There was some silence in the scene, Liu Qing couldn’t resist it, and directly came out of the crowd, and in Fan Ze’s somewhat surprised eyes, he knelt down and prostrated:

“Immortal, the little boy Liu Qing, was favored by the immortals before, and the boy thanked him and was grateful.”

When the crowd saw this young man who came out and fell to his knees, and listened to his words again, they were all a little surprised, this one had actually seen the immortals before, as if he had received a lot of favors, it was really good luck.

When Fang Qin saw this Liu Qing, he also had some impressions in his heart, at a glance, everything was already known, and seeing that his qi and blood were quite exuberant, he secretly said that it was not bad.

He said, “It’s also a coincidence, it doesn’t have to be so.” ”

Liu Qing respectfully continued to bow down, “The grace of the immortals will never dare to forget!” The Tuna method taught by the immortals before, Liu Qing practiced diligently day and night, and was already quite primed.

The boy dared to kneel and plead, not knowing if the boy could worship under the door of the immortals and listen to the teachings of the immortals! ”

When they heard the previous words, they were all stunned, and many people listened to the red eyes, this person had actually been taught by the immortals, and he had such a fairy fate.

Before the reaction came, the words that wanted to worship the door came out later, the scene was suddenly quiet, everyone took a breath, directly paused, and their hearts were surging and secretly moved.

Fan Zezheng was somewhat shocked that the little brother who had been together before had such an opportunity, and when he heard the words behind him, he also reacted immediately, directly threw himself to the ground, and said in a loud voice:

“The boy Fan Ze dared to kneel and beg…”

The others also reacted, and they fell to their knees again, shouting in their mouths, all of which were words that wanted to worship under the Immortal Gate.

Fang Qin was now in the realm and had a direction, disdaining to pretend to be a ghost, shaking his head:

“I’m not an immortal, and I can’t be a fairy.”

As soon as this word came out, everyone couldn’t help but be stunned, not an immortal? How is this possible!

Those visions they had seen with their own eyes were unbelieving, believing that he was a god, and prostrating their heads and praying.

Fang Qin looked at the eager and enthusiastic eyes of the crowd, knowing that these people were already completely sure that he was a god, and he could only say it to them.

However, speaking of this, Fang Qin did have some of his own plans.

Although his own achievements [no leakage. The innate realm thinks that it is already quite powerful, but if you want to continue to break through, you still need to continue to rely on the power of the system.

The most important energy source of the system function is the gas luck point, and his current gas luck point has a huge amount, but if he wants to continue to deduce the breakthrough, he also has to make some plans early.

The most rewarding way for the Qi Luck Point is to change the world, which he already has some eyebrows, just waiting for the cultivation method to be sorted out and then pass on the inheritance and completely change the world.

The rest is that affecting the fate of life and some strong emotions can also increase qi luck points, which are also linked to the strength and influence of the person.

For example, if you influence an ordinary person and an emperor, or a person who is skilled in martial arts, then naturally the qi luck points that the latter two can obtain are much higher than the former.

And the emperor, a person with great influence, can harvest an even greater amount of qi luck points.

Therefore, no matter what, if Fang Qin wanted to continue to deduce, this cultivation method really had to be passed on.

In this way, the world-changing event is achieved, and the human beings of both worlds begin to embark on the path of cultivation, and their strength increases, and the qi luck points that individuals can feed back will also be greatly enhanced.

In this way, these people from the two worlds can provide him with a steady stream of luck points to achieve complementarity.

However, at present, how to do it, but to test it as a reference, Fang Qin’s hand was ingested in the void, and a stream of aura was directly contained in the palm of his hand.


Constantly converging, the originally thin and invisible aura was constantly compressed and enriched by him.

However, in the eyes of all the people, the immortals raised their hands lightly, and a breeze swept through, and a faint aura rose in their hands.

It seems to be a hazy water mist, and it flashes a silky light, which is gorgeous and ethereal.

It is not forbidden to have a bright light in front of his eyes, and the Dark Dao Immortals must not use immortality.

Fang Qin gathered almost completely, and with a gentle wave, this unusually rich aura that he had absorbed directly spread out here.

An ethereal aura drifted out and fell on a crowd of people.

Some ordinary people present only felt a refreshing and comfortable feeling, the body was comfortable, and some diseases and injuries seemed to disappear without a trace, and they were relaxed.

However, those in the martial arts were horrified and abnormal, only to feel that some of the old diseases in their bodies seemed to have disappeared, and the internal strength of their bodies seemed to be affected.

There are also many players waiting here, these subtle points of light drifted apart, they felt that they were cool and comfortable, and some people who cultivated internal strength felt that the internal force in their bodies began to be pure, and they were surprised.

Some people who have not yet cultivated their internal strength are also excited, and many of them directly have a sense of qi and refine the first wisp of internal force.


Hong Qigong closed his eyes and felt for a while, directly sat down, and constantly operated his internal power, and his pure internal strength actually began to improve.

After a while the feeling disappeared, he opened his eyes and looked at a plate of yellow medicine men.

The two looked at each other, and they both saw the shock in it.

“Brother Medicine Master, my internal strength has increased by nearly 10%, and I have refined it a lot.”

“I’m in a similar situation to yours…”

The two of them couldn’t go on, this immortal means was really terrifying, and the simple means had achieved such a situation.

To know that they have not made any progress in the past ten years, they can only specialize in one kind of skill, and now just a moment of kung fu is worth ten years of work, and the immortal means are really amazing.

“Oh my God! Look at those trees and flowers! It’s all grown! ”

Many people exhaled in surprise, causing many people who closed their eyes to open their eyes and follow the prestige, and could not help but marvel.

The flowers and plants on the ground seemed to be moistened by something, and the tools grew a long way, and the flowers opened and scented.

“Such a miraculous thing, it is really a means of the Immortals!”

Everyone was pleasantly surprised, and felt that their bodies were better than ever, and they directly prostrated their heads in piety: “Thank you immortals for blessings, thank you immortals for blessings!” ”

I was even more convinced that this was the Immortal, but I didn’t know why the Immortal didn’t admit it.

Fang Qin squinted his eyes, but he shook his head darkly, experimenting, this rather strong aura went down, many people did not absorb much and had already dispersed,

Although these people have gained some benefits, it is undoubtedly a big waste, and only those who have practiced martial arts have gained more, but they are also very limited.

It seems that direct preaching is no longer possible, these people are in the case of the Heaven and Earth Reiki directly pasting their faces, all absorb the efficiency so much, let alone let them feel the Reiki on their own, even if they are enlightened until they die, they will not be able to perceive a trace of Reiki.

But it is necessary to modify and improve some of them, and echo the situation of these two worlds, otherwise even if they leave a legacy, they can only sigh with joy and have no choice.

“And go back!” Fang Qin said softly, now it can be regarded as giving them some benefits, but the time has not yet come, and he cannot pass on anything to them.

Many people are satisfied, feeling that it is already a blessing to be blessed by the immortals, and they want to listen to the words of the immortals and quit.

However, there are still many people who refuse to give up on this, so the opportunity cannot be lost, if they leave, I am afraid that it will be difficult to see the gods and immortals again.

Fang Qin’s [god] sensed these people’s thoughts and said it again.

“And retreat!”

With no doubt in the words, let everyone involuntarily respect in their hearts, dare not resist, respectfully obey, and slowly retreat.

However, in a few moments, a few thousand people in this mountain have already finished, and only a few people are here.

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