“Mr. Fang, please stay!” A heroic voice came, Qiao Feng came from a distance, the figure flew over, and in a few moments he came to Fang Qin and the others.

“Having met Mr. Fang, Qiao Feng thanked Mr. Fang for his previous guidance.” Speaking sincerely, he bowed down directly.

Qiao Feng was indeed grateful, and he respected this gentleman very much, but it was not because of the Guangming Peak thing, but because this gentleman was so kind to him.

If nothing else, just by telling him the mystery of his life, and because of this, he was able to rush back, so that his adoptive father and adoptive mother and mentor were spared from evil, and this matter was already worthy of his gratitude.

Thinking of this, he still couldn’t help but sweat in his heart, if he returned late, he was afraid that his adoptive parents would die at the hands of his own father.

How will he treat himself when the time comes? How he was worthy of their decades of nurturing grace and how he faced his biological father. Even if there is really no way into heaven and no door to the earth, he will no longer have the face to live in the world.

Moreover, this one also had the grace of passing on his merits, and when he first saw the set of Eighteen Palms of the Descending Dragon, he felt very subtle.

Since practicing during this period of time, the palm strength has become more and more profound, and I feel that this palm technique is profound and mysterious, and the more I practice, the more I can understand the martial arts truth.

By now, his palm strength was already like a terrifying wave, and his internal strength had also been deeply improved by this, and his strength was much better than before.

Let Hong Qigong also see the leisurely fascination, sigh to the extreme, before the Shaolin ended the grudge, there was a hermit monk who also spoke to him, this palm method is extremely strong and fierce but the world’s martial arts, not like the ordinary law.

As for Mr. Guangmingding’s revelation of divine might, he was extremely shocked, admired and looked up to him, and suddenly realized in his heart that Mr. Dao was so unmortal, and it turned out to be so sacred.

Fang Qin was not surprised to see Qiao Feng, as if he had known it earlier, he smiled and supported Qiao Feng with internal strength: “It seems that you have not experienced any world affairs in these days.” ”

Qiao Feng only felt a soft force that could not resist to hold himself up, and could not help but secretly say that his previous strength was not good, and he could not see the miracle of Mr. Qi, but now his strength had increased a lot, but he felt the gap in strength even more.

I’m afraid that my strength was too poor before, and I couldn’t even recognize the gap.

“Yes, some of Qiao’s personal grievances have also been settled, thanks to Mr. Mister’s reminder, otherwise I am afraid of causing a catastrophe.” Mr. Qiao Feng is no less than the grace of reconstruction! Someone will never dare to forget! ”

Since the gentleman did not allow it, it was with the sir, but he still said with a sincere expression.

“Haha, don’t do this, I just do it casually, you don’t have to pay attention to it.”

“….. Sir, no matter what happens in the future, Qiao Feng will try his best to help Mr. Qiao, but he is afraid that his meager strength will not be able to help Mr. Wang. ”

Qiao Feng knew that this Mr. Fang would not care about this, but he still said, because he did not know how to repay Mr. Fang, Mr. Fang was a divine in the world, and what was worth his help.

“Well, since you’re in a grudge, how’s it going?” Fang Qin didn’t care about these things either, and asked casually.

“Ahh… I might have been in seclusion for a while, and I hadn’t thought about it later, and I didn’t have anything to do now. ”

Fang Qin saw that his face was full of wind and frost, and it was also true that this person who had insisted on serving the country and the people before, in the end he was a Khitan himself, and he was killing his own compatriots, and he was also confused for a while.

“Sir, I have experienced a lot in this matter, and I am not proud of the Great Song now, nor am I ashamed of my Khitan status, as Mr. Qiao Mouzun said, it is good to only abide by my heart and do good deeds!”

“In this way, it is also good to ignore these grievances and grievances. I know your thanks, and go back, and I’ll say goodbye. ”

Fang Qin did not say anything about his choice and said goodbye to him.

“Yes, in the future, Mr. Qiao can go to the town in front of me at the foot of the Chongshan Mountain to find me, and I Qiao Feng will be sent by Qiao Feng.” Qiao Feng said respectfully.

Then he seemed to remember something: “Sir, there are many three religions and nine streams gathered in Chongshan today, and it is estimated that they are all coming for Mr. Wang, especially in the town ahead, there are many high-rollers in the rivers and lakes, and there are many people in the imperial court.”

Fang Qin gave up, indicating that he knew about it, and left with Xiaolongnü and the others.

Qiao Feng looked at it for a long time, exhaled, and finally thanked Mr. Qiao and thanked him, turned back, and went directly to his residence.


“Brother Qin, are we going to the front town?” Just listened to what that Qiao Daxia said, so many people, only afraid of annoying very much. Huang Rong asked softly.

“No, since you know that there are those people inside, why do you want to go to trouble yourself again, or go directly to Wudang?”


Xiaolongnü seemed quite happy to see Fang Qin and said, “Fang Lang, can you receive any goods from reading the Buddhist scriptures for ten days?” ”

“Well, the Shaolin Tibetan Sutra has a long history, and there are many secret books in the Buddhist scriptures, naturally there are many harvests, haha, I feel that this trip to Wudang is the time for real transformation.”

The little dragon girls looked at each other and saw the amazement and surprise in their eyes.

For Fang Qin to have a great harvest, the people he admired became more and more powerful and rejoiced, and he was amazed that Fang Qin was already so powerful.

It was really unbelievable that he could continue to go further, and he didn’t know how terrible the strength would be afterwards, could he really become a god.

Immediately, he was a little worried, although his strength was still quite good in martial arts, but compared with Fang Qin, there was nothing to be commended for.

Can he and others really stay by his side for a while? If after a hundred years, you will have exhausted your life, then…

Fang Qin’s perception was getting stronger now, and he could also sense a lot of emotions of the people around him, and he knew their worries after a little thought.

He smiled and said, “Silly boys, don’t worry, after I realized the martial arts, I taught you the path, but now it is not perfect, I don’t dare to come at will, I can only let you practice deep internal skills first, I will cultivate your body for you and lay a good foundation first.” ”

Saying that, he also went forward to kiss the two of them, Xiaolongnü and Huang Rong were a little red by him, but they were both old husbands and wives, and they had been kissing them, and they were not too shy.

Xiao Zhao on the side looked red in the face and was a little envious.

Fang Qin also rubbed her green silk when he saw her like this, making Xiao Zhao feel confused and hot for a while.

“Brother Qin… We all believe you can do it. ”

“Fang Lang is very powerful…”

“Gongzi is a fairy mile, and naturally he can do it.”

After a few people were shy, they also reacted and couldn’t help but say.

“Haha, naturally, let’s go.”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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