As night fell, several sneaky figures dragged a man straight to a secret place.

Through the moonlight, we can see that the person who was abducted is none other than the Xu treasurer of the previous inn.

He was now tied up by five flowers, his face was frightened, and the other men in black were about to move, when a fierce wind struck.

Peng Peng Peng!

The men fell to the ground screaming bitterly, looking at a tall figure in front of them with some horror.

The man wearing a hat was dim and inaudible.


Those few people were frightened and ran away in a hurry, Qiao Feng looked back and helped Xu Treasurer untie the rope: “Is it all right?” ”

“Ah, thank you very much, thank you very much.”

Xu Zhangcheng was just a flat-headed ordinary man He had seen such an encounter, and he was terrified and faceless.

“Get up, there should be no problem, but in the future you can’t talk about such strange things, now there are many people, everyone has them, and there are many people who are under the three abuses.”

“Ah, that’s how it brought disaster, me, I can’t stay any longer.” Xu Zhangcheng’s face was remorseful, and he already knew that he would not covet that golden leaf.

“This is not the case, only a few headless and brainless people would do this, and others would never dare to do such a bad thing in consideration of the gentleman.” You don’t need to worry too much, go back. ”

When he said this, Qiao Feng’s voice suddenly rose, and he didn’t know who he was talking to.

The treasurer thanked him again and again, and only after a while did he always leave with a lingering palpitation, leaving Qiao Feng standing here alone.

Looking down slightly, he hugged his fist and said, “I don’t know which friend is here again, can I see it?” ”

Zhong Ling came out from the side holding a white ferret and spat out his tongue: “Ah, hello, I came to see it, I am afraid that he has been killed, and my heart is too unwilling to go.” ”

Qiao Feng was stunned to see that it was this one, and secretly said that this little girl was kind.

“As it is, I thought there was something else…”

“Hee-hee, after all, I told him to say it, if he was killed, it wouldn’t be my fault, it wouldn’t work.” But since it’s all right, I’ll go back. ”

“The girl walks slowly.” Qiao Feng hugged his fist and looked around the corner, a hazy apricot yellow figure flashed by, and it seemed that there were many figures shaking around, shaking their heads, and did not care.

Nowadays, Shaolin and Wudang are a gathering of all the world’s great masters, and now there is an undercurrent in these places.


Time passed, the lofty mountain boundary seemed to fall into peace, I don’t know if there is any tacit understanding, although many people come here at every moment, but nothing has happened.

This is a rarity in places where a large number of high-rollers gather.

And today several figures have also come here.

Fang Qin walked slowly on the mountain road to the Shaolin Temple, enjoying himself.

Huang Rong, who was beside him, squinted and swept around, holding Fang Qin’s arm and saying, “Brother Qin, there are many people around here.” ”

“Leave them alone.” Fang Qin didn’t care about the Tao, he knew that as long as he revealed a power that was not available in the world, then it would definitely attract attention, among which there were revered, admired, and coveted, and he did not care about it.

Xiaolongnü and Fang Qin walked side by side, and the cold beauty looked at Fang Qin from time to time, a burst of sweetness, she was already very happy as long as she was with him.

Xiao Zhao, who followed the next two steps, was also smiling, and this time was perhaps the most relaxed and happy moment she had ever had. Soft eyes looked at several people.

Xiao Zhao of the Dark Path only needed to follow Gongzi and his sister and serve them all his life.

Nowadays, these people are all strong in martial arts, Fang Qin needless to say, the existence of the unusual, Huang Rong and Xiaolongnü are now more than the world’s first-class masters will not be left behind, and there are many means.

I’m afraid that only people of the rank of sweeping monk and Zhang Sanfeng can win them steadily.

This is still the case that these two girls do not have enough experience in martial arts.

Although Xiao Zhao was much inferior, he also had the level of Mei Chaofeng, and he was not weak in the jianghu.

As for why the progress was so amazing, it was all because Fang Qin used the mysterious internal force to wash the marrow of these Yi muscles and nourish the body.

Fang Qin’s skill was terrifying, and in this case, they naturally had great gains, and their skills were much deeper.

It is extremely difficult for ordinary people to wash the marrow for others, and only a few people with profound skills can do it.

Moreover, it also consumes their own skill, and generally very few people do this, and only those who are about to reach the limit will do such an empowerment for the younger generations.

As for Fang Qin, his internal strength was too mysterious and deep, and it was not difficult to do it for others, and as for the power consumed, it was a dime a dime, not worth mentioning, and he recovered after a few weeks of self-operation.

Several people seemed to be slow and fast, and after a while they had already arrived at the mountain gate of the Shaolin Temple, and they saw that a group of monks were already waiting again, and when they saw Fang Qin, they immediately saluted and said, “I have seen Mr. Fang!” ”

After the ceremony, the leading master of Xuance rushed to the front:

“Xuan Ce has seen Mr. Xuance, who has come from afar and worked hard all the way. I don’t know if my husband came here today, I couldn’t come to greet him, I was really disrespectful and could only hurry to the front of the mountain gate to wait. ”

The posture of saying this was very low, and Fang Qin did not care about these and nodded, “There is a heart.” ”

Casually sweeping the crowd behind him, he asked curiously, “What about Abbot Xuanci?” ”

“Amitabha! Sir, Master Xuanci, he has passed away…”

Xuan Ce looked a little sad, and quickly said, and then he told the things that had happened for a while.

Some time ago, there was a big incident in Shaolin, but it was about Qiao Feng, involving decades of enmity, the two men in black made a big fuss at the Shaolin Temple, and Qiao Feng was also present at the back.

The abbot of Shaolin Xuanci came forward to explain the events of that year, and all the truth came out, and then Xuanci passed on the Shaolin abbot to the Xuance master who was not known for his martial arts.

However, it made the martial people a little surprised and uncertain, Xuan Ci did not explain much, and punished himself for this crime with more than a hundred sticks, because he had the heart of atonement, directly did not resist with internal strength, and after a hundred sticks, he directly died.

That Murong Bo did not know whether it was a dead son, he knew that he could not avenge his revenge, and he was crazy to kill people, but he was stopped by the sweeping monk, who directly let him fake death once and refused to repent, and after two times, he could only helplessly kill.

Xiao Yuanshan was stripped of his abilities and stayed in Shaolin.

As for Qiao Feng, I don’t know if he was granted the Absolute Scholarship by Fang Qin, and the rest of the people did not dare to have any idea of harming him, plus in the end this matter was only a victim, and he had always been doing righteous things before, so no one bothered him, and the result was not bad.

“Amitabha, now the poor monk is ashamed to take the position of abbot, ashamed!”

Fang Qin listened to it but did not comment, this Xuanci matter may still have its own pressure, only to make the behavior, as for passing the throne to Xuan Ce or considering that in Shaolin it is Xuan Ce and Fang Qin’s friendship is the deepest.

“As it is, the old things are all over, and there is no need to mention them again.” Abbot Xuance, I came here this time to borrow the Buddhist scriptures collected by the Shaolin Temple over the past hundred years. ”

Xuan Ce listened for a moment, this word is somewhat familiar, the first time they met, it was also the same words, and then reacted again, now now, what else do you need to suspect, Mr. is no longer a mortal man.

“Sir has a need, I Shaolin Scripture Cabinet scriptures and Mr. Feel free to read.”

“Oh, thank you very much.”

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