“Well…” Hearing this, Zhao Min smiled, and as if she were delicate, her small white hand gently grabbed Fang Qin’s arm and pulled him to sit down in the small court.

The two said something, most of them were Zhao Min again, she was indeed not like the average Central Plains woman, shy and introverted, and some of her thoughts were said to Fang Qin.

Talk about affection, how you know how he knows him, and how he pays attention to him.

Zhao Min used to be unable to stand others seeing her as a female streamer, underestimating her, and most of all, he couldn’t look at the twisted and pinched posture of his little daughter.

Unfortunately, when I met Fang Qin, my previous thoughts were completely gone.

Gentle and soft, delicate and gentle, it is not at all like the heroic and arrogant female Haojie before, but a little girl full of admiration.

After a long conversation, he suddenly looked at Fang Qin with some resentment, biting his lower lip and saying, “You, when I visited you before, you weren’t there, yes, is there anything important?” ”

Saying that, he was a little nervous, and he was a little nervous about Fang Qin’s next answer.

“Well, well, there are a lot of things that have been delayed.”

At that time, Fang Qin washed the I Ching for several girls, tempered their bodies, and taught martial arts, so naturally there was no time to go out.

Seeing her somewhat nervous and curious eyes, she could only say this.

“Well, I see.”

Zhao Min was relieved to hear this, smiled, and looked at Fang Qin with beautiful eyes:

“Ah, by the way, I’ve prepared some gifts for you, but I haven’t had a chance to give them to you, so I’ll take you to see.”

Grabbing his hand, he stood up and said, “I’ll take you to that place.” ”

Fang Qin smiled and the two of them came out of the small courtyard and came to a room, and Zhao Min gently pushed open the door.

The two walked in, and Fang Qin was a little surprised to see the situation inside.

I saw rows of bookshelves lined up here, volumes of books neatly arranged, and here was a rather large library of books, which is quite a lot in terms of this number.

“I knew you were going to see Shaolin Wudang to check the scriptures, so I sent someone to collect these hundred classics, which I always wanted to give you, but I didn’t have the chance, and I didn’t know if you still needed these now.”

Speaking of this, Zhao Min looked at Fang Qin with some hope, hoping that he could have a little joy, then her kung fu would not be in vain.

Fang Qin picked up a book, casually looked at it, but it was a scripture book that had never been seen before, and as soon as the spiritual power was swept away, the general content was circling in his mind, and it was also a little joyful.

There are many repetitions in the books here, but there are also many that have not been talked about before.

“Are you going to give me all this?” The number of books here is not a small number. ”

Although it is the Song Dynasty today, the knowledge of books is still relatively expensive, especially there are many orphan ancient books here, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the books here are worth thousands of dollars.

“Well, it’s all for you, it was meant to be for you.” Zhao Min saw him talking and knew that this book might be quite useful to him, and he couldn’t help but look happy.

As if thinking of something, he hurriedly said:

“Ah, there are so many books here, I’ll send them to you, it’s a lot more convenient.”

Fang Qin laughed and said, “No, since you have given me all this, can I take it directly?” ”

Zhao Min was a little confused, how to take so many books, he couldn’t help but nod his head and say yes, and wanted to say something, he felt a breeze in the room, and in an instant, all the books in the room disappeared and cleaned.

I couldn’t help but look stunned, a little confused, and it took a long time before I came back to my senses, extremely curious, and looked at Fang Qin with a sparkling look in my eyes: “Could this be the Immortal Technique of Mustard Seed Sumiya and Qiankun in the sleeve?” It’s awesome! ”

Seeing that there were also strange techniques recorded in these ancient books and Buddhist scriptures, he couldn’t help but be a little shocked, and he couldn’t imagine that Fang Qin could even do such a spell.

Fang Qin smiled and shook his head, although he was already in the innate realm, it was not enough to involve this kind of space method, which naturally relied on the system’s [space] ability.

Now that he has transformed [God], his spiritual power can be extended at will, and he still needs to contact objects in the past to enter [space], but now he can directly collect it in the air, only need to use his own spiritual power as a guide, and can do it within the scope.

“How come, this is obviously a sleeve of work, I can see it, you are so powerful.” Zhao Min was overjoyed, only to feel that he had learned some of Fang Qin’s abilities again.

It was also a joy to see him accept his gift.

“Aunt Zhao Min, you have a heart for these books, thank you.”

“Well, no thanks, you, just call me Minmin, can I call you Brother Qin?”

“Min Min, you can call it whatever you want.”

The two of them talked for a while in the study next to them, and seeing that the time was almost up, Fang Qin said, “I’m leaving.” ”

“….. Yes. ”

Zhao Min’s face darkened when he heard this, and he was slightly overwhelmed, so he grabbed Fang Qin’s hand and said, “Brother Qin, do you want to come to see me from time to time, if I invite you, are you still willing to come?” ”

“Well, yes, I’m going to Beijing now and collect and consult some books, which will be of great use in the future.”

“I know you must have a lot of things to do, and I, want to be with you, okay?” Zhao Min bit his lip, but still couldn’t help but hesitate to ask.

“After a while, after a while things will end, then…”

“Well, then you’ll come and pick me up, and you’ll be sure of it!” Zhao Min was overjoyed when he heard this, as if he was afraid that Fang Qin would repent, and directly grabbed Fang Qin’s hand and hooked him up.

Fang Qin smiled a little, but he could also feel the girl’s strong affection.

“Before you go, do something for you.”

“Eh!? Now, ah, I see, well, here you go. Zhao Min seemed to think of something, her face was slightly red, and the secret passage would not be too fast, but if it was him, she was naturally willing.

Fang Qin was a little speechless, this girl had something in her mind.

After that, Fang Qin washed the I Ching for Zhao Min, refined his body, and passed on some martial arts to Zhao Min to let her cultivate first.

Zhao Min was extremely clever, and he quickly wrote it down, although there were many unclear places, but after that, the enlightenment should slowly go deeper.

“Well, thank you very much.” Zhao Min only felt that his face was hot, and he had just misunderstood, so ashamed.

The two talked again, and Fang Qin was ready to leave.

“Brother Qin, can I go and meet my sisters?”

“Huh?” Fang Qin looked at Zhao Min with some surprise.

Zhao Min chuckled and said, “Since Brother Qin is leaving, the sisters will naturally leave with you, and I guess right.” ”

“Well, they’re waiting outside.”

“They didn’t come in, I know this is the sisters’ kindness, Min Min knows, and I want to meet them, thank you very much.”



After saying that, he took Zhao Min out of the manor, Zhao Min looked at it with some curiosity, and it was a surprise to see that all the people were ignoring them, but thinking of Fang Qin’s strength, he felt normal. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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