Nearby pedestrians retreated, and many people stopped to watch from a distance.

The restaurant was guarded by soldiers, and the rest of the people did not persuade them to leave, but let them stay in their places and not move around.

Zhao Xu took a deep breath and looked at the direction of the upstairs, his heart was full of excitement and some uneasiness.

A few days ago, after receiving correspondence information from the Janissaries, knowing that Fang Xianzu might come to Beijing during this time, he was overjoyed and ordered the guards to go down and pay attention to the whole of Beijing.

If there is a encounter that matches the description, do not disturb the disrespect, and immediately return to report.

Originally, this work was really troublesome, not to mention that as the most prosperous capital city today, how big the flow of people in the whole of Beijing is, it is really difficult to find people from such a range, not to mention that only the description does not have a portrait, it is even more difficult to find.

However, the reality is that the traces of immortals were soon found.

As long as you have seen Fang Qin, you will be attracted by the temperament like a fairy, plus the description above, it is easy to confirm.

Song Zhezong listened to the description of the next person, and already had a little certainty, and immediately drove directly to meet the immortals.

Although he is the Son of Heaven, he does not dare to have the slightest disrespect in the face of such holiness, and he needs to go respectfully.

Now that the immortals he had been hearing about were on this floor, he couldn’t help but get nervous around the Great Song official’s house.

Slowly came to the upper side, came to a private room, the general on the side wanted to open the door for the official’s house, but was directly stopped by Zhao Xu.

“Don’t be disrespectful!”

Then he bowed respectfully to the inside and said, “Fang Xianzu is in front of him, and Xiao Zixu worships Xianzu!” Want to ask to see the Immortal Ancestor! ”

The generals on the side were a little wide-eyed when they heard this, and they looked at them with shocked faces, and there were many astute people among the soldiers who were somewhat guessing, while some were in the dark.

Now when he heard it, he realized that the person who was in the fire of the official family to come to see was actually a legendary immortal, and his heart could not help but be shocked, seeing the official family performing the ceremony, he did not dare to lose respect, and immediately bowed down directly.

“Come in.”

A gentle voice came, Zhao Xu looked surprised, and even the road was, telling the soldiers and generals on the side to guard and gently push the door in.

As soon as Zhao Xufang entered, he found the figure that looked like a concubine, and a wave of awe rose in his heart, and he hurried forward: “Xiao Zixu has seen the Immortal Ancestor!” ”

Fang Qin only then met with this Great Song Lord, and when he saw it, he found that although this Song Zhezong’s face was rosy, his spirit was glowing.

It is really strange, although the inside is quite weak, but it will not be so short-lived, such a face is not like the appearance of early death, why in history in the history of twenty years old died.

“Get up and sit down!”

“Yes, thank you Xianzu!”

Zhao Xu was a little excited, and finally saw the legendary immortal, and you can imagine the happiness in his heart.

Some of them sat down and looked at this table and there were a lot of dishes and chopsticks, thinking that they were accompanied by fairies before, and now when outsiders came, the fairies were not good to appear.

In fact, Xiaolongnü and the others did not want to disturb Fang Qin to talk about serious matters, so they avoided it for a moment and waited next to them.

“You are an official of the Great Song Dynasty, and you don’t need to be so restrained and ask you, what do you think of the world?”

Zhao Xu was taken aback, he did not think that the immortals actually asked about this, but when he thought that this was a benevolent immortal, he must not want to see the people suffering, and after going through it in his heart, he directly said what he had in mind.

In this way, Fang Qin occasionally asked a few questions, and this big man gradually became less nervous, and let go of a lot of direct answers.

After a long time, he stopped, and Fang Qin thought about it, this historical and resounding king was really quite ambitious, and he wanted to do what he Song Taizu had not been able to accomplish

And he did make a difference in military history by severely damaging the Western Xia and collecting the Qingtang region, both of which can be seen as an ambitious emperor, not like the weak Song style.

However, when he was in power, the change of law offended too many enemies, the situation in the imperial court was quite chaotic, and he died violently when he was only in his twenties, and there may be some of these strange and dark reasons.

But on the whole, this person as an emperor is also good, but he can help a bunch first, but then how to do it depends on his own behavior.

Zhao Xu was a little nervous, not knowing that his answer could win the favor of the immortals.

“Well, that’s good.”

“Xianzu is assured, I will naturally work hard and do political work, and I will certainly let the Song Dynasty shine for thousands of miles.”

After talking about this, Zhao Xu wanted to talk and stopped, and seeing Fang Qin’s flat face, he finally couldn’t help asking:

“Immortal Ancestor, the Immortal God Theory has a long history, and the boy is extremely admired and in awe, saying that there are many magical spells in it, and his skills are extremely extensive.

I don’t know, I don’t know if there are immortals… The art of immortality? ”

Fang Qin looked at Zhao Xu amusedly, “Immortality? Do you think I can live forever? ”

“Oh, Fang Xianzu Immortal Figure, naturally can live forever, and the little boy Zhao Xu looked to the Immortal Ancestor and granted the Law of Immortality.”

Speaking of this, some people can’t help but kneel down, but this temptation is really unstoppable, and all the emperors in history cannot withstand such a temptation.


A strange and soft force made Zhao Xu unable to kneel, and he was amazed, the power of the Dark Dao Immortal was really powerful, and it was a burst of excitement.

“Without this, I will tell you directly, what is said about the immortal gods, that is the imagination of the world, it should not be true.”

“This, how is this possible! The sanctity of the immortals is seen by the world. Zhao Xu was stunned, and some of them couldn’t believe it.

“How difficult it is to live forever, where it is so easy to do, you don’t have to think about it, but…”

Zhao Xu was disappointed, thinking that the immortals were not willing to pass on such a supreme immortal law to me, so they would say so.

Since he paid attention to Fang Qin’s affairs, he had let many people collect intelligence, and he was shocked by what he had done.

The visions of the Thousand Armies of Yi, the Divine Power of Kunlun Mountain, and the Radiance of the Sun and Moon of Wudang Mountain are all solid evidence, and it is impossible to cheat, who else in the world can do it except the gods?

He already regarded this as a true god in his heart.

That’s why they came to see the immortals in a hurry, of course, there was also the desire for immortality in their hearts.

As a result, the immortals told him that immortality was impossible, but this made him not believe it, and he only thought that he could not be blessed by the immortals.

This listened to the previous words or lost in his heart, but the words behind him made him ignite a glimmer of hope and hurriedly said:

“But what does the immortal have to do for the boy to do?” Although the boy did not dare to say that he could do anything, but in this human world, the boy asked himself that there were still very few things that I could not do. ”

“Even if you have a heart, I know your thoughts, don’t think about immortality, even I can’t do it, it is okay to pass on some of your life extension methods.”

“This… Yes, thank you very much for the gift! ”

It was really a mountain and a river with no way out, the willow dark flowers were bright and another village, originally thought there was no gain, the immortals really did not want to pass on the immortal law with him, but they did not expect such a harvest.

As for what Fang Qin said about not being able to live forever and immortality, he didn’t believe it, so sacred, how could he not do it?

It was also excellent that he could get some small and small Fa, and then he couldn’t help asking, “Immortal Ancestor, I don’t know how long this method can prolong life?” ”

Fang Qin said with interest, “If you spend some time practicing every day, with the assistance of some precious medicinal materials in the palace, you can live to be a hundred years old at will.” ”

“Sizzle! Ah, thank you immortals, thank you immortals, thank you for the Immortal Ancestral Law. ”

Although Zhao Xu was a little disappointed that he could not live forever, but he did not have much expectations, he only hoped that he could prolong his life, and now he could live at least a hundred years old.

To know that since ancient times, there have been many emperors with short lives, and even more so that they can live to be a hundred years old, and he hopes to see the immortals so that he is also a part of the worry and fear.

Moreover, listening to the tone of the Immortal Ancestor, you can live to be a hundred years old at will, so if you seriously practice the Immortal Spell, can you get longer?

I couldn’t help but pray again with great joy: “Thank you Immortal Ancestor for giving the Fa!” Boy Xu Ming sense within five! ”

Then as if thinking of something, he said:

“I heard that the immortals wanted to read the classics, and when I found out, I deliberately asked people to collect some books, and now the library contains thousands of volumes of scriptures and classics, and they are ready to be sent to the immortals.”

“Well, you have a heart.”


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