Originally, the news of Fang Qin’s arrival at the Shaolin Temple had already been passed out from the same day, but this human divine had been staying in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion retreat, and no one dared to disturb it, and they were all waiting at the foot of the Chongshan Mountain for this person to get out.

As a result, after the tenth day, it was reported that this person had left, and many people directly rushed to the Shaolin Temple to inquire, and they were told that this was indeed the case.

Gu Du was greatly disappointed and could not see the true face, but some people had already begun to rush to Wudang.


“Sister Mu, it doesn’t matter, I didn’t see it this time, it’s the same when I go to Wudang.”

Zhong Ling saw that Mu Wanqing was in some depressed mood, and couldn’t help but comfort her, she knew that this person had come here from the beginning to wait for a long time, and the result was still missed.

I don’t know how disappointed she was, to tell the truth, she herself was also disappointed, and she thought she could see Fang Qin’s brother and Rong’er’s sister.

“Well…” Mu Wanqing responded softly, somewhat weakly, since she knew about Fang Qin’s arrival, she had always been nervous and excited during this time.

I thought I could see him, but it turned out to be a great disappointment to her, and she didn’t see him so close, was there no fate between the two, was it Providence?

I thought about it for a long time, and it took a while before I eased up.

Then he regained his firmness, secretly Mu Wanqing, Mu Wanqing, how can you be so useless, no matter what, you have to go to see him, even if he doesn’t like you, you have to ask for an understanding.


The distance between Chongshan Mountain and Wudang Mountain was not much for Fang Qin and the others, and at their speed, it would be a few days if they did not rush to the road.

Hearing the news, Zhang Sanfeng, the Seven Heroes of Wudang and a group of elite disciples came out to greet them, and even Zhang Wuji was among them.

“Haha, Mr. Fang, I haven’t seen you for a long time that day!” Zhang Sanfeng was still in the form of that Immortal Wind Dao bone, as soon as he saw Fang Qin, he went to the front Dao, and the others also immediately performed the ritual Dao.

“I’ve seen sir!”

“Real people, I haven’t seen you for a long time, please get up.”


On Wudang Mountain, in the Wudao Room behind the True Martial Hall, Fang Qin and Zhang Sanfeng talked happily.

“Alas, my unscrupulous child was a bitter child, who had no father and mother since he was a child, and later experienced ups and downs… So thank you Mr. for coming to the rescue many times. The old man is so grateful! ”

“Real people don’t have to be like this, I have some fate with this Zhang Wujie, and when I see him, I will save his life, but I do it by the hand, and I don’t need to do this.”

“Mr. Dade naturally doesn’t need to care, but I am sincerely grateful.”

The two of them exchanged pleasantries for a while, and then they began to talk about serious matters.

This is also worthy of being a martial arts master, the last time Fang Qin discussed with him some of the essence of refining the body, after a period of retreat, he really had already gained something.

As soon as Fang Qin met, he found that his qi and blood were exuberant a lot, and he was afraid that he already had gained.

“Haha, sir originally wanted to read the Taoist scriptures, what am I doing?”

After Zhang Sanfeng knew about the intention, he was overjoyed, and he also admired this Mr. Fang, and now that he had not seen him for a while, he had become more unfathomable.

When he heard about the Guangming Peak, he knew that this martial arts path was constantly groping forward, afraid that he would really go out of a path that had never been seen before.

“It seems that real people have also gained something, so how have you studied the method of refining the body?”

Fang Qin was also a little curious when he saw that this Qi and Blood were quite exuberant, how he had managed to bring his decaying Qi and Blood back to life.

“Haha, I don’t dare to be a real person in front of you, but I want to call Mr. a real person.” Zhang Sanfeng was also quite proud to hear this, and he also sighed at Fang Qin.

“Just call it it, just feel free, it doesn’t matter if you get used to it.”

“Mr. Open-minded, thanks to Mr. Xuangong’s method of refining the body, although I can’t do one percent of Mr. Ru, but with the Taoist Xuangong comprehension, I can slowly enhance my physique.

Slow is much slower, and it is not as thorough as Mr. Li can refine his body so thoroughly, but it is better than not so violent, and my body bones can also bear it. ”

Saying that, I didn’t care to directly say the essence of the alternative refining method that I had understood during this period of time.

After Fang Qin listened, he also secretly admired that this method was naturally inferior to his Dragon Elephant Town Prison Scripture, and even far apart.

But one thing is very good, that is, this practice is progressive, slowly enhanced, suitable for anyone, and everyone can continue to exercise their body with this method.

However, Fang Qin’s “Dragon Elephant Town Prison Scripture” is very human-capable of being refined, and it requires extremely high levels of understanding, and those who are not high in understanding are only afraid of getting started.

The two need root bones, that is, the physique can withstand this violent refining method, Fang Qin is also because he understands it himself, in which all kinds of subtleties are understood in the heart, and there is a Xuangong protective body that can be easily integrated.

The three are resource tonic medicines, this skill progress is so amazing, but it also requires terrible resources to supplement the body’s refining needs, and others do not have the practice of using Fang Qin’s body strength as a tonic, and a number of heavenly treasures for auxiliary cultivation.

It was precisely because of this that he did not teach this method to Xiaolongnü and others.

This Zhang Sanfeng is indeed worthy of being a master-level figure in the Golden Martial Arts, and his talent is really amazing.

He couldn’t help but praise: “This method of real people is also extremely good, and anyone can temper their physique with this method.” ”

“Eh, a little trick, don’t dare to praise it so much.” But sir, the matter of the top of the light, I have heard something, can Mr. Fei have already gone out of the way? Lao Dao is also curious about this. ”

Zhang Sanfeng asked with a curious face, he had studied martial arts all his life, he was respected as a master figure, and he was also shocked to hear the matter of the Bright Peak, had this Mr. Fang reached such a fairy point?

“Haha, those rumors, aren’t there also people in your martial arts?” It should be known that most of them are exaggerated, but they are not true. ”

Fang Qin was still a little embarrassed to talk about this, after hearing about this thing, he felt that these people were really talented, what hundred zhang sword light split the top of the light in half, the flame burned the entire mountain, and he could see the fire soaring into the sky a hundred miles away.

Hearing this, he couldn’t help but be speechless, if he really had such a strong force, he would have drifted earlier. More importantly, there are still many people who believe it, and they are still the kind of firm ones.

For example, the Great Song official’s family, as an emperor, should know a little better, but on the contrary, he was more respectful, and even put his posture very low, which can be seen in the letter as a boy Xu.

However, thanks to this, his luck point is soaring every moment, it can be said that even if the accumulation of subsequent gains is not enough, he can directly use “comprehension deduction” to deduce the alchemy method.

“The rumors are naturally exaggerated, but they are also extremely amazing, and I am wondering if Mr. Li is really a heavenly immortal.” Zhang Sanfeng sighed.

If he did not know the truth and only knew the rumors, he was afraid that he would also regard the rumors as the idiots of others.

“Sir, have you already come out of the path of martial arts?”

“Not yet, so I want to read through the classics, hoping to understand from the ancient books that are useful to me, but after a while, it’s almost over, haha!” Maybe after this time, you can gain something! ”

Zhang Sanfeng was already prepared, but he was still shocked and unable to speak, and he really wanted to create a martial arts path, and listening to him seemed to be almost successful.

If others say this, he naturally does not believe it, but this one, with so many miraculous deeds first, is convincing and awe-inspiring.

After being stunned for a while, he said, “Sir, the world says that you are the reincarnation of a god and immortal, but they don’t understand the reason, so the people of the world still don’t realize how powerful you are.” ”

“Real person Miao Zan, I also need to rely on the suicide note of my predecessors, stand higher to continue to walk, otherwise I am helpless.”

“This statement is really ashamed of me, the world calls me a martial arts master, saying that I am a martial arts master, martial arts is a school of its own, it turns out that I am still a little self-satisfied, but compared with Mr. Ah…”

Zhang Sanfeng sighed for a long time, this talent is really amazing.

Martial arts have been passed down for more than a thousand years, but no one has ever had such a talent that can open the way, and if this person is successful, then he is really a person who has never come after the ancients.

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