Huang Yaoshi sighed with some strangulation:

“Son-in-law, the martial arts you teach are so profound that people will be impressed, and I am waiting for the grace of this preaching to be inscribed within the five.

I have gained a lot of money from refining qi, but I can only understand some of the subtleties of refining the body.

The alchemist in the back was listening to the clouds and fog, without any understanding, thinking that it was too obscure and profound, and I was not qualified enough to understand the mystery. ”

Speaking of Huang Yaoshi here, it was really a pity that he couldn’t even understand this kind of Heavenly Method, let alone cultivate,

Fortunately, the inspiration of practicing qi in front of him was extremely great, and it was not too much to say that it was Daigo empowerment, even this training qi had already made him feel a sense of martial prowess.

Not to mention the two ways of refining the body and refining the gods in the back, but unfortunately, the martial arts and the method in the back are too profound and obscure, except for some gains from the refining body.

Speaking like this, Hong Qigong on the side was also quite embarrassed:

“Sir, my situation is similar, the alchemist behind me can hardly understand, but the body training has some understanding, it takes some time to understand, give me five years or so may be able to create a method of refining the body…”

Saying that there is no longer some way to say this, I just feel ashamed and abnormal, my talent is also superior to the world, and as a result, I encountered such a great immortal edge, and I could not understand the hundred and one, which was really violent and cruel, and wasted this heavenly opportunity.

Zhang Sanfeng also shook his head and said, “Oh, I have gained a lot, but with the alchemy of the gods, the old way is really unclear, it is really difficult to understand, ashamed.” ”

Several people looked at each other, and they all saw the frustration in the eyes of others, and in the end, they only had such a few superficial feelings.

Although even this less than one hundred and one understandings had made them gain a lot, they were still far worse than the real martial arts.

Fang Qin squinted his eyes when he heard this, and his heart was thoughtful,

These people can be regarded as the most enlightened people in this side of the world, and even they feel that it is difficult to understand the profoundness, and others are only afraid that it is even more impossible to succeed in cultivation.

This practice of qi is consistent with their internal skills, but the harvest is the greatest, and although there is no complete practice method in the world, after all, there are also many superficial external methods for reference, and it can be regarded as having some understanding.

Among them, Zhang Sanfeng’s understanding was the most amazing, and he had already taught some of the essence of the Dragon Elephant Town Prison Sutra before, but he had the deepest understanding.

And the alchemy of the gods has no precedent in this world, and it is completely the first alchemy method created by Fang Qin.

These people are in contact with each other for the first time, the strength of the two [gods] is insufficient, and the three of them are too profound, although it is only some of the essence, but for them they all feel esoteric and abnormal.

Moreover, the original alchemy of the gods was the most difficult to get started on these three paths, and it was difficult to understand it without talent, understanding, and qualifications.

Even Fang Qin had been practicing qi together with refining the body, and after the [essence qi] constantly cultivated the [god] and let Fang Qin’s [god] continue to strengthen, he then read the hundred classics before finally comprehending the deduced practice and creating the “Huangting Induction Sutra”.

It was almost impossible for others to understand nature, unless that person was really extremely talented and let Fang Qin practice for him, maybe he could gain something.

But what Fang Qin wanted was a cultivation trend in the whole world, not one or two Heavenly Wizards.

If you want to spread martial arts, this method is too advanced, so it must be simplified and modified to a cultivation method suitable for most people, so as to achieve the purpose that Fang Qin wants.

“You don’t need to be so depressed, this method is really not for you, it is my way, but not your way.”

Zhang Sanfeng and the others listened respectfully and said, “Yes, I will know later.” ”

But I couldn’t help but think in my heart, if I really want to cultivate to become an immortal god, it is definitely not something that ordinary people can do, and all kinds of things here must be extremely difficult.

Even if they had this one’s preaching and obtained the cultivation method, they would not be able to achieve one ten-thousandth of Fang Qin’s.

They couldn’t help but be a little frustrated, they hadn’t seen such a heavenly path and it was okay, and it was the most painful thing that they had seen themselves but they didn’t even have the qualifications to go up.

I can’t help but be a little dim and confused at this thought.

Fang Qin sensed the frustration of these people, smiled and said warmly: “The martial path is a journey, difficult and dangerous, a long road, and it takes a down-to-earth foundation to keep moving forward.” ”

Several people only felt that this voice seemed to have a sense of consolation, and there was a sense of warning, all of them were shocked, and when they came back, some of them were in a cold sweat, and they almost fell into the magic barrier.

“Thanks sir for the reminder! Otherwise…… Alas, the old way is a bit persistent. ”

“Thank you sir for waking up…”

Several people have some back to God, yes, this way through the sky is naturally not so easy to walk, they know that the road has a direction, and have some understanding is already an act of inviting heaven, which is the kind that the world envies.

In the future, as long as you follow the steps, your strength will be greatly enhanced, although you may not be able to touch that realm for a lifetime.

“Haha, this road ahead is vast, if I walk alone, it is naturally extremely lonely, I want to modify and improve the martial arts, preach the world, and invite the people of the world to walk this path of cultivation through the heavens!”

Fang Qin didn’t care when he saw this, he said it from himself, just the words he said, no less than Shi Tiansha’s.

“This!?” Several people were shocked, this one actually wanted to preach to the world, what a great courage, and what a gift of immortality!

Even if this martial art is vast and difficult to walk, it can benefit the world infinitely, and modify and improve the martial arts?

“Sir?” Zhang Sanfeng was a little excited, and the other two also reacted, with a look of emotion.

“My way is not suitable for the people of the world, and if I simplify and improve it, the difficulty may be much lower.” Fang Qin admitted with a smile.

Zhang Sanfeng suddenly stood up and bowed respectfully, “Sir, I have given such a great gift, and I have thanked the world for his gift of creation.” ”

“I have thanked sir!”

The three of them couldn’t help but have infinite respect in their hearts, this Ming Ming had already walked in front of everyone, had already become an extraordinary saint, and had the power of an immortal god!

There is no need to care about these mortal affairs anymore, but he wants to pass on the martial arts to the world, and everyone in the world must respect him as a martial arts master.

Everyone in the world who has received his favor has the opportunity to cultivate such a vast martial path, which can be described as the grace of creation.

“You don’t have to, get up.”

Fang Qin was a little speechless, and these few who knelt down at every turn really couldn’t stand it.

“I have this intention, but it is not so easy to perfect a path that suits everyone, and it may take half a year.”

“Cough cough…”


Zhang Sanfeng and others were shocked and somewhat silent, is this a human word?

Oh! Yes! This is already a god, then it’s all right!

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