It had been several days since the appearance of the Immortal Vision on Mount Wudang, and all the small towns and villages around Mount Wudang could be said to have seen the vision with their own eyes.

On the Wudang Mountain, a sea of gods appeared, and the sun and moon hung on it at the same time.

Seeing this shocking scene, the image of the immortal style.

Almost everyone went crazy, and countless people who got the news and speculated rushed directly to Wudang Mountain.

After the second day, the thousands of people who went to Wudang Mountain saw the immortals, and the news of receiving the blessings of the immortals made all the people who knew about it blush and sigh.

Especially at that time, some people who were close to the nearest but were timid and did not follow up were even more envious and jealous in their hearts, and regretted to death.

Naturally, such earth-shattering news cannot be concealed, and no one will hide it; those who have seen it have been fiercely discussed, and those who have not seen it have been moved by these convincing words.

However, within a few days, this shocking news swept through the land of Shenzhou like a soaring wind.

The world is spreading the vision of the gods and immortals on the Wudang Mountains.


Zhao Min looked at the small pond in the courtyard with some absent-mindedness.

A breeze blows through, blowing up the falling green silk, a goose yellow dress ripples and some swinging, like a fairy, the temperament is outstanding, beautiful.

It’s just a pity that no one can see such a beautiful scenery on earth.

“I don’t know if he saw the letters I wrote…”

Zhao Min muttered to herself, her face was slightly red, and there was a slight sullen and uncomfortable strange feeling in her chest, even if she was quite arrogant and had thousands of ambitions in her heart, she couldn’t help but be a little shy about the love letters she had written.

“Will he be willing to see me?” It seems that he and I have never spoken to him, yes, he is a god, but maybe he can’t look at me, I have to take the initiative, if I don’t come, I will go to him again. ”

Turning back, I picked up an ancient book and looked at it, but it didn’t take long to turn a few pages, and I couldn’t see a word, and I sighed a little annoyedly.

“It’s really annoying, he doesn’t know me, but I was made like this by him, Zhao Min, Zhao Min, you are really shameless~”

Just saying this, but she was not ready to give up at all, she fell in love with him, that is, he was a god, and he must let him know that it was, and if he did not accept it, it would be a matter of the future.

If you knew that he was a god at the beginning, maybe you wouldn’t have had such feelings in your heart, but unfortunately, at the beginning, I heard that he was a heroic hero, noticed him, knew his deeds, and became interested in him.

Until he was getting louder and louder behind him, when she first saw him, it was already on the Zhongnan Mountain, and she still remembered it clearly.

That god-like power made her ambitions fade a lot, which was both terrifying and fascinated her.

Thinking of this, I couldn’t help but think: “At that time, I seemed to be one of the few people who knew that he was a god, hee-hee, everyone else knew about him later, and I knew him a little earlier than others.” ”

Zhao Minwei smiled, his eyes were also bent, his posture was beautiful, and the surroundings seemed to be brighter a lot, and then he thought of several girls around Fang Qin who were not inferior to her, and he couldn’t help but be a little envious.

However, it was precisely because those sisters were by his side that she raised her own thoughts, so that she would not dare to talk about affection, after all, the other party was a god.

Gently lifting the lotus to walk to the side of the small pool, I saw the wonderful figure in the water, the airway I am not bad, I will let him look at me carefully.

“True, it is long past time to meet you, and maybe you can rejoice early.”


In an ordinary small courtyard, Deng Shang took out several letters from the official family, some of which were silent.

“The official family is only afraid that they are in a hurry, but the gods and immortals are not so easy to invite…”

Some helpless sighs, since this period of time, the official family can be said to have been paying attention to this Fang Immortal Ancestor, and six letters have been sent in a row in the ten days since they came to the Wudang Mountain area.

This shows the status of this Fang Xianzu in the hearts of the official family.

“Alas, those two letters must have reached the hands of the officials by now.”

Just thinking about the two letters he sent back, he couldn’t help but feel some scalp tingling, if the official family knew about the miracles of Wudang Mountain here, I was afraid that it would be even more…

Even the Holy Son of Heaven could not remain calm.

“It’s just a pity that I was hindered by things that day, and I was not able to go up to Wudang Mountain, and I lost a chance to splash the sky.”

Hiss ~ heartache!

Thinking of this, Deng Shang couldn’t help but leave tears of remorse, he was at the foot of Wudang and lost such an opportunity, when it was really a lack of taste for outsiders, it was unbearable.


“Brother Liu, I wonder what your plans are after that?” Fan Ze looked at Liu Qing enviously and asked.

If it weren’t for the Wudang Mountain incident before, he would never have expected that this ordinary-looking Liu Qing would have such a great opportunity, he had already seen the gods and immortals, and he had also obtained some of the Tuna Famen taught by the immortals.

Although the immortals did not pass down the Immortal Magic Gate this time, it was already blessed, and this person could be said to be a person with great luck, and maybe at some point he could really worship under the Immortal Gate at some point.

Even if you can’t estimate the achievement, it won’t be low.

Thinking of this, I can’t help but feel hot in my heart, although I used to look at this person quite well, but in fact, I didn’t care much in my heart.

But now he couldn’t help but want to make friends with this person, and even wanted to marry or not to have a good relationship.

Liu Qing took a sip of tea, looked at this person who needed to look up to before, but now he was talking to him in a good look, and couldn’t help but secretly think of the wonders of the world’s affairs, and he was an ordinary person who had achieved such an achievement after getting some immortal edges, and took a deep breath and replied:

“I don’t know for the time being, but I want to follow the gods now and be devout, maybe I can get the gods to take a closer look.”

Speaking of this, there was really some sighing, the Immortal Gate was naturally not something that these ordinary people could enter.

However, in his heart, he was indeed grateful for the grace of the immortal’s reconstruction, and he had decided to follow the immortals on a pilgrimage, even if he could not enter the Immortal Gate, he was also happy.

Fan Ze saw that his face was serious and religious, but his eyes lit up, and he was also moved by his statement.


The capital of the Great Song Dynasty, Fenjing.

In the Great Song Palace, when the son of today was full of excitement pacing here, from time to time he glanced at the letters in his hand, saw those extremely mysterious descriptions, and could not help but breathe quickly.

“The gods and seas are sealed, the sun and the moon are shining together, such a miracle is really a magnificent scene of the Immortal Family, the power of the Immortal God is even as far as this, Fang Xianzu is really the divine of the world!”

Song Zhezong’s face was flushed, and he couldn’t help but think about it, he had been reading a lot of ancient books of the Immortal Theory recently, and the theory of immortality seemed to be only the most basic and all kinds of incredible divine powers.

I couldn’t help but be fascinated for a while, but it was a pity that such an immortal style could not be seen by myself, and it was a pity!

I couldn’t help but pick up the letter and read it again, my eyes down, looking at the content of the next letter, that is, he had read it no less than ten times, and he still couldn’t help but feel that the tip of his heart hurt so much that he couldn’t breathe.

“….. There are thousands of people in the Wudang area who have come to the mountain gate to ask for the blessings of the immortals, and the immortals pity the heavenly rain and dew with the supreme immortal method to eliminate the disasters and diseases, and the people are all grateful for the zero!

There may be even more incredible benefits here. It’s just a gift from the gods, and subordinates don’t dare to speculate…”

Song Zhezong was greatly deplored, such a fairy fate, with the divine nature of the Immortal Ancestors, he was afraid of more than those, then there might be many mysteries in the heavenly rain and dew, and maybe he could prolong his life!

It was a pity that he secretly sighed that he could not see Fang Xianzu and look up to Xianzu Xianrong.

After pacing back and forth again for a long time, he still couldn’t help but write a letter with his pen again, called someone to come, and ordered it to be urgently delivered to the hands of Deng Shang, the Janissary of Wudang.

“Obey orders!” One man took the order and withdrew.

This was the fifth time that the book had been transmitted today, and the eagerness of the official family was evident. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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