The two of them walked to a relatively remote bamboo forest in the distance, and then they saw Xiaolongnü and the others, and Fang Qin spread out his spiritual power and revealed his figure.

“Brother Qin~”

The Xiaolongnü naturally saw Fang Qin, and also saw Zhao Min behind Fang Qin.

Fang Yi saw the mask and was full of admiration in his heart, such a beautiful person.

Zhao Min had naturally seen these people, but they were all far away, although he knew that his body shape must be extremely beautiful, but this was the first time that he had observed it at such a close distance.

Seeing that one is cold and elegant, one is beautiful and reiki, and the other is delicate and loving, but they are all the most beautiful people in the world, I can’t help but sigh at the beauty of these people.

And Xiaolongnü and the others were quite curious about this Zhao Min girl who had visited and written letters one after another, and now they were a little surprised by her beauty at first sight.

Zhao Min took a deep breath, came to Xiaolongnü and the others, and said, “Hello sisters, my name is Zhao Min, and the sisters call me Minmin.” ”

The language was quite close and courteous, and the little dragon girl also responded one by one.

“Just call me Little Dragon Girl.”

“Hello, my name is Huang Rong.”

“Miss Minmin don’t call me sister, just call me Xiao Zhao.”

A group of people have spoken for a long time, and they all have a certain understanding of each other’s temperament.

Fang Qin saw that the time was almost up and said, “Min Min, we are leaving.” ”

“Well, then, then you must remember to come and see me later, Sister Long, Sister Rong’er, Sister Xiao Zhao, I will go back first.”

When saying goodbye, I was quite reluctant, but it was already very good to see Fang Qin show my heart today.

When Zhao Min returned to the manor, the soldiers were surprised for a while, they had never seen this county lord travel at the gate, and they didn’t know why she would come back from outside, but they didn’t dare to talk much about the county lord’s affairs, pretending not to see it.

The Second Elder of Xuan Di and Kutou Tuo were a little nervous, this was the lord of the Mongol Ruyang King, and if there was any mistake, they would also have to suffer.

“Lord, I don’t know what is going on?” Why…..”

Tsurubion shouted respectfully outside the courtyard with some uneasiness, and the other two stayed aside.

“Nothing, just see the people you want to see, a few masters go down.”

A faint voice came out, and several people respectfully said yes and retreated.

Fang took a few steps, and then he reacted, isn’t the person the county lord has wanted to see all this time that one…

Gu Du’s pupils narrowed, and they looked at each other, and they both saw the horror in each other’s eyes.


“Brother Qin, the Minmin girl is really very good-looking, no wonder Brother Qin loves it, hee-hee.” Huang Rong was a little cunning, as if he was sour.

“Rong’er is also extremely cute and amiable, and I love you very much.” Fang Qin could not know her thoughts, and reached out to straighten her hair.

Huang Rong’s face turned red when he said this, and the two Xiaolong Female Xiaozhao were smiling at the side.

A large number of people walked slowly with laughter and laughter, and there were many respectful and pious immortal seekers who went to Wudang, but I was afraid that they did not expect that they would actually meet with the sacred.

The world’s thought of the gods and immortals has left the mountain, but the impact is still continuing.


In the real world, there was a lot of discussion in the forum, discussing the divine blessings on the Wudang Mountains that day.

“Regret, I am very sorry now, why did you quit the game at that time to play, you said you played a fart, missed the spell buff of the Fang God Gangster, really wanted to strangle yourself at that time.”

“Ahhh! I also cried, I am very far away from the Wudang Mountain, I can’t go anywhere, if I had your close, I would have climbed over and hugged my thighs. ”

“Anyway, did any big guys come out to explain what the situation was at that time, I read it back and forth dozens of times,

Could that point of light in Fang Shen’s hand be the legendary aura? Is this a spell? Did the big guys on the scene come out and explain it, what was it like? What are the benefits? ”

“I don’t know, anyway, the bull will be finished.”

“At the scene, talk about the feeling, very comfortable feeling, cool and cool, feel the body relaxed a lot, the mind also has a feeling of empty.

The advantage is that I did not cultivate the internal force before, at that time, I directly cultivated the internal force on a whim, which can only be said to be magical, and the most important thing is that after so long I can finally know what it feels like to have internal force, comfortable. Fang Shen is awesome! ”

“I lean on! Crying, is it true, directly cultivate the internal force, envy! ”

“What is this, the one above is a spicy chicken, some big guys have directly opened a meridian, and the benefits are very much.”

“Well, indeed, I’ve talked to some big guys, and it’s true that the more powerful the person, the more benefits there are.

Some of the direct internal strength is small, the strength of martial arts began to show its first hints, cool to die, and now the big guy is still experimenting with martial arts, playing happily. ”

“WF? Depend on! I’m jealous beyond recognition! ”

“Hiss, this is also too cool, it feels like I went up several levels in a row, crying, why wasn’t I there at the time, ah, the storm crying!”

“Fang Shen is really worthy of cultivating immortals, this kind of thing can be done at will, alas, if I can worship Fang Shen as a teacher, it would be good.”

“I see you’re thinking about farting, you go out and ask who doesn’t want to, is it still your turn?”

“Gan! I want to practice martial arts, ah no, I want to cultivate immortals, who will take me? ”

“Specially, Lao Tzu is now going to follow the Fang God big man, where the Fang God goes, I will go, and strive to be the first small follower under the Fang God seat, maybe when the Fang God is happy, the direct Reiki is lost, Lao Tzu can lie down and upgrade.”

“Makes sense, I will go, go with me!”

“Fang Shen is too difficult to see, and now that he may have left, don’t report that there is much hope.”

All the people were envious and jealous of some players who went to Wudang Mountain to get the Fang God upgrade buff, although more and more people have refined their internal strength now, but the base number is huge, there are still many people who have not refined it.

And even if there is internal force, the benefit is greater.

Seeing that this is already a good thing that can be regarded as a direct experience upgrade, hate cannot replace it.

I can only secretly hope that the next time a Fang Shen big guy appears, he must hold his thigh.


【Power System】 Project Team, a crowd of people are also discussing.

Leader Xiao had the instructions above and also came to inquire.

Dean Chen is a little excited, this period of time can be described as a frequent occurrence, but it is a good thing for people who love research.

“What kind of substance is this, and why does it have such a big effect?” What are your guesses? ”

A younger person said, “Yes, we didn’t speculate before, maybe this power is a cultivation immortal system, then this substance will not be similar to the Heaven and Earth Reiki in the online novel.” ”

Speaking of the faces of the people here, he was relieved to see that they were all listening carefully, and he was afraid that people here would not like the strange words of those online novels.

He continued, “What is manifesting now is that the body has become better, the cultivation effect has increased greatly, many people have refined the internal force, and many people have directly opened up the meridians, indicating that this power is extremely beneficial to the human body.” ”

Academician Chen nodded his head and quite agreed: “It is indeed possible that Xiao Chen thinks more broadly than we do, has been exposed to a lot of interesting information, and is indeed more fantastic than those of us.” ”

Team Leader Xiao asked with some inquiry: “Can we find and use this substance, if it can be used, it will be extremely helpful for our research.” ”

“It’s hard to say, we sent a lot of people at that time, and when we came back, they all did testing, and they didn’t detect any other special substances, but their bodies were indeed much better, and we don’t know what form that substance is.”

“Alas, study hard, the state has high hopes, and we cannot drag the country backwards!”



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