang Qin nodded, thinking about it, he also knew a little bit about some things.

The legend of this Immortal Changchun Gong was obtained by Xiao Yaozi from somewhere in the paradise of Dali.

It is said that the people inside have lived to be over a hundred years old, and their hundred-year-old bodies are all black haired, like teenage girls and girls.

It is because Tanaka originally had a magical sutra that taught people how to live forever, and there was a spring water that could always maintain youth to assist in cultivation.

When Xiao Yaozi found out, he went to find the book and took it out.

It’s just that without the assistance of the immortal spring water, ordinary people are afraid that they can’t practice.

Now that Fang Qin had taken a cursory look, he knew that the Eight Wilds and Six Combinations of Solipsistic Meritorious Skills should have been recreated from this sutra, and the other two absolute studies had some shadows of this book.

Fang Qin looked at Wu Xingyun’s young figure and thought for a moment, “You borrowed the martial arts from me to watch, and the etiquette is still exchanged, I see that your figure can’t grow up, presumably because of your physical illness, how about I help you recover?” ”

Wu Xingyun was stunned, his face suddenly turned happy, and he blurted out in disbelief: “Really? ”

Then I thought that I was not a young person now, and I thought about what use it was, but if this wish of my life could be fulfilled, I would also fulfill my wish.

It’s just that……

“My strange illness is that my body is born with a lack of health, and later coupled with the fact that I am too young in practicing [Eight Wilds and Six Combinations of Solipsistic Meritorious Skills], it will lead to not growing up.

Originally, when I was twenty-six years old, I was expected to recover from my practice, but as a result, my sister was jealous of me, and under the secret calculation, I was caught in the fire, and it has been difficult to get better since then.

I have tried many methods to grow to the age of eight or nine, you, can you really do the treatment for me? ”

Fang Qin saw her look worried, smiled, and said, “It’s not clear at the moment, but you can try it, maybe it can be done.” ”

Wu Xingyun was a little disappointed, and after thinking about it, although his skills were not as good as his, but after studying for so many years, he had not studied it, and he was afraid that it would be difficult to have an effect, but he did not refuse to say: “Well, then, when will you give me treatment?” ”

“This Immortal Changchun Gong is quite profound, I will study it first, and after a while I will come to treat you.”

“Hmm.” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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