At the gate of the Wudang Sect, those who had gathered had retreated completely, leaving only a few very few people.

“How many, why don’t you go up the hill?”

Fang Qin looked at these figures and smiled.


On the Wudang Mountain, Huang Rong looked at the figure in green clothes with surprise and shouted, “Daddy, why are you here?” ”

Huang Yaoshi was really very happy to see his daughter, seeing that her internal skills were already quite powerful, I am afraid that she was no less than herself, and she was even more amazed, but also had some understanding, after all, she was with that sacred.

However, thinking of this girl running away from home without a word, he went out to find her for more than half a year, and he was anxious.

Still a little angry, he snorted coldly, “You are a, if I don’t come to you, you don’t know that you are home, right?” It’s so naughty! ”

Huang Rong stammered, and ran to Fang Qin’s side with some grievances: “Well, Brother Qin, Daddy killed me~”

Saying pitifully looking at Fang Qin, a layer of water mist rose in his eyes, as if he was going to cry out at the next moment.

“Cough, you…” Huang Yaoshi couldn’t help but squirt when he saw this, and Hong Qigong on the side smiled a little, but he also had a lot of envy in his heart.

This yellow old evil’s luck is really very good, after her little girl ran out, she actually met this immortal, and it was actually this kind of relationship with this one.

Isn’t it a great blessing to have such a relationship? It’s just a pity that she doesn’t have a daughter, she doesn’t have that blessing, and only one female apprentice doesn’t know where to run.

Fang Qin laughed and patted Huang Rong’s small head melon seed, and smiled at Huang Yaoshi:

“Yue Zhang, Rong Er is joking with you, this Nizi often talks to me about you, misses you very much, and said that she will return to Peach Blossom Island for a while, but I have a lot of things to do, and I have delayed.”

These words were extremely envious of the people present, and this Eastern Evil was really lucky to have such a precious daughter and have such a good relationship with such immortals.

“…… Well said, your business is naturally more important, alas, this girl is playful and naughty, in the future you will discipline her more, I will give her to you is also relieved. ”

Huang Yaoshi was quite flattered, with a smile on his face, and his heart was extremely satisfied with this matter, and it was a blessing that he could be with this son-in-law.

Naturally, he did not care about his daughter’s thoughts, on the contrary, he still cared about her daughter’s thoughts about such a marriage event.

Just looking at Huang Rong’s face of love and joy, naturally she also knew that she was only afraid of being very happy, and it was best for the two of them to have this intention.

There was no better home in the world, and although he had an old father’s reluctance in his heart, he also felt that this matter was extremely good.

As for several wonderful young women on the side, they don’t care much, in this era, there is not so much entanglement in this matter, and this is a god, and it is normal to have more red faces to accompany them.

“Well, there is no ~ ” Huang Rong said with some anger, but still ran to his father’s side to speak, this time did not see, naturally missed his father.

Hong Qigong respectfully stepped forward and prayed, “In the lower Hong Qi, I have seen the immortals!” I have been fascinated by the name of the gods and immortals for a long time, and now I have finally got my wish! ”

“Haha, there is no need for this, I have heard the name of Beiqi for a long time, and I know that you have done many things of great benevolence and righteousness.”

Fang Qin really admired this Northern Qigong Hongqigong, and the removal of the Eastern Evil in the Five Absolute Heavens was his own father-in-law’s non-comment, and it could be said that his character, morality, and personality were all things that he appreciated.

“Oh, in the next small name, it is a great honor to be able to enter the ears of the immortals!” Hong Qigong was a little excited, and then he remembered what he said:

“Immortal, before you taught Qiao Feng the [Eighteen Palms of the Descending Dragon], I…”

Fang Qin stopped and said, “After learning, I will learn, it doesn’t matter, I originally said that I can teach it to others, and I don’t care.”

And if it’s you, then it’s better to learn. ”

“Yes, thanks to the immortals for boasting! I will not fail to live up to such a mastery! ”

With the approval of such immortals, even Hong Qigong, who had experienced the world’s affairs, was a little surprised, and his heart was extremely useful, and he hurriedly responded.


The little dragon girl next to her looked at Li Mo, who was a little absent-minded and had a wandering look: “Sister Master, you came to find me?” Do you still want the Jade Girl Heart Sutra to fail? ”

“Ah, yes, no, I don’t want any Jade Girl Heart Sutra anymore… Sister Master, I haven’t seen you for a long time, and I miss you a little. ”

Li Mo quietly looked at Fang Qin, secretly rejoicing, and was a little caught off guard by the sudden questioning of his sister, and responded with some embarrassment.

Xiao Zhao had already looked at the problem, and said with his ear and Xiaolongnü, “Sister Dragon, I think she may also like Gongzi~”

Xiaolongnü was naturally not a fool to look at her face, and she knew her thoughts by looking in Fang Qin’s direction all the time.

He sighed darkly and didn’t say anything more.


“Brother Fang Qin, I haven’t seen him for a long time.” Zhong Ling was still so cute and amiable, and ran to Fang Qin to be crisp.

Fang Qin really liked this cute little girl, and rubbed her little head, “I haven’t seen her for a long time, Xiao Zhong Ling.” ”

Zhong Ling narrowed his eyes with some comfort, and his heart rejoiced, Brother Fang Qin or Brother Fang Qin, even the gods and immortals were still so close.

However, thinking of a certain miserable Qianying, he reached out and grabbed Fang Qin’s hand and said, “Brother Fang Qin, Sister Mu has always missed you.” ”

Zhong Ling looked back, Dengshi was speechless, and Mu Wanqing stood in place a little confused, looking at his toes, standing in a daze.

Hurriedly ran over and pulled Mu Wanqing, who was flushed, straight to Fang Qin.

“Ah, Ling’er, you…”

With a soft cry, he threw himself directly into Fang Qin’s arms, and a musky fragrance struck and he felt the gentle person in his arms.

“Oh, I haven’t seen the wooden girl for a long time.”

“Ah, well… I haven’t seen you in a long time. Mu Wanqing fell into Fang Qin’s arms, and a sense of satisfaction arose, and his mood gradually stabilized, and when he raised his head to see him, he couldn’t help but be a little confused.

Fang Qin saw that she was full of autumn waves, full of admiration, and felt a feeling of love, but also sighed darkly, and said softly: “Is it okay lately?” ”

“I’m fine, I’m glad to see you…”

“…… I know. ”

After a while, Mu Wanqing stood up with a red face, and Zhong Ling on the side looked interesting, hugged Mu Wanqing and said, “Xi Xi, is Sister Mu happy?” Do you want to thank Ling Er a lot? ”

“You stinky, see I won’t hit you…” He was said shyly, making a gesture to fight, and the two kissed each other to the extreme.

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