Deng Shang took a newly written letter and handed it to a man dressed in black, and said seriously: “You must hurry up and whip, and quickly hand over this letter to the official family, you must be fast!” ”

“Yes!” The man in black also knew what was going on in his heart, and he did not dare to delay it and put it away, so he got on his horse and galloped away.

After a while, there was no trace, Deng Shang looked at it with some silence, and after looking around for a while, he found that many people and horses had traveled directly through the moonlight.

Presumably, I don’t know who the letter was passed on to, but I want to pass it on what happened here, and when I look back at the Wudang Mountain, I am in awe and apologize, and I bow down and pray.

I can’t help but have some fiery yearning in my heart, I have also met with the immortals, I don’t know if I can see a trace of immortality, whether I have that immortal edge.


Zhao Min was dressed in a plain dress, and the jade hand gently put down a lone ancient book, and the bright peach blossom eyes were slightly out of the blue,

Seeing the book classics in the whole room, some of them were silent by default, these things were originally intended to be given to him, and I don’t know if these things are still useful to him now?

I sighed secretly in my heart, I knew that I would have been brave before, and I would have gone directly to meet him, and I didn’t have to suffer such gains and losses now.

After a while, he remembered his task, picked up a blank piece of paper in his hand, and wrote from it: “The Great Khan personally enlightened…”

After a while of writing, it was directly handed over to the maid to pass it out and send it away.

Looking back, I looked at the volume of books and was silent for a while, and then I smiled, blushing and flowing, beautiful and spring, and the room seemed to be much brighter.

He muttered, “I want to do so much, so I will give it to him, talk to him, let him know my heart…”


“Sister Mu, Brother Fang Qin is not that kind of person, and he will never look down on you and not see you.”


“Hee-hee, Sister Mu is so good-looking, he will also like his sister’s, it’s okay~”

“… Well, I’m just a little nervous. ”

Mu Wanqing was not only a little nervous, but even her body was a little soft and trembling, but now that she had come out to look for him for such a long time, although she had also thought of retreating, she finally strengthened her thoughts.

In any case, I have to ask him how he thinks about himself, no matter what the result is, he has no regrets.

Just the thought of meeting him was a moment of nervousness and fear, what if he really couldn’t look at himself?

Mu Wanqing was alone and pitiful and afraid, and Zhong Ling saw it in his eyes.

Seeing that Sister Mu, who was usually quite majestic and cold, was now becoming more and more timid, she knew that this was getting closer and closer to Brother Fang Qin, and the more nervous she was.

Coupled with the previous sacred scenes, she felt inferior and self-degraded, and she couldn’t help but sigh and continue to comfort.

“Obedient and not afraid~” Gently touched Mu Wanqing’s hair, and whispered comforting in his mouth.

Zhong Ling followed Mu Wanqing all the way, and there was really a feeling of an old mother comforting her daughter who was ready to get married.

“…… Ling’er~ Are you not nervous at all? ”

Mu Wanqing looked at Zhong Ling with some resentment, this little girl, she was about to die of nervousness, she still looked like she had no heart and no lungs,

I can’t help but be a little envious, if I could be like her, not so shy, and talk to him more, how good it would be.

“Hee-he Zhong Ling spat out his tongue.

Mu Wanqing admitted that she was a little sour.


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