“In this way, I will not disturb sir, this is my Wudang library, I have asked the rest of the people to wait and leave, do not disturb you, after that sir please go to the toilet!” The old man is waiting for Mr. Goodwill. ”

After Zhang Sanfeng and Fang Qin chatted for a while in the Wu Dao Room, they personally led him to the Wudang Library Cabinet.

“Oh, thank you very much.” Fang Qin thanked him and went straight in, he really couldn’t wait to know what was going on after that.

Zhang Sanfeng sighed outside the door, and when this Mr. Fang walked out of here, he was afraid that there would really be one more True Immortal in the world.


As a first-class sect of martial arts, Wudang naturally has a lot of Taoist scriptures collected, although it is not as good as Shaolin’s collection for hundreds of years, but it is very special.

In the next few days, Fang Qin began to read the Taoist scriptures.

Now, with the continuous strengthening of [God], the spiritual aspect has been greatly enhanced, as if this can also help one’s own understanding, but in a few days I have read and understood all the scriptures.

“Huh, finally read it, basically enough, this time go all out, I will definitely understand the alchemy method!”

Fang Qin muttered to himself, stretched his body for a while, and then directly left the library and came to a bluestone high platform in the Wudang Mountain Martial Arts Training Ground.

Looking at the clouds between the peaks in the distance, the light is magnificent, quite magnificent, the breeze blows a refreshing breeze, the secret passage is a good place, it is here, directly sit up, close your eyes.

“Ding, turn on [Comprehension Deduction], consume ten qi luck points per second.”

As soon as the thought moved under the heart, he directly opened the [comprehension deduction], and the ethereal feeling rose again and directly entered the state of the mysterious and mysterious.

Over the past period of time, I have been constantly reading the scriptures, not to mention reading hundreds of classics, but it is also an extremely considerable number, which is something that many ordinary people cannot do in their lifetime.

The Buddhist scriptures “Diamond Sutra”, “Lengya Sutra”, “Heart Sutra”, “Yanhua Sutra”…

The Taoist scriptures “Tao Te Ching”, “Nanhua Jing”, “Baopuzi”, “Zhou Yi Sam Tongqi”…

The spiritual thoughts of each article were understood and mastered by him, absorbing the essence, removing the dross, and then using this as the foundation to continuously deduce and create.

Thoughts are complex and chaotic, not systematic, and he is constantly slowly sorting out and constantly deducing.

Time passes silently here.


Seven days later.

Xiaolongnü and the others waited beside Fang Qin with some concern.

“Brother Qin is comprehending martial arts like this, I’ve seen it before, but it hasn’t been so long, usually it’s two or three days.

Brother Qin was so powerful, he would definitely not have any problems if he thought about it. ”

Huang Rong bit her red lip and said softly, she didn’t know whether she was comforting Xiaolongnü and Xiao Zhao, or comforting herself.

“Well…” Little Dragon Lady stared at Fang Qin, still a little worried, for such a long time, but she didn’t move and didn’t know how.

“Sister Rong, Sister Long, it’s all right, Gongzi is very powerful, don’t worry.” Xiao Zhao was also a little uneasy in his heart, but seeing that the two sisters were like this, he comforted him.

They were talking on this side, and there were many people paying attention from a distance, but Zhang Sanfeng had given an order not to get close, and no one dared to cause anything.


“Wow, those little sisters are so good-looking, are all three fairies?”

“I only know Huang Rong’s little fairy, the other two don’t know who it is, but they are really beautiful, it seems that they are related to Fang Shen, they are all concerned about Fang Shen, sour, this is also too powerful, such a good girl likes him.”

“Don’t be sour, Fang Shen big guy, you can’t envy it.”

“You say, what is God Fang doing?” How many days have you been sitting there? Great, you don’t need to drink water to eat for so long. ”

“You know what, this is called enlightenment!” You know? It is estimated that if the path of enlightenment is successful, it will really become a god, and the story of becoming an immortal has never been heard of. ”

“Hey, that said, I can’t help but want to worship, hug a thigh or something.”

“Depend, if you want to think about it, don’t disturb Fang Shen, otherwise I won’t finish with you.”

“Know! How could I possibly bother? It’s just that, and there is one last thing to say, Fang Shen is bullish! ”

Several Wudang disciples and players whispered from a distance, afraid of disturbing others, both amazed and imaginary, not knowing what this Fang God was doing? It is true that enlightenment is not possible.

However, no matter how you think about it, Gu is a little envious of the Fang God, the secret path is worthy of being a big guy, even the bubble girl is still first-class and powerful, all of them are fairy-level girls.


“Master, sir, he’s been sitting for seven days, and he’s all right?” Zhang Wuji said with some concern, this Mr. Fang had been sitting on the bluestone for seven days, and he didn’t know if there would be an accident if he was motionless.

This is his own savior, and he has saved him twice, which is simply a mountain of grace for him, and naturally he does not want anything to happen to him.

“Oh, no scruples, you can rest assured, this gentleman, is not an ordinary person, and he will be fine.” Zhang Sanfeng smiled and said, looking at Fang Qin’s figure, there was also a pang of caution in his eyes.

This gentleman was indeed very powerful, and he went directly into seven days and seven nights, but there was no movement around, like a stubborn stone in the mountain, as if he had merged into nature, and secretly admired the Taoist nature.

Others can’t see it, even he can’t see anything at all, but it’s a little strange. I didn’t know what kind of mysterious Dao Fa this Mr. Fang was understanding.

After pondering for a while, I didn’t come up with a reason, and I could only put it down for the time being, and Mr. Li naturally knew it, and there was no need to guess randomly.

Immediately as if remembering something, he said to Zhang Wujie on the side: “Wu Jie, didn’t you say that Sir gave you a few sets of martial arts before, but did you learn them?” ”

“Oh…” Zhang Wuji was stunned when he heard this, and then his face was a little strange and hesitant.

“How? Didn’t learn? Is it too difficult to learn? Seeing that he looked like this, Zhang Sanfeng was a little surprised, could it be that he was too profound?

“Returning to the master’s words, most of them have learned, and indeed they are all extremely powerful martial arts, and my internal strength in the Divine Illumination Sutra has also been brought into play, and my strength is not weak.”

However, there is a set of boxing techniques that are quite strange, and I have been practicing for a while, but the power is very small, and the moves are somewhat strange. Maybe he was unscrupulous and stupid, and he couldn’t understand the exquisite mysteries of the martial arts passed down by Mr. Wang. ”

“Oh!? What’s the name? ”

“Ah, this punch is called [Wild Ball Fist], and I don’t understand its meaning, I don’t know if it has any deep meaning.”

“Wild Ball Fist? It is indeed a rather strange name, but since Mr. Li passed on this set of martial arts to you, it must be the most superior martial arts, and you can practice it well. ”

“Yes! Shi Gong. ”

“By the way, the martial arts of the Wudang Sect, Shi Gong also plans to teach you all of them, and if there is anything you don’t understand, ask Shi Gong for advice.”

“Thank you Master Gong, I don’t know it.”

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