Two days later, Wudang Mountain.

Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling want to say goodbye to a group of people.

Mu Wanqing looked at Fang Qin, his face was a little rosy, and he whispered softly, “That….. I’ll go back first, well, then I’ll talk to my father and mother before I come back to you. ”

“Well, take care of yourself, and you need to practice a lot of the exercises that you have passed on.” Fang Qin stepped forward and gently wrapped his arms around this beautiful and vulgar person, and a faint fragrance came out, extremely sweet.

Mu Wanqing buried himself in Fang Qin’s arms and replied in a muffled voice:

“Well, I know, I’ll listen to you.”

The other women also laughed when they saw it, not disturbing the intimate conversation between the two people.

These days are also familiar, after knowing that they are all going to be together, naturally there will be no contradictions, and the girls are people with good hearts, and they all love each other’s temperament.

After a while, the two separated, and Mu Wanqing saw a lot of smiling eyes that were a little shy.

Zhong Ling giggled when he saw this, and rushed to Fang Qin and said, “Brother Fang Qin, what about me?” ”

“Haha~” Fang Qin saw her cute appearance and also went up to hug her.

“Brother Fang Qin, Sister Rong’er, Sister Long, Sister Xiao Zhao, let’s go, Ling’er will come to play with you later~”

Zhong Ling jumped and jumped, and when he parted, he was not sad at all, knowing that they would soon be able to meet after a while.

“You little ghost spirit, let me hug too…” Huang Rong gently hugged this pleasing little girl, and she liked it so much, and her heart was also a little reluctant.

Zhong Ling and Mu Wanqing only left a letter with the palace for a while, and now that time has passed, they are afraid that the family is worried, and Mu Wanqing also wants to tell the family to clarify things, so that they can directly fight with Fang Qin in the future.

After all, they were the little princesses of the Southern Palace of Dali Town, and naturally they could not be too casual, and they needed to go back and explain clearly.

And Mu Wanqing’s heart has already spoken out, and her heart is also happy.

I couldn’t help but tell my parents that they already had a place to belong.

Although he was quite reluctant to be separated for a while, but he was not so entangled, and he would see each other soon, and it was very good that he knew that he was willing to accept himself in his heart.

The crowd said something considerate, and it was time to part.

Sister Mu Wanqing bid farewell to the crowd and slowly walked down the mountain.

Seeing the two Qianying go down the mountain, Fang Qin didn’t have anything to worry about, now that his strength had increased greatly, he was using Zhenyuan and Reiki to nourish their bodies, and the speed was much faster than before.

He also passed on some exquisite martial arts with them, and his strength can be said to be rare in the world, and naturally he is not worried, and he has left some means to be even less worried.

“Go back, pack up, in a day or two, we’ll have to go.”


It wasn’t until they couldn’t see the figure that several people turned around and returned.


The next day, Zhang Sanfeng and several people were taking advantage of Fang Qin’s free time to ask for some exquisite martial arts, and Song Yuanqiao walked in outside, and seeing that the timing was almost the same, he respectfully stepped forward and asked:

“Sir, there are many people on the Wudang Mountains who want to meet Sir, but I wonder how those people will respond?” I am ashamed that the number of these people is increasing, and I really don’t know how to go down like this. ”

Nowadays, there are many people coming and going from Wudang Mountain, and there are really many people who come to ask for immortals.

However, there were Daoist disciples of the Wudang Sect who blocked and added some warnings, so they did not come, plus the people who came here knew that there was a true immortal on this mountain, and they were also famous in their hearts, so naturally no one dared to make trouble.

As a result, it can be regarded as being safe for the time being, and nothing happened.

However, it still made a group of Wudang people quite arrogant, afraid of disturbing the immortals, but it was a big bad.

Now that the number of people is increasing, they are afraid of something going on, so they can only come to report it.

Zhang Sanfeng also frowned when he heard it, and some did not know how to deal with this matter.

Fang Qin didn’t care, “I know a little bit about their origins, so I’m gone, and I’m leaving tomorrow, so you go and tell them that I’ve left.” ”

Zhang Sanfeng Huang Yaoshi and the others were surprised to hear this, and quickly asked, “Sir, are you not staying for some days?” ”

Several people naturally hoped that Fang Qin would stay a few more days, and with this martial arts god, the martial arts path could also ask him for advice, and such an opportunity to consult was also a unique one.

“Well, before checking the ancient classics, the scriptures here have been read, so I want to go to the library of the Great Song Palace, which should be the largest place to store books, maybe I can gain a lot, and it can also help me improve the martial arts.”

Zhang Sanfeng was a little ashamed: “Old Dao, I am a little greedy, alas, this matter is still the matter of perfecting the martial arts.” ”

“Yes, it is still the matter of sir, I just need to wait for Mr. Wang’s good news.”

Hong Qigong also echoed the Tao.

Song Yuanqiao was waiting outside the palace these days, and naturally knew some secret things, which he had already known and expected, and he couldn’t help but be excited to hear Mr. and Master’s words about martial arts.

However, he did not expect that this person would actually leave tomorrow, and he also sighed and was a little disappointed, and he thought of what Fang Qin said:

“Oh, sir, the one has come to you again, and this is the envelope.”

He said and handed a letter to Fang Qin.

“….. Okay, I get it. ”

Fang Qin took over, and it was another letter wrapped in silk.

Looking at the letter in his hand, his heart was silent for a moment, the girl was really persistent, this is the fifth time.


At the mountain gate of Wudang Mountain.

A group of people said goodbye here.

“Sir, walk slowly, the old way is waiting for Mr. Good!” Zhang Sanfeng said with a respectful look on his face that he knew that in a period of time, when this human divine and martial ancestor was perfected, the world would change forever.

At that time, it was like the Spring and Autumn Period a thousand years ago, when a hundred schools of thought were fighting for the world!

Even more so than it was then, this is a great opportunity for everyone, and the world may change dramatically.

“Real people stay, just send it here.” When Fang Qin saw them worship, he knew that it was useless to say anything, and he could only accept their worship.

Huang Yaoshi also came to the front and said, “Son-in-law, Rong’er will be entrusted to your care.” ”

Speaking to Huang Rong on the side, he said, “Rong’er, you are already a big girl, but don’t mess around like before, listen to your husband’s words more.” ”

Huang Rong didn’t expect her father to say this in front of a crowd of people, around her ghostly spirit, never caring about others, but also a little shy: “What husband, have not yet become relatives.” ”

Seeing his father glaring at him, he immediately spat out his tongue and said, “I know, Daddy, you also have to take care of yourself~”

“Yue Zhang, rest assured, Rong Er is very well-behaved.”

“Haha, so I’m relieved.” Huang Yaoshi looked satisfied and extremely satisfied.

Hong Qigong also stepped forward: “Sir, thank you very much for preaching and solving my puzzles during this time, Hong Qiming feels five inside!” ”

Song Yuanqiao, Zhang Wuji and others also came forward to pay their respects: “Sir, walk slowly!” ”

“Oh, let’s not go over here.” Fang Qin gave up, it was already difficult to say anything about their respectful kneeling, and they did not dare to have the slightest respect and follow them.

Together with the little dragon girl Huang Rong Xiaozhao and the others went directly down the mountain.

Fang Qin and they left, while Huang Yaoshi and Hong Qigong were not ready to go out so quickly, which benefited a lot during this period, but there were still many unknown places in it, planning to stay in Wudang Mountain to comprehend the way Fang Qin had preached, and several of them were good at confirming each other.


“Brother Qin, are we going to that Zhao Min girl’s place?” Huang Rong’s eyes rolled and he asked somewhat slyly.

“….. Well, go meet up. ”

“Well, she visited several times, didn’t see you, and wrote so many love letters, she really wanted to meet her.”

I think she is also a very good girl, and it is normal for Brother Qin to pity her. ”

Huang Rong was also curious about this girl to tell the truth, it was really in today’s era, this girl’s approach was also extremely difficult.


Fang Qin was a little helpless, and the little dragon girl and Xiao Zhao on the side looked at it with some smiles.

One is that as long as Fang Qin is good, she doesn’t care, and the other is also thinking that she will just take care of one more sister.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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