On this way down the mountain, there are many people coming and going, all of them want to visit the immortals, and they respectfully and reverently climb the Wudang Mountain.

These people are actually people who have their own needs, and it is quite troublesome to meet.

However, Fang Qin’s current strength was able to easily solve these trivial things.


A faint soft spiritual force enveloped Fang Qin and the others around them, and the people in the distance would make it impossible for people to see clearly, that is, they were also confused by the spirit when they saw each other, and subconsciously ignored the past and only thought that they were ordinary people, and even within a few inches of the surrounding area, they could not even get close.

This was a small spiritual circle made by the improved Soul Transfer Dafa after the transformation of spiritual power, and the scope was within a few inches of Fang Qin’s body, of course, it could also be extended according to the situation.

This is just a small skill on the one hand of the [Spirit], one of the many benefits of the [Spirit God] cultivation is that the ability is omnipotent, and cultivation can almost be involved in the future, just depending on how Fang Qin himself uses it, whether he can dig it out.

Xiaolongnü, Huang Rong, and the others were extremely amazed, such means could not be regarded as ordinary martial arts before, and no martial arts could be achieved before.

This martial art was able to do such a strange thing, and he knew more about Fang Qin’s abilities, and his heart was extremely happy about it.

As long as Fang Qin was good, they would also rejoice.

All the way to the foot of Wudang Mountain with some interest, through the town at the foot of the mountain, to a manor house on the outskirts.

There were many armored warriors guarding the area, and there were also many martial arts masters waiting outside, among whom the two elders and one of the head masters were the highest.

Fang Qin glanced at it and didn’t care, so he wanted to take Xiaolongnü and the others directly inside.

“Hee-hee, Brother Qin, that Zhao Min girl wants to see you so much, let’s not go in and disturb you, you can meet well.” Huang Rong couldn’t push back, and smiled softly.

“Yes, son, go inside, and we’ll wait for you outside.”

“Oh…” Fang Qin knew from seeing their appearance that they had probably planned to do so early on.

The little dragon girl also took a step forward, and the jade hand helped him sort out his clothes:

“Fang Lang, that Zhao Min girl often comes to visit, her letter I also read, I can see that she has the meaning of admiration between the lines, you go in to see her, if it is really intentional, we don’t care.”


Fang Qin could naturally feel their strong affection and secretly sighed to himself, so why should his wife ask for such a husband.

Take them to a little farther away to rest and wait.

He entered the manor with a big swing, but the people around him were unaware, and it was really strange.


Zhao Min sat in the small courtyard with his legs hugged in tears, sad, and from time to time grabbed and threw a small stone and threw it out.

Boom boom

“Well, Zhao Min, you have to cheer up a little, isn’t it just a little setback, so…”

Having said that, she still couldn’t help but feel a pang of grievance, during this time she had visited Wudang many times, and as a result, she had not been able to see him every time, so after a while, even the people who were usually extremely high in heart were a little hit by autism.

He only thought that he did not want to see himself, and he was not a little secretly hurt.

She had been like this since she was a child, and when she was a child, she looked like her, and everyone who had seen her liked her, including many Mongolian princes, and many people changed their methods to be courteous to her.

However, she didn’t care about those boring people at all, and when she grew up, she also had great ambitions and wanted to do a big career, so that she didn’t have the girl’s mentality since she was a child, and she acted quite boldly and bluntly.

It was this time that he loved Shangqin that even though he knew that he was a god, he still plucked up his courage, did not care about the girl’s reservedness, bravely ran to Wudang Mountain to visit, and handed over several love letters in succession.

It’s just that he didn’t know if he didn’t see the letter or what, he had not been able to see each other, and he hadn’t responded, so even if Zhao Min was quite heroic in his heart, he couldn’t help but feel sad about the love of his children.

Call the maids away and run alone in the small courtyard.


His chest was tight with annoyance, and some couldn’t help but cry out in a low voice, tears running across Yingying Shengyu’s skin.

A handkerchief was handed over, Zhao Min subconsciously took it, and then froze, reacting, and the posture of the little daughter on her face seemed to converge a lot for an instant.

Willow’s eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and although his eyes were tinged with a little tears, he glanced at the past like a sword, and he had a look of dignity that made people awe-inspiring and did not dare to force their eyes.

Rather majestic, Yuzi said, “Didn’t I mean to tell everyone not to go down?” You…”

Seeing the appearance of the person who came, I couldn’t help but lose my mind directly, and I couldn’t say anything more, I looked at it in a daze, and the awe on my face disappeared, leaving only a beautiful femininity.

When Fang Qin saw this person’s face, he was in a trance, remembering that he had met this person on the Zhongnan Mountain, and he also noticed this person nearby in the matter of the light top behind him.

However, I hadn’t paid attention before, although I thought this person was extremely handsome, but I didn’t think about it in any way, and now when I think about it, they have indeed seen it.

And she is now dressed in a women’s dress decoration, her face is misty with tears, her skin is tender and snowy, and she is extremely beautiful, which makes people feel pity.

Looking at her previous face changes, her eyes are like electricity, and she can’t help but sigh a little, this girl is quite heroic and arrogant when she is serious and awe-inspiring, majestic and heavy, and the last stunned appearance is also beautiful and delicious, extremely charming.

“What, aren’t you going to see me?” Now why should we drive people away, and if this is the case, then we will resign. ”

Laughing around with interest, saying that he was going to leave, Zhao Min reacted somewhat to his senses, and quickly raised his jade hand to directly grab Fang Qin’s arm, and said in his mouth: “Don’t, don’t go, I, I want to see you.” ”

The sound is delicate and sweet, very beautiful and pleasant.

Zhao Min’s heart was really surprised and happy, Fang Cai’s haze was swept away, there was only one thought, he came to see me, he was willing to come to see me, was it …

Thinking of this, the jade color was dizzy, the hand was not loose, but it was held up, and the delicate and smooth little white hand held Fang Qin’s right hand straight, and the water in his eyes stared at Fang Qin’s face that he had been thinking about day and night.

Her face was rosy, she smiled softly and said, “Don’t you go, I’ve always wanted to meet you, but I haven’t been able to do so, don’t you want to go, I want to talk to you.” ”

The heart fluttered and jumped, as if the ears could also hear, the heartbeat was so fast that even some of the chest was uncomfortable, and the cheeks were hot,

Zhao Min knew that his face should be extremely red now, although extremely shy, but he still went straight to those dark and deep eyes.


Feeling that strong emotion, even Fang Qin was a little silent.

Seeing her appearance, Fang Qin was accustomed to seeing a lot of stunning colors, and he couldn’t help but secretly marvel, this one is really extremely delicate and beautiful,

Looking at her jade dizzy, Qiu Bo stared at herself, her eyes were full of joy and admiration, and she couldn’t say anything if she wanted to tease her, and sighed.

“Since I have come, I will naturally not go straight away, and you can rest assured.” _

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