Back in the room, Huang Rong could no longer suppress it, and Wen Xiang’s body directly and softly pounced on Fang Qin’s arms: “Brother Qin, have you succeeded?” Now that you’ve become a god? ”

Xiaolongnü also gently leaned on Fang Qin’s side, and the cold beauty eyes looked at Fang Qin with some curiosity and inquiry, Xiao Zhao was a little envious, but she also sat obediently on the side to see,

She was extremely curious about this matter, whether the prince had become a god or not.

“Hahaha, immortal, that’s too much of an exaggeration.”

“How come? At that time, we all saw the scene of the sun and the moon shining together, it must be some kind of fairy vision or magic spell. Who wouldn’t think Brother Qin was a god now? ”

Huang Rong and the others were a little surprised, such an immortal vision could not be counted as a god?

“To ordinary people, I am naturally a god, but for myself, it is far from enough.”

The flow of immortals should have the ability to pick stars and take the moon, turn the world upside down, and have the longevity of immortality to be counted as a god. ”

Fang Qin’s breakthrough mood now was really quite good, and seeing that they were curious and tight, he said his thoughts.

He thought the same thing himself, and now he had only broken through the realm to “no leakage. Innate], although in reality and martial arts world has been regarded as extraordinary,

But this is only the beginning of cultivation, it is only extraordinary, it can only be the first realm opened by the system of collection, how can this be regarded as a true god and true immortal, he himself thinks that it is far from enough.

Moreover, a thousand years of realm life plus the characteristics he had learned were only more than a thousand years of life, which was not immortal.

If he didn’t rely on him and could live for such a long time, he would naturally be satisfied, but since he had the opportunity to see the eternal life and become a god, then naturally he would not give up.

Huang Rong was stunned to hear it, and he felt that it was too far away and mysterious, but when he thought that it was the words of the person he loved, he couldn’t help but believe it, and he was fascinated for a while.

Xiao Zhao saw that Fang Qin’s body seemed to be much more handsome than before, his face was full of energy, and his eyes lit up and he suddenly asked with some curiosity:

“Son, you are not counted as a god if you are so powerful now, so how long can you live now?”

Hearing this, the two Xiaolongnü also looked over, and they also wanted to know how big the gap between themselves and Fang Qin really was.

In their hearts, they always wanted to live with Fang Qin.

“Haha, if you can reach a state like me, Shouyuan a thousand years, I will be more powerful, probably can live for more than fifteen hundred years.”

Fang Qinshi said this biasedly, “No leakage. The innate realm is the most perfect innate realm, and it can naturally have a thousand years of life.

However, the ordinary [innate] realm could have three hundred years of life expectancy to reach the top of the heavens, but although he was somewhat aware of it at this time, he didn’t understand it so much.

The system only unlocked some simple information to let him have some general understanding of the [innate] realm, and he still needed to understand and discover it himself.


Huang Rong and several people couldn’t help but exhale when they heard it, and they were completely shocked, both shocked and sighed.

However, they did not doubt the authenticity of it, all because Fang Qin was involved in this, never saying uncertain words, generally speaking at a lower level, that is, it was even more terrifying than this.

They couldn’t help but look at each other, not only were they overjoyed, they were overjoyed that Fang Qin had this ability to live forever, but they were also a little depressed, although their cultivation of the Nine Yin True Scriptures was also considered to be the most powerful martial art in the world.

But to say that you don’t know if you can live for more than a hundred years, let alone survive like a myth for more than a thousand years, how powerful this should be.

It’s just that he and others can’t be with him all the time…

Fang Qin’s current [god’s] induction was extremely amazing, seeing their worries, feeling their thoughts, shaking his head and laughing, and some pain, he said softly:

“You don’t have to worry, I naturally won’t let it go,

Now that my realm has been achieved, I can begin to sort out the division between the cultivation method and the realm, and then I will plan a good path for you. ”

“Well…” Several of them were touched and answered softly.

Huang Rong raised his head directly from Fang Qin’s arms, and a feeling of warmth came.


The little dragon girl and Xiao Zhao on the side were a little red in the face by them.


When Fang Qin and the others were still talking sweetly, the world went crazy because of him, whether it was the martial arts world or the real world.

The people of the small town under the Wudang Mountain, as well as the jianghu Haojie who have gathered together for a while, are a little crazy.

In the past, although there have also been rumors about the sanctity of Kunlun Mountain, many people have also shown considerable awe for this matter.

But in the end, these are too far away for the ordinary people of Pingtou, after all, some of them have heard and heard the mythical feeling of books, and there is not much real feeling.

And those jianghu high-rollers have mostly heard rumors and have some thoughts to come here to see it, but after all, it is a legend, and those who have seen it are thousands of people at the top of the light, so no matter what they say, most of them are a little suspicious in their hearts.

However, this time, as long as the entire Wudang Mountain Realm was not too far away, the mythical vision rising from the mountain was seen.

There is a sea of gods floating on the mountain, with the clouds and the clouds, and there is the image of the sun and the moon shining together, what a fairy style, how sacred.

Everyone didn’t hesitate any longer, this must have been the real immortal, and they were lucky enough to see the legendary immortal!

A large number of enthusiastic and fanatical people, pilgrimage generally poured directly to the Wudang Mountains, originally such a night was mostly a good time for wild beasts to go out on tour,

However, I didn’t know whether I was scared away by Fang Qin’s terrible momentum before, or whether I was so frightened by so many people that I didn’t dare to come forward and disturb it, and I didn’t even move.

Everyone didn’t care about the details of those side branches, and rushed to the front of the Wudang Sect Mountain Gate, with restraint in the frenzy.

It was night, and only two sword-wielding disciples in front of the Wudang Mountain Gate were absent-mindedly patrolling, thinking about the divine and strange things of Fang Cai, hearing the sound, and seeing that there were many people coming from the bottom of the mountain, they couldn’t help but be surprised to see this.

The two looked at each other, and both nodded, and one of them moved a little closer to the inside, and as soon as there was something wrong, he immediately went back to inform the people inside the door.

One of them stepped forward and said, “Who is Er. What’s the matter with coming to my Wudang Sect? ”

In fact, when he saw these people, he already had a conjecture in his heart, he must have seen the scene of the immortals before, and knew that there were gods and immortals here, so they all directly came up to see the immortals.

A crowd of people had been very fanatical, but after arriving at the mountain gate, they were a little inexplicably afraid, afraid that if they disturbed the gods, they would not be punished by the gods.

Looking at each other, for a while no one made a sound, and suddenly a middle-aged man in a rather dignified brocade robe came out of the crowd, holding his fist and saying respectfully:

“Ah, this Dao Chief, under Fan Ze. I had seen the vision of the immortals on Wudang Mountain with the same glow of the sun and the moon, so I boldly guessed that there was a god on this mountain. I don’t know, the amount … I don’t know, that immortal is in Wudang? ”

Speaking of this, Fan Ze’s heart couldn’t help but flutter, and he looked at these two Daoist monks with some hope.

“I know the purpose of Er Waiting, but the immortals have already ordered them to rest, and Er Wait can’t disturb it!”

The two Daoist priests glanced at each other, and the secret path was indeed so, but the immortals had already said rest, and they naturally did not dare to let these people disturb the immortals.

“Ah! Immortals! Yes yes yes! I’ll see! Never bother the immortals! ”

Hearing that the Daoist priest did not deny it, but that there were really immortals, and then the crowd could not help but be shocked by a surprise, and they all immediately responded, but then reacted, the sound was quite loud, and immediately stopped.

A respectful face sat down nearby, and refused to leave, which was both a surprise and a frenzy of excitement, and many people trembled with excitement.

The two Daoist monks did not say anything when they saw this, but they understood these people in their hearts, all because they had the same mentality, but they were only suppressed by hard work.

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