A few days later, Fang Qin directly began to retreat, and the Immortal Changchun Gong was understood and understood by him, and he opened the “Understanding Deduction”.

A sense of clarity and mystery, which is about the mysteries of the human body, the subtlety of internal forces, and the method of prolonging life, ponder from the heart, and constantly deduce the new, making it more mysterious.

Turning all the magic methods into smelting, the mind moves, the movement opens, and the internal qi and qi and blood run and flow.


A roar sounded, and the mysterious and extremely pure yin and yang internal qi nourished the whole body.


“Ding, [Tai Yin Yang True Scripture] characteristics [stay in the face and benefit life] enhanced to [immortal Changchun]”

[Immortal Changchun]: Xuangong flows, solidifies the original Peiyuan, makes it immortal Changchun, and the life expectancy is greatly increased.

Fang Qin’s body had a faint fluorescence, the warm feeling gathered throughout his body, and the yin and yang qi flowed endlessly.

Nowadays, the characteristics have been enhanced and transformed into [Immortal Changchun], and Shouyuan has increased to two hundred years,

Don’t underestimate this only fifty life expectancy yuan compared to it, and now the more you go to the back, the more difficult it is to increase your life expectancy.

The two-hundred-year life expectancy of the unification is already the limit. The luck points spent on the follow-up deduction are not proportional to the harvest, and the gain is not worth the loss, so it stops.

After Fang Qin understood this skill, he found that perhaps the rumor was not false, and this Immortal Changchun Gong really needed the immortal spring water to practice.

His internal strength is different from ordinary people, and the internal force is extremely rich in life essence, which can be used as a big tonic to feed himself, in order to be able to cultivate simply.

Others couldn’t have so much medicinal power to cultivate, so they needed the help of the Immortal Spring Water.

Of course, Fang Qin naturally did not believe that what was really an immortal spring might be similar to the thousand-year-old stone milk he had obtained in the valley where the Xiangyang Pusi Qu Snake was located, and it was made of the essence of heaven and earth, which was extremely useful to the human body.

From this, it can also be seen that the fountain of immortality is not an ordinary thing, and may be useful for one’s own practice.

However, this matter can also go to Dali territory to travel a bit later, maybe he can find this spring, of course, he can’t find it or reluctantly, and he doesn’t care.

Fang Qin slowly let out a breath, stopped cultivating, stretched his body for a while, and walked out.

When they reached the Martial Arts Vault, they saw Wu Xingyun teaching the Xiaolongnü to practice martial arts.

Hearing the sound, Wu Xingyun turned his head to see Fang Qin’s arrival and couldn’t help but say praise:

“You are all very gifted people, and your skills are actually so deep that your martial arts are the Nine Yin True Scriptures, which is indeed extraordinary.”

Xiaolongnü and the others were all happy to see Fang Qin out of the customs and flew to the near front.

“Brother Qin, Rong Er misses you so much~” Huang Rong directly pounced on you, buried in his arms and muffled.

The little dragon girl also gently grabbed Fang Qin’s hand and looked at him with some joy.

“I haven’t seen you in a few days.” Fang Qin smiled a little, and when he saw Xiao Zhao, who was a little nervous on the side, he also rubbed her green silk, so ashamed that her face was red and her eyes were full of joy.

Turning his head to Wu Xingyun, he said, “Haha, thank you for teaching them.” ”

Wu Xingyun saw the appearance of all of them, skimmed his lips, shook his head, and said:

“Their martial arts are extremely not weak, especially Rong Er and Xiaolongnü, if I am not so strong at their age, I think you have taught them usually, I just mention it a little.”

Saying that the rather awe-inspiring look receded, he suddenly twisted a little: “You, what you said earlier about treating me, how is it, but there are eyebrows, when do you want to start.” ”

Originally, she didn’t look forward to it so much, but after the incident, she always couldn’t help but think about it, what if it was cured? I’ve been thinking about this for the past few days.

Fang Qin saw that her face was slightly red, quite eager, and it seemed that she was really concerned about this matter.

He smiled and said, “Now is it.” ”

Saying that, he told Xiaolongnü and the others to practice martial arts first.

Fang Qin and Wu Xingyun directly came to a secret room next to them, and the two sides sat cross-legged, and Fang Qin directly put his hands against each other’s backs and the internal force surged.

Wu Xingyun was shocked, only to feel that a vast internal force was like Wang Yang’s sea, not knowing how deep it was, and he was secretly shocked.

Only then did Fang Qin’s strength have a more accurate understanding, this kind of strength is more powerful than his own master before, I don’t know how many times,

How can a person cultivate to such a state, even if he starts practicing internal strength in the womb, it is impossible to have such a terrible internal force, which is no longer a realm that mortals can reach.

Just as I was about to speak, a word came from my ear

“Run the internal power!”

I could only stop my mouth and first run the internal power according to what Fang Qin said, and as soon as the internal force of the other party was run, I felt that the other party’s internal force was not just a matter of depth and depth.

Among them, the yin and yang flow, the infinite essence is contained in it, the mysterious is incomparable, and the qi and blood of the body have some decline, under the cultivation of such mysterious internal forces,

It was actually full of new vitality, and some of the dark wounds that had remained in the past began to recover rapidly, and the whole body felt warm and comfortable.

People can’t help but be a little addicted, back to God, immediately run the internal strength, full force, their own shortcomings have been actually began to repair, Wu Xingyun’s face was happy, almost fell into tears.

This defect has always been her heart hate, maintaining a childlike appearance for many years, and it is natural to be in awe and envy when people who do not know it, but she herself is miserable.

Don’t think about it too much, run your power to the fullest.

The internal qi was steaming, the clouds were swirling, and time gradually passed, and after a day and a night, Fang Qin withdrew the vast internal force.

Wu Xingyun only felt that the extremely warm internal force was slowly withdrawn, and his heart was actually unwilling.

After running its own internal strength at full strength for a week, it also stopped, and after many years of heart knots, he finally got better, opened his eyes, was surprised and inexplicable, and directly shed tears, full of complicated looking at Fang Qindao:

“Well… Much, thank you very much, my physical defects have been made up, and it is estimated that it will not be a problem after that. ”

“No, thank you for your gift.”

If Wu Xingyun hadn’t felt Fang Qin’s vast internal strength, he might have felt that his Qiaoyao Sect’s martial arts were incomparably powerful.

But she had already felt this unmortal power, and these Runaway Martial Arts were only afraid that for him, they were really just a reference for him, but they had received a great favor from him.

The great benefits obtained here, first, the physical defects were recovered well, and second, Fang Qin nourished his body with his mysterious internal strength.

Her whole body seemed to be full of life, full of vitality, and maybe she would be able to go to a higher level in the near future.

I couldn’t help but feel grateful in my heart, and said to Fang Qin:

“Well, thank you anyway.”

(ps: ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for subscriptions ~ )

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