Fang Qin put away this invitation letter, which was almost like a love letter, and looked back at the inquiring eyes, and some of them lost their laughter.

“Okay, I’ll talk about it later, let’s go back first, there’s something to say.”

Xiaolongnü and the others were just a little curious, and to be honest, they didn’t care about such things, naturally listening to his words and being quite curious about the things in his mouth.

Back in the courtyard, he sat down and smiled at a pair of clear eyes, “My martial arts are also quite accomplished, and during this time, I will help you cultivate your body, and then teach the Fa, and you can also cultivate this Fa.” ”

Xiaolongnü and Huang Rong were not surprised, they had already expected this matter, and the feelings between several people did not need to say anything more.

Although Xiao Zhao was extremely touched in his heart, he also knew the temperament of the Gongzi, so he put the emotion in his heart, and in the future, he served the Gongzi and his sisters well, and stayed by their side as a good little maid and was satisfied.

Mu Wanqing was quite incredulous, she had talked a lot with Huang Rong yesterday night, and Huang Rong also knew that she wanted to know some things about Fang Qin.

So she also told her some secrets that the world did not know, such as Fang Qin’s creation of the martial arts pre-realm, which made her both shocked and sighed, shocked and inexplicable, and obsessed, and the people she admired were much more powerful than she imagined.

Although she has already expressed her heart to Fang Qin, after all, the two have been together for a short time.

Now that such cultivation methods were to be taught to her, and to nurture their bodies for them, they couldn’t help but feel extremely complicated in their hearts.

Not only was she pleased with his kindness, but she was also a little afraid that this kind of Heavenly Gate would teach her only if it was not good, and she was afraid that it would take a lot of effort to cultivate her body, and she was afraid that the other party Qin would not be good, and she didn’t want to do this.

“This, I, is not appropriate, I still don’t want it…” Mu Wanqing said with some trepidation.

Even if Zhong Ling was a ghost spirit, he knew that such things could not be shown at will, and he was also a little timid: “Yes, Brother Fang Qin, this is your Immortal Law, but you can’t pass it out at will, but it’s not good.” ”

Although the two of them loved Fang Qin for treating them so well in their hearts, they were a little frightened and did not dare to accept it.

“There’s nothing wrong with that, I’m going to pass it on, you don’t need to think about it.”

As soon as Fang Qin saw them, he knew what they meant, and comforted them, and several people on the side of Huang Rong were also busy comforting.

“Yes, Sister Mu, Xiao Zhong Ling, now Brother Qin has achieved martial arts, and his life expectancy can be more than a thousand years, if you don’t learn, won’t we be sad after a hundred years, and there will be the pain of parting.”

Besides, don’t you want to be with Brother Qin and us all the time? ”

Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling gradually settled down a lot, and after listening to Huang Rong and others, they couldn’t help but think that if they were gone after a hundred years…..

Thinking of this, he was a little sad, and nodded hesitantly: “Yes, we know, thank you Brother Qin.” ”

Huang Rong also said something when he saw this, and the crowd chatted a lot.

Fang Qin saw that they were still a little hesitant and wanted to say, “You don’t need to have this pressure, this martial art will be simplified and perfected after a while, preaching to the world, and everyone in the world can learn it.”

The scene was suddenly quiet.

As soon as this remark came out, not to mention the Mu Wanqing sisters, even the little dragon girl Huang Rong and others were a little shocked.

“Even so, after this martial art, it will definitely be much worse than before, but it is enough.”

Only in this way can everyone have the opportunity to cultivate to the greatest extent….”

Seeing their stunned looks, Fang Qin laughed and said some of his thoughts, which were amazed by the hearts of the people.

Gu was shocked by his ambition, and looked at Fang Qin’s face with some confusion.

This matter was so fixed, after a day or two, Fang Qin also passed on the innate path of martial arts to Xiaolongnü and others, but they were really difficult to understand for the alchemy of the gods, and they could only ignore it.

Specializing in cultivating qi, refining the body together, there is Fang Qin specially teaching them a refining body practice with them, and Fang Qin has washed the pulp and refined the body for them, but they can barely practice.

In this way, although it is impossible to cultivate the three of them together, it is also good to be able to barely do it with refining qi as the main and refining the body as a supplement.

The speed of progress is extremely fast, and if you let others know, you will only be afraid of the red eyes.


The room was filled with clouds, and a stream of aura flashed with a hazy light and gathered here.

Fang Qin used Zhenyuan to refine her body for the little dragon girl, and then gathered some aura here, letting the little dragon girl’s body bathe in the aura, and letting her body passively absorb some and contain the body.

I don’t know how long later, after everything was finished, Fang Qin stopped, and the aura in this place quickly collapsed, and in a few moments it was already thin and there was no trace.

“This is the essence of the Nine Yin Ming Jade Gong’s Heart Technique, Dragon Er, can you remember?”

Fang Qin gently grabbed the gentle body of the little dragon girl and asked.

This “Nine Yin Ming Yu Gong” is a very suitable alchemy method for women created by Fang Qin’s re-deduction, which is deduced by combining a small part of the essence of the Nine Yin True Sutra and the Dragon Elephant Town Prison Sutra.

At the end of the practice, a body is like a bright jade, the external evil force is difficult to hurt, and in terms of physical strength, it is not weak, and it also has all kinds of wonderful uses.

Although Fang Qin felt far behind, he was helpless that this was the most appropriate, neither too esoteric and obscure, unable to comprehend, but also able to refine the body to the greatest extent.

Moreover, this cultivation technique can be regarded as the same origin as the internal strength of Xiaolongnü and Huang Rong and others, which is extremely consistent, and with Fang Qin’s help of Xuanmiao Zhenyuan, it can be barely cultivated.

“Well, I’ve basically learned, plus you protect me like this, and then as long as you practice diligently, Fang Lang’s physical practice is really very powerful, if it weren’t for you washing the pulp for me and cultivating the body, I’m afraid I can’t practice it, thank you Fang Lang.”

The little dragon girl looked at Fang Qin softly, he treated her well, she felt it, and her heart was happy.

“You don’t need to say these kind words.”

“Well, I know…”

Fang Qin saw her jade-colored and dizzy appearance, and couldn’t help but lean down, Xiaolongnü thought that she had just refined her body and was a little dirty, and hurriedly pushed away:

“No, I’m going to clean up and then …”

Saying that his face was slightly red, Lian Bu lightly ran away, leaving Fang Qin alone in the room.

“…..” Fang Qin couldn’t laugh a little, and that was the only way to go.

The little dragon girl took the initiative to give in, and was the last one to pass on the practice, and everyone else also received Fang Qinyun’s body teaching.

However, in the end, only Huang Rong and Xiaolongnü really got started the Nine Yin Ming Jade Gong, and the other people could only write down the Gong Fa because of their lack of skill, and then they could only start practicing after they had enough cultivation skills. _

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