After several more days, all the people who came to Wudang Mountain were told that they knew that the immortals on the mountain had left, and it was a great disappointment to sigh so much.

The immortals are too ethereal to be seen.


“I don’t know where the gods go?” Can you please ask Song Zhangmen to make it clear. Deng Shang was a little anxious, but during this time, the official family was very urgent, and repeatedly asked him to invite the immortals to meet.

It was just that he had not been able to see Fang Immortal before, so he delayed, and did not think that in just a few moments, the Immortal had already left, which made Deng Shang frightened for a while, worried that he would not be able to explain to the official family.

“I am naturally not qualified to inquire about the whereabouts of the immortals.” Song Yuanqiao knew that this person in front of him was a member of the imperial court, and naturally he would not offend, and sighed.

“Ah, yes, the immortals are naturally not something that I can see, but the official family is really admired, and wants to meet the immortals, I don’t know if I can …”

Seeing him like this, thinking of Master Fangcai’s command, it is also the Tao:

“Where the immortals went, I don’t dare to speculate, but when the immortals talked with the family teacher, they said that they might go to the library of the Great Song Palace to consult the scriptures, and I don’t think you have to be so anxious.

Deng Shang was surprised to hear this, thinking that when he first saw the immortals, he had indeed said so.

“Yes, I know, thank you very much for informing me.”

After hurriedly thanking and retreating, he immediately returned to the town under the mountain, took out a pen and paper, wrote a message about the immortals who may soon go to Beijing, and immediately asked people to quickly send a whip to the butler, so that the official family could make plans early.


Five days later, the capital of the Great Song Dynasty, Beijing, was extremely prosperous, and people could be seen everywhere.

Fang Qin and Xiaolongnü and the others revealed their figures, attracting the attention of the surrounding people, it was true that these were really gods and immortals like the heavens and the earth, which made people marvel, but there was a strange feeling in their hearts, and they did not dare to look at it much in awe.

Fang Qin and a few people didn’t care, and they were quite comfortable walking on the road.

This way here is really quite interesting, now everything is not disturbed, naturally it is also relaxed and comfortable, and the little dragon girl Huang Rong a few people along the way to play in the mountains, but it is a good period of happiness.

I walked to a crowded restaurant, and in the eyes of a large number of people, I went to a rather elegant banquet and ordered some wine and dishes.

They were relaxed and relaxed, and everyone downstairs discussed.

“That kind of arrogance, I don’t know where the princes and nobles are, when people really see it, they can’t help but feel awe.”

“Obediently, those three girls are really heavenly fairies and mortals, I have never seen such a good-looking person, and that prince is really a blessing.”

“That person is also like a figure of the immortals, and it is no wonder that he does not know what the origin is, but it must be extremely extraordinary.” Looking at the grandeur of his whole body, he did not look like a mortal, but rather like a bit…”


As soon as this remark came out with some noisy noises, everyone listened to this unintentional remark one by one, and they were reminded that some of them had a taste of it, and they were shocked and uncertain.

For some time, the smell of the gods has been discussed by everyone.

Thinking of some rumors that the immortal who showed the immortal spell at Kunlun Mountain and Wudang Mountain was an extremely handsome man, often accompanied by fairies,

Thinking about the posture and temperament of the person just now, and the few fairy-like girls around him, Gu couldn’t help but have an unbelievable thought arise.

Is that really a god, and he actually met a god!?

A crowd of people looked at each other, and they all couldn’t help but be moved, this immortal was rumored to be an extremely benevolent and compassionate immortal, and those thousands of people on the Wudang Mountains had been eliminated by him and blessed by the immortals, how enviable it was.

At that time, after hearing this news, there were still a lot of people who couldn’t help but go out to Wudang Mountain to meet the immortals, and then they heard that the immortals had drifted away early and disappeared, so they gradually stopped this trend.

But even so, there are still many people who have made up their minds, and with their luggage, they go out to find the immortals and ask, hoping to worship under the immortals and teach the art of immortality.

Although a few people were not sure, they couldn’t help but want to go up, meet them, stand up, and the others looked at it, not willing to fall, and wanted to go up.

Just then, there was the sound of horses’ hooves outside, heavy footsteps sounded, and one after another armored soldiers, led by a soldier, opened the way in front and entered the restaurant.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the Holy Son is here, and no one else, please recuse yourself for the time being!”

The leader saw the large number of people inside, and couldn’t help but frown and drink.

“Ah!” Everyone was stunned, and some couldn’t help but look outside, an extremely gorgeous jade sword, and there must be a son sitting inside.

Originally, when they saw the emperor traveling, these people might still be excited, but now, many intelligent and clever people have their eyes on the second floor.

Why did the Son of Heaven travel for no reason, you must know that His Majesty the Emperor must have opened the road in advance to declare his authority and also ensure the safety of travel, and now this has not been opened in advance, why did the Emperor come here?

So eager to travel, such a thought, an answer is about to come out, the one upstairs is really a god, even the emperor’s official family needs to come in person.

I couldn’t help but breathe quickly, and wanted to immediately go up and kneel down to worship the immortals, and the others, although not so smart, also returned to God when they saw the appearance of a large number of people.

The scene seemed to be beginning to be a little chaotic, and the leading general couldn’t help but see this.

“Don’t back down yet, the Holy Son of Heaven is here!”

“No, just tell them not to get into trouble.” Zhao Xu, who was traveling in luxurious civilian clothes, did not want to lose his manners in front of the immortal gods, and after listening to Fang Xianzu’s rumors, he knew that he was a benevolent immortal, and he was certainly not happy to see his soldiers treat the people like this.

“Obey orders, officials!” When the general saw that the official’s family had already come here, he was taken aback, and he hurriedly let a group of soldiers guard it, and went forward and knelt down on one knee to answer the question.

When the surrounding people saw this noble and majestic young man, and saw the actions of many soldiers and generals, they knew that he was the Holy Heavenly Son of the Present Day, and the authority of the imperial power for a long time was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and some of them were not concerned, some of them performed rituals, and some of them directly bowed down.

“See the official!”

“Meet the officials!”

The words were mixed, and these people did not have a unified manner, but they were all extremely respectful.


Huang Rong listened to the voice and turned to Fang Qin, “Brother Qin, it seems that the official family has come.” ”

“Well, I know, but it’s pretty fast, huh.” Fang Qinchao didn’t care, he had expected it early on, and he had seen it.

The purpose of not hiding the figure is to remind, but also to see how this Great Song official family wants to act, how long it will take to know, I did not expect that this person reacted quite quickly, so he came directly to the front after a while. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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