Fang Qin knew what these people were thinking when he saw the faces of several people.

I couldn’t help but be a little amused, but I also felt that these people could still bear in the face of such a cultivation method, which was already an amazing concentration.

With some thought in his heart, he smiled and said, “If you want to learn, I can pass it on to you.” ”

As soon as these words came out, don’t say that Hong Qigong and Huang Yaoshi were shocked, and even Zhang Sanfeng’s watery state of mind could not be maintained, and he directly stood up and looked at Fang Qin with a moving face.

Some of them were stunned: “First, sir, what you said is true!?” I’ll wait…”

Some of these words are unfavorable, but these things are a little unbelievable.

There are many people in the world who cherish themselves and cherish themselves, and among those martial arts families and martial arts sects, there are some martial arts in their own families, which have always been rarely passed on.

Some advanced martial arts, not to mention others, even their own disciples and relatives are generally extremely difficult to pass on.

A few of the most extreme learnings are even passed down by word of mouth, only to the next generation of patriarchs or leaders, and others are not qualified to learn.

Some even prefer to die of inheritance rather than pass on martial arts, which is evident.

And now this kind of martial arts pre-realm, the Heavenly Cultivation Method, the Immortal God-like Divine Magic Method, this gentleman actually said that he was willing to teach them.

Several people are the top figures in martial arts, and they are extremely powerful in martial arts, and they can also be said to be well-informed, and they can be spoiled when they encounter anything.

However, no one can remain calm in the face of such methods, and no one in the world can remain calm.

“Immortals, Hongqi Wei Late Ordinary Man, this method can really be qualified to be taught…”

Hong Qigong was in a state of excitement and could not sustain himself, and he asked with some excitement.

Fang Qin also understood them when he saw this, this innate realm, he had already reached, and even achieved “no leakage. With such a perfect secret state and higher ambitions, I don’t care much about this practice anymore.

But for these people, it was the real Immortal Method.

Naturally, there is no way to maintain a calm state of mind in this regard.

And Fang Qin was also quite interested in teaching martial arts.

One is the great convenience of increasing the luck point, if things go well, change the world, with such things, after a long time should not be hindered by the luck point of things, can make him worry a lot.

He also hoped that the cultivators in the world would come out more, so that the world would become a great world of cultivation, with hundreds of streams competing and all kinds of flowers blooming.

Otherwise, the path of martial arts, completely dependent on his own words, can not be created another way, even if it is created, martial arts cultivation must be quite a single kind.

If there are many cultivators who join in, not to mention that these people are all affected by the favor of his source, and becoming cultivators to change their fate can provide him with a lot of qi luck points.

Just say that the whole world’s people, everyone’s fantastic ideas are also worth looking forward to.

Maybe the people who collect firewood and the flame is high, and there really is some different method created for them.

For the martial arts path, it can also make it a lot richer.

As for whether anyone would be more powerful than Fang Qin, he didn’t care at all, and if everyone could do such a pioneering move, this world would not be such an ordinary low-martial world.

Moreover, with the passage of time, the martial arts of this side of the world seem to be slowly beginning to decline, if there is no influence from anyone, it is estimated that after a thousand years, even martial arts will become legends.

Fang Qin’s positioning of the people of these worlds is to add some different wonderful and flowers to the martial arts path he created, and if there are any surprises, it is also the best, if not, do not care.

Anyway, I didn’t think about really relying on these people to take the road after that, which is unrealistic.

The martial arts realm still needs to be walked by himself, just hoping that these people can provide him with some different ideas.

The three of them looked at Fang Qin with some anticipation, and Zhang Sanfeng said with a respectful face:

“Mr. Benevolence and Righteousness and Open-mindedness, for me and others, it is no less than the grace of reconstruction, I will thank Mr. Wu in advance no matter what, no, thank you Wuzu, such a favor will never dare to forget!”

“I am waiting to pay homage to Xie Wuzu!”

Fang Qin stopped and signaled that they didn’t have to do this, and said, “I originally wanted to sort it out first, but since I was interested, I said to you to listen.” ”

After saying that, he began to say his feelings about martial arts.

“Budo all the way…”

Zhang Sanfeng and the others did not dare to be sloppy, and listened carefully in a hurry, so if they could not grasp the opportunity to ascend to the heavens, it was really better to die.

As soon as several people heard it, they felt that the other party’s martial arts cultivation was extremely profound, and the words they said were small and righteous, implying the most reasonable things in the world, which was extremely helpful for their own martial arts refinement.

Directly listen to the fascination, like a mesmerized, hear the mysteries, and confirm what they have learned, can’t help but suddenly realize, the heart is full of wonderful!

It was only with the passage of time that the exquisite mysteries of the said martial arts became more and more difficult and obscure, and many places did not understand their meanings, and they could not help but frown and think deeply.

Time gradually passed, but in two hours, Fang Qin had basically explained the general martial path of the innate path.

Starting from the internal strength, it gradually extends to the “Jing Qi God” theory, and some of the essence of the method of refining qi, refining the body, and refining the gods are also said.

Fang Qin sorted out and explained in detail, and his understanding of what he had learned was also sorted out, and the operation of the three methods of the [Jing Qi Shen] was somewhat accelerated, and there was even a hint of mutual integration.

Quite undecidedly, he stopped, watching several people indulge in deep thought, sometimes frowning and sometimes smiling, as if he had realized, and smiled without disturbing.

To tell the truth, Fang Qin was also quite curious about how much these people could comprehend the complete cultivation method of the Spirit Qi God?

One of these people was a hundred-year-old martial arts master figure, and the other two were also one of the famous five masters, and they were also figures standing at the top in the jianghu.

Qualifications, understanding, and root bones are all the best choices, which can represent the world’s martial arts, and I don’t know if they can comprehend the cultivation method in this.

I don’t know how long later, several people gradually woke up, their faces were shocked, and they were amazed at the profound mysteries of martial arts.

Looking at Fang Qin, his heart of awe and reverence was even stronger, and Zhang Sanfeng said with a look of admiration and admiration:

“Thank you very much for the grace of Wu Zu’s teachings, the old Dao is a hundred years old, but it is a hundred lives, in the past it was really a frog at the bottom of the well, sitting in the well and watching the sky.”

This martial path was so vast and brilliant that people felt small, and Mr. Li created this situation with the strength of one person, and he was shocked by the world, and no one could reach it! ”

Hong Qigong and Huang Yaoshi were also impressed and bowed, “Xie Wuzu preached…”

This gift of preaching is really very thick, such a vast martial art, a few people can have the opportunity to see the past of the martial arts, this life is not in vain.

Fang Qin’s spiritual power spread out, and he gently helped everyone and said:

“Well, you don’t have to be so polite when you say it, just call it like before.” Tell me what you have gained? ”

As soon as these words came out, several people thanked Dade’s face and became a little embarrassed.

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