Master Xuan Ce led Fang Qin and a few others to the Shaolin Scripture Cabinet, and the sweeping monk had been waiting here for a long time.

Seeing Fang Qin, he performed a Buddhist ritual and said, “Amitabha, Lord Fang, we are meeting again.” ”

Looking at Fang Qin’s figure more and more unfathomable, and seeing several women behind him, it felt even more incredible.

The skills of these women are extremely profound, compared to him, they are only a little short of time savings, and they must be able to surpass themselves in time.

This person can’t really be the reincarnation of the heavenly gods, so incredible, even the people around him.

Although he didn’t ask about the world, he still knew about some major events, not to mention such a major event as the Kunlun Guangming Peak.

Many Shaolin disciples who went to the Battle of Guangming Peak that time came back and were excited, saying some words about the incarnation of the Immortal Buddha all day long, and the other disciples who did not go were also sighing, regretting that they had not been able to see the true face of the Immortal God.

At that time, his first reaction after hearing it was also unbelievable, how could this be! Although he knew that this benefactor was powerful and his strength was difficult to guess, he could not imagine that he could achieve such a terrible situation.

Thinking that I still wanted to compete with him before, as a result, under the hands of Fang Shilord, I exhausted my internal strength and lost, and I really felt ashamed and self-conscious.

Of course, he was open-minded and did not care for a long time, and later when he heard that this Mr. Fang was going to come to the Shaolin Temple, he also had a lot of expectations in his heart.

Seeing this Fang benefactor again now, I can’t help but feel a lot of emotions.

“Haha, the old man is also quite spiritual, it seems that the skill is profound.”

Although Fang Qin did not fully comprehend the Alchemy Divine Technique, after this period of time, his perceptual ability was also quite gained, and he had a vague feeling of the surroundings, and the basic situation in the past was already clear at a glance.

“Better than not being able to give the Lord’s magic powers, the old man is ashamed!”

The sweeping monk had seen Fang Qin’s vast and mysterious internal force before, and he was greatly shocked and later realized, during this time, his skills had actually improved a lot, which really made him happy.

Saying that a large number of people were invited in, originally such a Buddhist holy place naturally did not allow women to enter, but if they came with Fang Qin, it would be another matter.

I didn’t even care about the martial arts cheats and the like, between one gain and one loss, everyone knew that no matter how powerful the mastery was, it was not as good as making friends with such characters.

Fang Qin talked with Xiaolongnü and the others, then went to the Buddhist scripture bookshelf and picked up a copy of the Diamond Sutra and read it, and the sweeping monks on the side also accompanied them, but the other monks did not dare to disturb and withdrew.

“If I smell…”


“What’s up?”

“Back to the county lord’s words, the gentleman is already in the Shaolin Temple’s scripture cabinet, it is said that he is reading Buddhist scriptures, the retreat has been closed for several days, and he has not yet come out.”

“Buddhist scriptures? Well, keep looking, go ahead.


The man in black retreated directly, and Zhao Minli was thinking about things in the courtyard.

“Reading the sutras?” Not…… The black beauty eyes thought thoughtfully, and then as if thinking of something, she said in a loud voice, “Come! ”

“Lord, I don’t know what to command?” A voice sounded outside the courtyard.

“You go to collect the world’s books and classics, whether it is Buddhist scriptures or Taoism, as long as this type of book is collected and copied for me, there are also many books in the capital, holding my hand card to borrow and copy from the Great Khan.”

Things have to be done faster. ”

“Oh, the subordinates obey the orders!” The man was a little confused, but the county lord did not dare to question his words and withdrew.

“If you want the scriptures, I’ll collect them for you, so I should be able to see you…” Zhao Min seemed to think of something, and smiled, his face was dizzy and delicate.


Fang Qin was flipping through Buddhist scriptures in a place in the Tibetan Scripture Cabinet, and the sweeping monk sat on the side, and Fang Qin occasionally discussed Buddhism with the older man.

This sweeping monk who has studied Buddhism for decades is already extremely proficient in Buddhism, and the questions asked by Fang Qin can be well answered, but it also makes Fang Qin gain a lot.

He did not know that the sweeping monk’s heart was shocked, and when he first looked at it, he could still see that he had not studied the study of the Dharma deeply.

However, after only a few days, he had read half of these scriptures, and the issues discussed with him had become more and more esoteric, until now he did not know how deeply he had learned.

Those high-ranking monks who are advanced in Buddhism, who are not so proficient in decades of specialized study, and who think of this gentleman in just a few days, are already worthy of the study of others for a lifetime.

Secretly shocked, but thinking about it, I felt that it was natural that this being was called divine by the world, and naturally deserved this name.

The realm of the sweeping monk would not really regard Fang Qin as a heavenly immortal, but for him, Fang Qin would shock him even more than the heavenly immortal.

In his opinion, this Fang Shi Lord was afraid that he had already opened up the back road of martial arts, and in the form of a mortal, he had reached such a sacred realm in his lifetime, which could be described as the ancestor of the Kai Yi Vein, saying that he was the reincarnation of a god and immortal, but looking down on him.

At noon, a young Shami came to the front softly and said respectfully:

“Sir, teacher, it’s lunch.”

The two men thanked each other.

Looking at this little Shami with an ugly face and a bit of Mu Nagu, Fang Qin asked, “What is your name?” ”

“Ah, Mr. Hui’s words, little monk, little monk Dharma number virtual bamboo.” Xuan Zhu was nervous, this is the rumored immortal, as soon as Fang met him, he felt that what he said was not bad, he looked so handsome and extraordinary, and there were only immortals.

Thinking that he was a god and should also know the Buddha, it was even more nervous to think about it.

“Well, you… That’s nothing, you go back first. Fang Qin shook his head.

“Ah, yes!” Although it was a little unclear, the abbot had instructed him to do whatever he wanted.

“Fang Shi Lord, that one…”

“I know that he is the son of Abbot Xuanci.”

Fang Qin originally wanted to pass on a few martial arts to him, but he thought that in the original work, this one was actually just bent on being a little monk, and that was it.

If he taught him martial arts and was known and coveted by others, it would hurt him, but there was another way.

The sweeping monk was a little surprised, how could this person seem to know everything, could this also be something that martial arts could do?

Fang Qin also did not explain, and after eating something casually, he continued to read.

Fang Qin’s visit to Shaolin was already known to many people, causing a commotion, but unfortunately, as soon as Fang Qin arrived in Shaolin, he went directly to the Tibetan Scripture Cabinet to read the Buddhist scriptures, and the retreat could not be stopped, and these people did not dare to disturb this human sacredness, so they were still at peace. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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