In the True Martial Hall, several people were sitting on top.

It was Fang Qin, Zhang Sanfeng, Huang Yaoshi, and Hong Qigong.

“I have heard the name of Zhang Zhenren for a long time, but I have not been able to meet before, and the junior Huang Yaoshi has seen the real person!”

“The real person has not been seen for a long time, or he is still so energetic, Hong Qiqi is polite!”

Both Huang Yaoshi and Hong Qigong had great respect for Zhang Sanfeng, the ancestor of the martial arts master, who was extremely respected even if they were one of the five masters.

Fang Qin saw the comparison with the original work on the side, and his heart was quite interesting, laughing and silent.

“Haha, I have been admiring the name of the Eastern Evil Yellow Medicine Master for a long time, and now the rumors are not false at first sight!” And you are a gluttonous Hanako who has also done a lot of great righteous things!

Just don’t call me a real person again, alas! In front of Mr. Fang, I should not have such a title, and I am ashamed of it. ”

Zhang Sanfeng gave up one after another, to tell the truth, every time someone called up his real name, he blushed, feeling that he could not afford this name, and he was extremely ashamed.


Hong Qigong and Huang Yaoshi both looked at each other and looked at Fang Qin, and they both had some understanding in their hearts.

Indeed, in the presence of this true immortal, there was something wrong with taking it this seriously.

“No problem, you can stand the name of the real person, and I am also called habitual, not easy to change, haha!”

Fang Qin laughed and said that he actually had a lot of respect for this open-minded centenarian, who did not have such a systematic opening and hanging to help him.

Being able to reach the current realm is already amazing, and it has also created a line of Wudang martial arts, and the talent can be seen.

If he later passed on the martial arts cultivation method with him, perhaps this person could seize the opportunity to break through the boundaries of Shouyuan.

After that, he may be able to occupy an important position in the cultivation trend.

Fang Qin still attached great importance to understanding the understanding of this person’s cognitive qualifications, and could not help but look forward to his future achievements.

“Alas, since Sir said so, then I can only be ashamed.” Zhang Sanfeng could only hug his fist when he saw this.

Immediately his face turned straight, and he held back the questions in his heart all day, and he couldn’t help but ask them again.

“Sir, have you successfully perfected the martial arts and created the precursor of the martial arts?”

As soon as these words came out, Huang Yaoshi and Hong Qigong were shocked, and after thinking about it carefully, they immediately looked at Fang Qin with some disbelief.

This person could not be deducing the way forward of martial arts, but how is this possible, martial arts have reached the realm of a hundred pulses, there is already no way, can only continue to refine the internal force.

However, thinking that this is a person among the immortals, it is impossible to rationalize it, such a thing is difficult in the eyes of mortals, and in the eyes of the immortals, I am afraid of the easy tightness.

Can’t help but raise a wave of expectation, if this person is to deduce the way forward of martial arts, I am afraid that I can really succeed.

Hong Qigong couldn’t help but say, “What does the real person mean by this?” Immortals can’t be…”

Zhang Sanfeng saw this and looked at Fang Qin, not knowing whether to talk about it or not.

Fang Qin casually nodded his disregard, and Zhang Sanfeng secretly sighed and said:

“Sir’s talent is amazing, and as a mortal, he wants to create a martial arts precedent, and looking at yesterday’s vision, he thinks it is already a success!”

As soon as these words came out, Hong Qigong and the two were directly stunned on the spot, and the information in this statement was somewhat unbelievable, but it was completely different from what they thought.

Create a martial arts precursor as a mortal? Couldn’t it be…

Thinking of this, an unimaginable thought appeared, and Gu Du looked at Fang Qin with a frightened and shocked face.

Fang Qin smiled and said, “Everyone in the world calls me a Divine Immortal, that’s because they don’t know the reason for this, but I don’t think so, I just took a few extra steps on the path of martial arts.”

If you want to be like a god, immortal, and powerful, you are still far away!

The road is long and the road is long, I will go up and down and seek! ”

This made Hong Qigong and Huang Yaoshi sluggish on the spot.

So, isn’t this one born sacred? Instead, rely on their own talent to directly create a path of martial arts and a path like a god?

Last night, the astonishing vision of the Immortal Family, the Divine Sea, and the Sun and Moon Shining with Glory was actually done by him as a mortal?

No! Even if he was a mortal before, he was now a true immortal who had attained enlightenment!

The awe in the heart does not descend but rises, although the innate divine is awe-inspiring, but it is more in awe of the immortal power in it, and this one is actually a mortal body, who has created such a sacred way forward.

By attaining the Tao by body, we have achieved the current Immortal Realm!

How incredible! And how not to make people admire the worship, worship and worship!

As for what Fang Qin said, he was not yet a divine immortal, neither of them cared, so divine, how could it not be sacred!

This is just a humble word of man, and he is not a god to the world now.

Say he is not a god, and the world will not believe it!

“Sir, that’s how I admire Mr. Ruo Shen!” What a groundbreaking feat! Sir can be Wuzu! The world must honor it! ”

Zhang Sanfeng was impressed and admired in his heart, achieving such a great cause at such an age, it can be described as amazing talent, even let people have the heart of comparison.

No one before the ancients, no one after that! No one can compare it, and no one dares to compare it!

I can’t help but feel reverence in my heart, and this great cause does not seem to be taken seriously by Mr. Wang, and the goal has been placed in a more distant and more vast situation.

“Alas, Hong Qi’s eyes were truly eye-opening, and he couldn’t imagine that there were people like you in the world!” I used to say that you were a god and a mortal, but I didn’t think that I still underestimated you, Hong Qiqi was ashamed! ”

When Hong Qigong heard the word ‘Wuzu’, when his heart was surging with sincerity, such a terrible thing was actually directly initiated by this person, and he was really shocked and inexplicable, and he couldn’t help but worship for a while.

Huang Yaoshi also nodded with a shocked face, and he agreed with these two statements.

They are all top martial arts figures, and naturally know that they have reached such a realm, and it is extremely difficult to go further.

Countless people came and went, and there was no result, and the most powerful thing was just to open a line of martial arts like Zhang Sanfeng.

It can be said that it has enriched the martial arts school, but it has not changed much.

But this one is different! Such an astonishing vision, the subtleties of the performance, can be known from the tube to the leopard, he is already like a god.

The fact that martial arts had been created by him to such a situation could indeed be said to be a groundbreaking move, and if things were to be circulated, it would not be too much to call it Wuzu.

“Sir…” Zhang Sanfeng’s face was a little expectant, and then he was inexplicably embarrassed, he wanted to ask about Fang Qin’s martial arts feelings, but he also felt that it seemed so inappropriate, and it was naturally impossible for such a heavenly ability to be passed on at will.

With a sigh in his heart, the secret path could only comprehend it by himself, and now that there was an example of this person, he knew that there was still a way forward above the martial arts, at least there was a hope, not without a goal.

Huang Yaoshi and Huang Yaoshi also had some intentions, such a path to heaven, who did not want to see.

However, they all felt that such earth-shattering skills could not be passed on to others at will.

I could only restrain myself, shaking my head and sighing, such a martial arts brilliant way ahead was in front of me, but it was not easy to make a shameful move.

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