If ordinary people want to create a martial art, they need to exhaust decades of work before it is possible to create a systematic martial art.

Even when Grandmaster Zhang Sanfeng’s first-class figure created the Taijiquan Sword, it took a lot of energy and several years of hard work to create it.

This is still the understanding that he has spent most of his life, coupled with his own extremely high martial arts realm, in order to have such a strength to create martial arts.

He even created a series of martial arts in the Wudang line with one person.

This also greatly shocked the people of Wulin, who felt that Zhang Sanfeng of Wudang was really a high-ranking person and respected by real people.

And this is one of the reasons why the world respects him as a martial arts master.

However, compared with Fang Qin, this was not even more than that.

Zhang Sanfeng understood martial arts, although some of them were different from the martial arts of the world, and they were also very subtle, but they only enriched the martial arts of the world.

And Fang Qin wanted to directly create a martial path that everyone in the world could cultivate, and this martial art could be described as far-reaching, cultivating to the realm, and it was really possible to achieve the immortal power in the ancient books!

If such a pioneering act is to be perfected, it is only half a year that time is enough, and the realm of this person is really unimaginable and unfathomable.

However, then there was also some excitement, Fang Qin’s Dao They listened to it and it was difficult, only afraid of exhausting their life’s energy and could not do it, they could only look at the ocean and sigh in vain.

If this martial ancestor simplified the path and wanted to preach the world, then the difficulty would inevitably decrease, and they would also have the opportunity to take this martial path and get a glimpse of the martial realm.

“Cough, sir has such a monstrous ambition, the old way I will live to that time, but I don’t want to be so wasted in this life.”

Zhang Sanfeng said that to tell the truth, he now has a sense of happiness, and it is really a great fortune to be able to be born in an era with this human being.

And he is a hundred years old, and the rest of his life is not long, but he can catch up with the time, and it is really a blessing to encounter such a situation of changing heaven and earth.

“Haha, real people, I see no problem for you to live for another few decades, and when the time comes for me to perfect the martial arts, it will not be a problem for you to break through.”

Fang Qin shook his head and laughed, this Sanfeng Daomen Xuangong is already the limit that mortals in the world can reach, the internal force has reached the peak, coupled with his martial arts concept of Rou Kegang, life extension is also quite good, and there is no problem in living for twenty years.

Moreover, before the method of refining the body, there was some understanding, full of vitality, coupled with this time of preaching and understanding, although only some of the skin was realized, but it is estimated that it is quite gained, and it is not a problem to improve a few points of skill, and it is easy to live for a few decades.

He felt that there was no suspense about this person who could break through, and if he couldn’t even break through this one at that time, others estimated that it would be very rare.

Then his preaching is estimated to have failed.

“Haha, Mr. Cheng’s auspicious words! This is also thanks to Mr. Gift, I have such a harvest, but unfortunately, although the harvest is huge,

But I am ashamed that I have not grasped the way that my husband has preached is too late.

I can only hope that after Mr. Li simplifies and perfects the martial arts, he can see if the old Tao’s dull qualifications can be broken. ”

Zhang Sanfeng was also smiling, as the saying goes, it is okay to die in the morning, and he is also happy to have the opportunity to embark on the martial path.

“If Zhang Zhenren is stupid and qualified, then wouldn’t I be even more miserable?” Hong Qigong shook his head and sighed, and then said to Fang Qin, “Sir, this kind of ambition is really for the benefit of the world, Hong Qigong worships!” ”

He was most heartbroken about this matter, and only felt that this human divine was indeed a god with a heart of great benevolence and great love, and he couldn’t help but sigh secretly that he did not say that this immortal god was mighty, and this one was also a sage.

“The heart of a virtuous son-in-law, I also yearn for.” Huang Yaoshi also sighed, looking at Fang Qinyuan’s immortal-like temperament, his heart could not be more satisfied.

Although his little girl loves to play and be naughty, he is really very satisfied with the aspect of finding a husband.

Seeing Zhang Sanfeng and Hong Qigong’s worship appearance, a sense of pride that could not be suppressed surged in his heart.

Ahahaha! Sure enough, it is worthy of my son-in-law, and his wish is indeed ambitious, and it is really earth-shattering!

Fang Qin glanced at Huang Yaoshi, who had a pleasant face, and secretly complained, Yue Zhang, do you want such a mood fluctuation?

However, it was also funny, and several people began to chat for a while.

Although Fang Qin was strong, he did not put up any shelves, so the atmosphere began to be quite relaxed.

Several people took advantage of Fang Qin’s recurrence, and he was in a good mood, so he quickly asked some questions, most of which were problems of practicing qi.

In fact, the other two courses involved very little, there was no clue, and I didn’t even know how to talk about it, so I could only seize the opportunity to ask some of the exercises that I was most familiar with and benefited the most.

Time passed unconsciously.

After the end of the discourse, Zhang Sanfeng and several people were amazed and revered to the extreme, and they had made great gains, only to feel that listening to Fang Qin’s suggestions saved him decades of asceticism.

And Fang Qin, while answering these questions, also constantly sorted out his own martial arts, which was quite fruitful.


Fang Qin returned to a courtyard in Wudang, which he had lived in when he first visited Wudang, and Song Yuanqiao ordered that no one else was allowed to live here, only to live with Mr. Fang.

This side was empty, but it was also cleaned until Fang Qin visited again.

“Fang Lang ~ you are back.” The little dragon girl stood quietly in the courtyard, thinking about her sister’s affairs and being a little distracted.

Seeing that Fang Qin’s cold eyes lit up and his face softened, Lian walked to Fang Qin’s body and raised his slim jade hand to take care of his clothes.

“Hmm.” Fang Qin was also in a happy mood when he saw the little dragon girl, gently touching her soft green silk, and directly wrapped his soft body into the small courtyard in front of him.

The little dragon girl rejoiced in her heart and sat with him in the small courtyard and spoke.

“Fang Lang…”

“Well, what’s wrong?”

“Sister Shi… When I came to see me this time, I didn’t want any Jade Girl Heart Sutra, and I was very happy. ”

“Haha, forgive her and don’t dare, with me here, she doesn’t dare to bully you, and now your martial arts are more powerful than her, and she is not a rival to Long Er.”

“Well, I can see that she didn’t lie either, but that’s not her main purpose, Fang Lang, Master Sister she… Maybe I like you too. ”


“She didn’t say it, but I can see it…”


“Sister Shi has already left, I guess I just want to see you, she is actually a good girl.”

Speaking of this, looking up, Mei looked at Fang Qin and said, “The previous things are over, and I don’t care about what she did before.” ”

Saying that, he lowered his head and said in a muffled voice: “Sister Shi treated me very well when she was young, but later she felt that Master was partial to me, so she made some contradictions…”

Fang Qin sighed and gently wrapped his arms around Xiaolongnü’s delicate and soft body, “Since you have already forgiven her, I didn’t want to think about it.” ”

Speaking of kissing lightly on the side of the white jade-like neck, he said, “But you, so kind, can make me feel sad.” ”


The little dragon girl’s face was red, her jade face was beautiful, and she had a little bit of charm, which added a little beauty.

The two of them grinded their ears for a while, said some thoughtful words, and then a delicate voice came from behind.

“Brother Qin~”

Huang Rongfang heard the noise in the house, came out to see, immediately ran out with a smile and giggle, the people in the room listened, and they were involuntarily attracted.

Zhong Ling and Xiao Zhao both stood up directly and followed out, leaving Mu Wanqing’s face slightly red, standing up and sitting down again, and finally couldn’t help but come out together.

A group of people sat down in the small courtyard, and for a while it was like a hundred flowers competing for glory.

All of them are extremely beautiful, and there are different and moving places.

A group of people spoke for a long time, and they all looked at Fang Qin with joy in their eyes.

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